Baby Fish (Re-Upload)
United States Join Date: 2015-06-03 Member: 205186Members

This is a re-upload of my Baby fish file from the ideas forum but when i noticed that more people read general then Ideas I moved it over,
The main idea of this document is that the game will have more dynamic fish spawning so that sometimes you can go into caves and find fish eggs and these will spawn if there is at-least 2 in the area they will find a secluded location away from predators and a cloud of back smoke will appear and then fish eggs will spawn on a nearby wall or floor and then they will swim away the more fish in the area the more likely they will follow this course of action then when there are a large amount of fish in the area they will spread out this will also accrue with hostile fish causing tension to increase as the enemy fish spread out, as in real life after a wail the eggs will become smaller versions of the full sized fish with the smoke effect also occurring when that happened with it saying in game that this fluid helps them develop in the egg, and fish with scales will have part of there body without them showing there under skin.
This will cause there to be more tension when playing the game because it can cause mass food shortages in part of the world but also there being more hostiles with ways to harvest them in the egg state will add extra things for you to manage, along with this the fish will age over time making it so that you can get different amounts of food from different ages and the gel from the eggs can be used in new crafting recipes or if they add poisons to the game different fish eggs you have to harvest to cure them.
I want an honest opinion so that if people like this the developers can see it, its just an idea i came up with because it can add extra depth to the game and on different difficulty's or in the options menu you can change the chances of fish breeding so that people who have different views or want it to be more or less challenging can have it there way with the possible option of having it as it currently is.
Someone named Sojo was the only Pearson to read my last one and also comment on it so im going to put his comment here,
Well, fish eggs are coming, perhaps in the next update according to the Trello boards, but I think they are only to be collected for the new research mechanic, but just as we should be able to do something with surplus fragments, it would be cool if we could craft something with surplus fish eggs.
Now if there were more of them and if you didn't collect them in time they actually hatched, that would be awesome; we really need animals to respawn. These newly spawned baby fish should swim away and form a shoal and regularly from the shoals adults should be born. Bigger fish, like Bonefish wouldn't form shoals of course, but it would be awesome to find their eggs (unless they give live birth as many real sharks do) or juveniles.
I think it would be too much work for this game for the fish to slowly age and their amount of food supplied to increase. I like how the shoals (which already represent juvenile small fish) aren't edible. I'm fine with only being able to eat the adults. Perhaps this is because our future human is more ecologically sensible, plus it's just more efficient to grab a single big meaty adult than have to chase down a dozen bite-sized snacks.
The main idea of this document is that the game will have more dynamic fish spawning so that sometimes you can go into caves and find fish eggs and these will spawn if there is at-least 2 in the area they will find a secluded location away from predators and a cloud of back smoke will appear and then fish eggs will spawn on a nearby wall or floor and then they will swim away the more fish in the area the more likely they will follow this course of action then when there are a large amount of fish in the area they will spread out this will also accrue with hostile fish causing tension to increase as the enemy fish spread out, as in real life after a wail the eggs will become smaller versions of the full sized fish with the smoke effect also occurring when that happened with it saying in game that this fluid helps them develop in the egg, and fish with scales will have part of there body without them showing there under skin.
This will cause there to be more tension when playing the game because it can cause mass food shortages in part of the world but also there being more hostiles with ways to harvest them in the egg state will add extra things for you to manage, along with this the fish will age over time making it so that you can get different amounts of food from different ages and the gel from the eggs can be used in new crafting recipes or if they add poisons to the game different fish eggs you have to harvest to cure them.
I want an honest opinion so that if people like this the developers can see it, its just an idea i came up with because it can add extra depth to the game and on different difficulty's or in the options menu you can change the chances of fish breeding so that people who have different views or want it to be more or less challenging can have it there way with the possible option of having it as it currently is.
Someone named Sojo was the only Pearson to read my last one and also comment on it so im going to put his comment here,
Well, fish eggs are coming, perhaps in the next update according to the Trello boards, but I think they are only to be collected for the new research mechanic, but just as we should be able to do something with surplus fragments, it would be cool if we could craft something with surplus fish eggs.
Now if there were more of them and if you didn't collect them in time they actually hatched, that would be awesome; we really need animals to respawn. These newly spawned baby fish should swim away and form a shoal and regularly from the shoals adults should be born. Bigger fish, like Bonefish wouldn't form shoals of course, but it would be awesome to find their eggs (unless they give live birth as many real sharks do) or juveniles.
I think it would be too much work for this game for the fish to slowly age and their amount of food supplied to increase. I like how the shoals (which already represent juvenile small fish) aren't edible. I'm fine with only being able to eat the adults. Perhaps this is because our future human is more ecologically sensible, plus it's just more efficient to grab a single big meaty adult than have to chase down a dozen bite-sized snacks.
You can't post ideas in the wrong forum, because you feel your post deserved more attention, that's not how it works :P
More like reproduction.
Maybe injecting the DNA of another creature into the egg would create an entirely new, hybrid creature.
This would be a massive undertaking for the devs, however.
Like there could be an incubator that can inject DNA into the eggs its incubating, and it would give you a small visual of the new species you created.
Like, combine a Stalker and a bone shark, and you get a shark man with swords for arms.
Combine a crash with a jumper and you get a critter that jumps off of walls like a torpedo and explodes.
It would be so cool. Like Spore, but with a limited number of combinations.