Even more ideas...

SupaFredSupaFred Join Date: 2013-03-03 Member: 183652Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Supporter, Reinforced - Silver, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Silver
Notepad is getting full again so it's time for a new post with ideas and suggestions
  • Tech tree needs to be clearer. I think it's difficult to see for example if marines have phase gates built or just the tech researched. Increase the contrast between structures/tech that are done/available/unavailable?
  • Keyboard shortcut to logout from the cc/hive. Sometimes you have to logout quickly.
  • Marine comm should be able to start scans everywhere. As it is now it doesn't work if you click outside the map for example.
  • Bug: The research progress bar showed to the marine comm is reset when you logout and back in the cc.
  • Bug: Sometimes a single click on a structure selects all structures of that type. Really bad when you have two pgs in view as marine comm, select one to recycle but accidentally recycle both because both were selected.
  • Regeneration sound should be removed or at least lowered. The sound you make makes it virtually impossible to hide as alien when you've taken some damage. If your team only have one or two shells the regen sound is going to go on forever. It doesn't make sense to me.
  • Make it possible to change your vote after a couple of seconds. There needs to be a couple of seconds between your votes to prevent chaos but it should be possible to change your mind/correct a mistake.


  • cooliticcoolitic Right behind you Join Date: 2013-04-02 Member: 184609Members
    Wait, marines can hear aliens regen sound?
  • RedSwordRedSword Join Date: 2006-12-07 Member: 58947Members, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Supporter
    edited September 2015
    I agree with the regen sound; sometimes (rarely though) regen is more a curse than anything else.
    SupaFred wrote: »
    • Keyboard shortcut to logout from the cc/hive. Sometimes you have to logout quickly.

    This is to take careful, as it does buff the scan. It allows possibly to scan small parts of more areas (though possibly covering less playable surface). I'm divided on this issue. Maybe allow and remove 1/0.5 unit(s) of the huge range of the scan (18 I believe ?) ?
  • LamboLambo Iceland Join Date: 2012-08-07 Member: 154915Members, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Supporter, Reinforced - Silver, Reinforced - Shadow
    you can bind a key via console to logout from comm.
  • Soul_RiderSoul_Rider Mod Bean Join Date: 2004-06-19 Member: 29388Members, Constellation, Squad Five Blue
    coolitic wrote: »
    Wait, marines can hear aliens regen sound?

    How else do you think players find 'hidden' skulks so easily? They take some damage and go hide with their regen. Making a sound and having this green glowy particle effect on them, makes the best hidden skulk easy to find.
  • NordicNordic Long term camping in Kodiak Join Date: 2012-05-13 Member: 151995Members, NS2 Playtester, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Supporter, Reinforced - Silver, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited September 2015
    Soul_Rider wrote: »
    coolitic wrote: »
    Wait, marines can hear aliens regen sound?

    How else do you think players find 'hidden' skulks so easily? They take some damage and go hide with their regen. Making a sound and having this green glowy particle effect on them, makes the best hidden skulk easy to find.

    Regen is still better than carapace and celerity in my opinion. It is such a strong upgrade.
  • ArchieArchie Antarctica Join Date: 2006-09-19 Member: 58028Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Supporter, WC 2013 - Supporter
    It's almost becoming impossible to Ambush these days, sometimes you show up on the minimap even before a marine approaches a corner which gives away your position, rather annoying when it's a skulks job to "skulk"

    regen sound is pretty loud but good enough to pinpoint where skulks are etc, also what is annoying is that as a marine you can't always tap with crouch (like walk function from ns1) but it still makes the sound of your taps, sucks to sneak.
  • YojimboYojimbo England Join Date: 2009-03-19 Member: 66806Members, NS2 Playtester, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Supporter, Reinforced - Silver, Reinforced - Shadow
    Yeah, do agree regen sound is too loud, alot of players dont realise people can hear you long before they can see you, I'd say NS2 is 60% sound 40% vision!
  • MaxAmusMaxAmus UK Join Date: 2003-12-26 Member: 24779Members, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Reinforced - Shadow
    Yep, hearing is how i mostly play, i normally hear anything moving or healing around the map, add in 7.1 surround sound and i can pinpoint normally exacly where its coming from,

    I think seeing skulks that are not moving and are idle appearing on the minimap is not a good thing, unless your looking direactly at the skulk, but at times marines will enter a room, and i am telling them there is a skulk behind them, as i can see it on my minimap, and i am not even near them, So thats sorta bad.
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