Oculus 0.7 Compatibilty
AK Join Date: 2015-09-11 Member: 207885Members
I've been searching around for any discussion on this issue but it seems no one is talking about it. Is there any time frame on subnautica's compatibility with the latest oculus drivers? Currently the game is unplayable on the latest oculus runtime and I was hoping this would be fixed in the latest update. Just wanted to make sure that the right people are aware of this issue.
Love the game! Happy Diving!
- Ridog
Love the game! Happy Diving!
- Ridog
We're big VR fans and being Early Access means sometimes things will break, especially as VR tech development is moving so quickly. We're currently investigating upgrading Subnautica to Unity Engine 5.2, which *should* mean we're back up and running with Oculus support again if we do make the move.