NS2 Updates creating a 0.27% increase in players (half a person). What is the long-term plan?

tallhotblondetallhotblonde Join Date: 2012-12-11 Member: 174770Members, Reinforced - Supporter, Reinforced - Shadow
Is there a plan at all?

Community members are trying everything from twitch streams and events, to running competitive tournaments and rebuilding the actual game in their own time (thanks CDT!)

Would be interesting to hear what might be on the horizon, if anything.


  • NovoReiNovoRei US Join Date: 2014-11-18 Member: 199718Members
    edited October 2015
    All you said above is effective for creating a new player base. NS2 player market has already been captured. Those actions will capture a meaningless amount of new players. NS2 retention is low.

    Instead of focusing on maintaining the game the focus should be new players / expanding the game.

    Change game lobby page.
    Include game modes in the lobby (combat, ns, siege, marineVSmarine, ctf, others)
    Allow friend parties.
    Rework team balancing tools.
    Create single-player campaign.
    Rebagde NS2 as NS3.

    marineVSmarine is a great opportunity to increase the player base of this game. By adding marine classes and game modes for mVSm you create an environment familiar for new players (tf2, bf4, cs, insurgency).

    CDT roadmap is here:
  • cooliticcoolitic Right behind you Join Date: 2013-04-02 Member: 184609Members
    edited October 2015
    There have been countless discussions on this. UWE for the most part has moved on from NS2 and new players is at best a secondary-priority for the CDT.
    NovoRei wrote: »
    Rebagde NS2 as NS3.

    You should work at EA, I'm sure they would love your ideas.
  • BeigeAlertBeigeAlert Texas Join Date: 2013-08-08 Member: 186657Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Diamond, Reinforced - Shadow, Subnautica Playtester, Pistachionauts
    Is there a plan at all?

    Yes there is. Sorry, I can't say anything more at this time.
  • HoliHoli Sweden Join Date: 2014-01-28 Member: 193600Members
    NovoRei and Wob should stop playing... They keep on having higher scores than me for no obvious reason and this gotta stop! :'('
  • develdevel Join Date: 2014-09-13 Member: 198444Members
    edited October 2015
    coolitic wrote: »
    NovoRei wrote: »
    Rebagde NS2 as NS3.

    You should work at EA, I'm sure they would love your ideas.

    This is totally reasonable if we look at how people choose games.

    And we need hats, lots of them. Connection to the Steam economy is a huge thing.
  • aeroripperaeroripper Join Date: 2005-02-25 Member: 42471NS1 Playtester, Forum Moderators, Constellation
    The mostly technical updates have been great, but the game needs new content to stay fresh just like any other. Unfortunately, that takes a huge amount of dev time, especially with an all volunteer team.
  • cooliticcoolitic Right behind you Join Date: 2013-04-02 Member: 184609Members
    edited October 2015
    @devel I was specifically talking about the the rebadging NS2 as NS3, which is basically cheating a bunch of people for some quick cash.

    That being said, UWE will not even think about NS3 until Subnautica and Future Perfect near completion.
  • 2cough2cough Rocky Mountain High Join Date: 2013-03-14 Member: 183952Members, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Supporter
    NovoRei wrote: »
    NS2 retention is low.

    Rework team balancing tools.

    VERY ironic coming from you, sir. I'm not sure I've seen you stick with your team for a whole round in a pub game as you take "balancing tools" into your own hands...

  • ZavaroZavaro Tucson, Arizona Join Date: 2005-02-14 Member: 41174Members, Super Administrators, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Silver, Subnautica Playtester, NS2 Community Developer, Pistachionauts
    coolitic wrote: »
    new players is at best a secondary-priority for the CDT

    False. It's a huge priority, but one that requires tackling a huge problem. We take our approaches very carefully, and we will have more information later.
  • NovoReiNovoRei US Join Date: 2014-11-18 Member: 199718Members
    edited October 2015
    2cough wrote: »
    NovoRei wrote: »
    NS2 retention is low.

    Rework team balancing tools.

    VERY ironic coming from you, sir. I'm not sure I've seen you stick with your team for a whole round in a pub game as you take "balancing tools" into your own hands...

    Instead of you being ironic you could make actual constructive arguments.

    The "matchmaking" need 3 elements to work properly.
    1. A rank system. We have the "hive skill" and it works fine.
    2. A balancing tool. We don't have a good one. FET, KDR, Balance by hive score, all of them produce more often unbalanced matches than balanced ones. It doesn't take into account the player team preference, locks the player into a team, creates commanding issues, etc.
    3. A rank update algorithm at the end of the match. What we have works. I believe improvements could be made (mentioned in another topic) but it's not critical. HH should be invested elsewhere.
  • Saffron_bakerSaffron_baker Sweden Join Date: 2015-06-09 Member: 205352Members
    It's propely just me but it feels like more and more people are joining or athleast more old players are online.
    Couse when i joined ns2 there was only 2 servers with peps online. Now it's usual with 5 or even more servers with Peps in. And i realy think the game is going up again. Slowly but for sure (athleast i hope so)
    I just joined the comunity at the delerict update so athleast not a half person :P.
  • FrozenFrozen New York, NY Join Date: 2010-07-02 Member: 72228Members, Constellation
    NovoRei wrote: »
    All you said above is effective for creating a new player base. NS2 player market has already been captured. Those actions will capture a meaningless amount of new players. NS2 retention is low.

