Training a few pets...

CMonster0125CMonster0125 United States Join Date: 2015-09-09 Member: 207850Members
I was training my puppy this morning when I had the following thought:

I know that Stalker can be temporarily 'tamed' with fish, but can this be taken further?
  1. Use the Stasis Rifle to stun an aggressive fish (Stalker, Bone Shark, etc.), use the Transfuser to take a sample of the DNA.
  2. Use the Specimen Analyzer to determine what makes the best bait/training food & repellent
  3. Use the kitchen-module to make bait pack or repellent pod (based on creature type)
  4. Use bait pack to lure creature type in. After a few applications, creature is no longer hostile to player. After repeated applications, creature will defend player.
  5. Or, use repellent pod to drive creature away for short duration. Repeated applications will drive off creature for good.

You could clear an area to make a base, or train a pack for defense. I imagine that Reapers could only be driven off, not trained.


  • mmintomminto Los Angeles Join Date: 2015-09-18 Member: 208012Members
    Brilliant idea! I love the idea of long-term complex interactions with a given species. I think eventually it ought to make it so you could have a display room where you collect various species in tanks. Maybe even whole schools of fish could be grown in large vats to provide consistent food.
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