How I would change the Sea Moth

SojoSojo Florida, USA Join Date: 2015-09-20 Member: 208061Members
edited September 2015 in Ideas and Suggestions
1) First off, it's too easy to build and it's components, or rather lack there of, don't make sense. Currently it only takes 3 titanium, 2 glass, 1 lubricant, and 1 power cell. That is less titanium than you get from 1 salvage, so I think given its size it should require 5-6 titanium. Given how few things require lubricant and how much we can easily make, I think more of it should be used in recipes, so it should require 2-3, but maybe 1 lubricant is actually a large amount, so that one is of the least concern. Naturally it should require a wiring kit, perhaps even an advanced one.

The bigger missing thing though is a or maybe some computer chips! Where is all of its on-board advanced computers coming from? If a computer chip in this game stands in for a computer, it should require 1, but if it really is only meant to be a microprocessor, which seems to be the case based on what uses it as an ingredient, we should have to first build a computer (say from 1 titanium, a number of computer chips, and 1 wiring kit). After all we need something that uses all the silver and gold we end up swimming in and its not like table coral (for the computer chips) is rare. I know that an advanced wiring kit includes one computer chip, but if we had separate computers, it could just be 2 gold, as the regular one is just 2 silver and then anything that requires an advanced one would also require at least one computer. If it did use an advanced wiring kit, which requires gold, its fragment should be in the Grassy Plateaus where gold is present. Yes I know that means we wouldn't have a Sea Moth for the first few biomes, and given how small the map is, I think that might be the best part of these changes! The first phase of the game should feel more desperate and it should be more meaningful once you get your first sub, given how powerful it is.

2) I love that we can upgrade and spec it out, but I wish all of its upgrades were visible, such as form-fitting solar panels appearing on it once we give it that upgrade, armor plating, etc. But what it really needs is for these upgrades to be applied and changed only while docked in a Moonpool. It is too easy and nonsensical that you can just pop a canister in a slot in the field and totally alter the nature of the vehicle, plus it would make Moonpools more useful. Arguably you only need one to make all the upgrades, especially since with the solar power one you never need to charge it in a Moonpool again, if you don't want to. So I think the upgrade panel should be removed from the sub's side and its interface can be used at the upgrade console to both build and install the upgrades, which by the way should take up more space than just 1 in your inventory, perhaps 2x2 or 3x3 (solar panels, armor plating, depth plating, etc are somewhat big).

3) It is nice that it gets scratched up as it takes damage, but actual breaches that start filling our cabin with water once we are seriously damaged would be awesome! As should be done with breaches to the Cyclops, they should be visible inside and out of the sub and the "water pouring in" animation should stop once the sub is full of water. This would obviously cause us to start drowning and slow the Sea Moth's speed, while we try to escape to a safe depth >:).

4) We should be able to access our Sea Moth's storage compartments and torpedo launchers while it is docked in both the Cyclops and Moonpool, currently you have to undock it and jump out to do this, then jump back in. This is particularly silly and potentially dangerous depending on where we are.


  • 04Leonhardt04Leonhardt I came here to laugh at you Join Date: 2015-08-01 Member: 206618Members
    I'd think making it require a whole Titanium Ingot would make it more balanced.
    3 Salvage chunks and you're there.
  • sayerulzsayerulz oregon Join Date: 2015-04-15 Member: 203493Members
    I would also like to build it in a way that makes any sense instead of using magic lasers :neutral:
  • 04Leonhardt04Leonhardt I came here to laugh at you Join Date: 2015-08-01 Member: 206618Members
    sayerulz wrote: »
    I would also like to build it in a way that makes any sense instead of using magic lasers :neutral:

    No fabricators, then.
  • SojoSojo Florida, USA Join Date: 2015-09-20 Member: 208061Members
    Yeah, I think the "magic blue lasers" are fine and necessary in this game, given this future tech involving matter reorganization (think Star Trek style replicator).

    I realized something I missed: We should be able to access our Sea Moth's storage compartments and torpedo launchers while it is docked in both the Cyclops and Moonpool, currently you have to undock it and jump out to do this, then jump back in. This is particularly silly and potentially dangerous depending on where we are.
  • 04Leonhardt04Leonhardt I came here to laugh at you Join Date: 2015-08-01 Member: 206618Members
    I'd like to be able to access, or at least check the Seamoth's inventory while I'm in it.
  • SojoSojo Florida, USA Join Date: 2015-09-20 Member: 208061Members
    Well, not the Sea Moth's, as those compartments are on the external hull, but we should definitely be able to open our own PDA and view our inventory! That's just silly that we can't. Just thought after playing a bit, that it would be nice if we could turn it's flood lights on and off and if having them off could help us remain unnoticed by predators and turning them on in a deep sea creature's face could dazzle it so we would have a chance to flee.
  • McKabyMcKaby England Join Date: 2015-08-19 Member: 207291Members
    Sojo, I noticed you said "access storage while in Moonpool" you can, not tried the Cyclops (assuming nope) but you can in the Moonpool, as for the Torpedoes, they do need to be exterior loaded, as their muzzle loading.
  • 04Leonhardt04Leonhardt I came here to laugh at you Join Date: 2015-08-01 Member: 206618Members
    Have the Torpedoes automatically reload from those stored in the storage pods, but only on the same side.

    So if you got 2 torpedo system upgrades, and 2 storage pod upgrades, you'd have two reloading torpedo pods on each side, with a total of 10 torpedoes, and 5 shots per side.
  • SojoSojo Florida, USA Join Date: 2015-09-20 Member: 208061Members
    McKaby wrote: »
    Sojo, I noticed you said "access storage while in Moonpool" you can, not tried the Cyclops (assuming nope) but you can in the Moonpool, as for the Torpedoes, they do need to be exterior loaded, as their muzzle loading.

    Sorry, emphasis was on the "and". I meant it would be nice if the platform allowed us to reach the torp launchers too, but honestly that was just a minor point of the post. I could live with them never bothering to do that; I'm just OCD about details :smiley:.
    Have the Torpedoes automatically reload from those stored in the storage pods, but only on the same side.

    So if you got 2 torpedo system upgrades, and 2 storage pod upgrades, you'd have two reloading torpedo pods on each side, with a total of 10 torpedoes, and 5 shots per side.

    Good to know, but I was talking about being able to access the launchers in the moonpool and cyclops directly. Currently we have to undock it and do that in the water, whether that interaction is direct or indirect through the storage compartments, as you suggest.
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