Cyclops Docking-Moon pools



  • UnatanUnatan California Join Date: 2015-09-17 Member: 208002Members
    Submarine docking stations don't normally attach to any docks unless they are pulled completely out of water for major hull repair
    Most typical type of docking stations just cable tie to stabilize it.
  • lorcogothlorcogoth belgium Join Date: 2015-09-14 Member: 207943Members
    even if they are going to add it they can't do it right now because this would be really late game and there aren't any biome's that are available for such late game blue prints
  • BugzapperBugzapper Australia Join Date: 2015-03-06 Member: 201744Members
    Submarine docking collars do exist in the real world. Mainly used on submarine rescue vehicles (DSRVs).

    A Cyclops Docking Collar is a perfectly reasonable item to place on the wish-list. It would be even better if it could recharge the Cyclops using base power.

    Failing that, a nuclear reactor upgrade for the Cyclops would solve quite a few problems.
  • Seamothwizard44Seamothwizard44 Join Date: 2015-09-17 Member: 207995Members
    I know so if we had that almost NO recharge
  • paradineparadine usa Join Date: 2015-09-18 Member: 208004Members
    Even the bio-reactor would be good for the Cyclops. I like the idea of a collar for docking because then you can connect while facing any direction. I would also like to see the dive hatch able to open/close like a door and have a small ladder in it to let us climb in. It could be done so that when you're docked it extends into the base collar.
  • smackumzsmackumz US Join Date: 2015-10-13 Member: 208465Members
    I would rather see a docking hatch or a series of base modules to be found and built in parts so the player can decide if they want a docking room with a sleeve or a full blown bay or somewhere in between.

    Maybe the modules could include the following:

    Docking structure thats like a big block like room. When connected they create a hallway. When 4 are connected in a square, they create a larger square room. These structures could be built with or without a floor. So a series of them without a floor surrounded by a series with a floor could create a moon pool like structure.

    A docking sleeve to allow transfer to a base. When attached to a corridor they don't transfer power, but when attached to a docking structure mentioned above they do recharge the cyclops.

    Create a new appliances to research new upgrades / repair the cyclops. These appliances like the moon pool console can only be placed in the docking structure.

    This way the player can decide based off the environment to build a small room with a sleeve, a larger docking bay with tools, or start small and grow. I know I'm dreaming big here but I like options!
  • Seamothwizard44Seamothwizard44 Join Date: 2015-09-17 Member: 207995Members
    So new blueprints and fragments then?
    I would still like to see a proper dock, can any of you sketch?
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