    Instead of focusing on maintaining the game the focus should be new players / expanding the game.

    Change game lobby page.
    Include game modes in the lobby (combat, ns, siege, marineVSmarine, ctf, others)
    Allow friend parties.
    Rework team balancing tools.
    Create single-player campaign.
    Rebagde NS2 as NS3.

    marineVSmarine is a great opportunity to increase the player base of this game. By adding marine classes and game modes for mVSm you create an environment familiar for new players (tf2, bf4, cs, insurgency).

    CDT roadmap is here:

    Youre a cheater.
  • Saffron_bakerSaffron_baker Sweden Join Date: 2015-06-09 Member: 205352Members
    edited October 2015
    I also think the comunity realy could do stuff like maps and skins.
    Like if 10 peps do skins and 5 are good enough for the game it would be more interesting and more people would mabey buy deluxe edition.
    Or Making a having to do somethings to get skins. Like have a lerk dubbelkill within 5 seconds (on a non modded server) and win 50 Times as a commander. And when you got a sertan amount of (missions)
    You get that shotgun or gorge skin.
    And including some comunity maps like Caged that realy work good and look well enough to make it in to the game should be offical maps!
    Ofcurse the creator must aggre and evrything like that. But if i could have my Map included in to the game (i got none as of yet) i would work a crazy amount of time.
    Even if i got no money it would be one of my biggest priority of my year. (Can't promise anything).
    Yeah thats all i had to say.
    Edit: sorry for 2 post in a row forgote the Edit option.....
  • RaZDaZRaZDaZ Join Date: 2012-11-05 Member: 167331Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited October 2015
    Only way imo to bring people back or get new players to take a look is to just be boombastic. The recent loading time change which is a godsend for me as I've easily spent dozens of hours on the loading screens but that isn't going to bring new players back or into the game although it will help retain them.

    You need big sweeping ideas, I liked @NovoRei suggestion for MvM. I actually had a lot of fun with that mode when it was briefly popular on the public servers, nothing serious but a change. I would also seriously recommend brushing up combat mod or integrating combat standalone into the client of NS2, probably an impossible task at this point but it would get a lot of people looking at NS2 again.

    I also recommended a newb/rookie mode in the past where resource rates are much higher, less punishing for new players who quite frankly, sit on skulk/rifle 90% of the game which isn't fun. Skins, cosmetics would also be good, do what valve does with DOTA and have people vote on skins that should make it into the game if that is even possible at this stage.
  • NordicNordic Long term camping in Kodiak Join Date: 2012-05-13 Member: 151995Members, NS2 Playtester, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Supporter, Reinforced - Silver, Reinforced - Shadow
    Benson wrote: »
    I think a good place to start to grow the player base, is to make getting a game started easier.

    This means, making it easier to seed servers (easy server seeding = more players joining servers = more games played = higher player count)

    Realistically, I think the best way to make seeding servers faster/easier/less boring would be a global chat at the main menu, with subchannels for region and looking for server.

    This would let players at the main menu ask if anyone else is looking for a game, and allow all the players looking for a server join at once.

    Currently, I think most players launch NS2, see 2-3 full servers, and 1-2 with 1 player, then close the game since there are no active games they can get in to (people are impatient, lets be honest).

    Imagine if the regional "LFG" channel reported 6 people looking for a game, and those people could chat to pick a server to join. That would make the server with 1 player suddenly have 7, which is much more likely to attract players since the perceived "wait time" for a game would be less.

    IMO, this would be the highest-impact for lowest-work** way to increase active player base (steam groups don't work so well because it required players to proactively JOIN the group, and most people wont want to do that)

    **I have no idea how much work an in-game global chat client would take to implement. Can anyone explain the process?

    Global IRC chat.
  • ArchieArchie Antarctica Join Date: 2006-09-19 Member: 58028Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Supporter, WC 2013 - Supporter
    edited October 2015
    October 31st UWE announces in association with the CDT 6 months from that date that NS2 is going free to play, they'll sell skins, custom models, maps and everything else.

    edit:To add to conversation, a matchmaking system that works won't add to the player-count unless you have a massive influx of players once it is working, or even then it just won't work. We need something to retain those players and the only way that will happen is if it goes free to play(100% important), modding system updated and cards, market, achievements etc(minimal on the side of steam api integration, but more directed towards F2P) in regard to steam integration i think i saw some residual traces somewhere, can't remember where though ;p
    edit2:Hi Flayra m8
  • _INTER__INTER_ Join Date: 2009-08-08 Member: 68392Members, NS2 Playtester, Reinforced - Shadow
    nizb0ag wrote: »
    October 31st UWE announces in association with the CDT 6 months from that date that NS2 is going free to play, they'll sell skins, custom models, maps and everything else.
    Thats not going to happen.
  • bizbiz Join Date: 2012-11-05 Member: 167386Members
    with a smaller player base, people will be more spread out geograpically so the netcode is probably the biggest weakness of the game/engine methinks

    maybe it's too tough to fix the engine (i don't know), but if the game was balanced around getting notified about damage extremely late then it might be more enjoyable and retain more people
  • ArchieArchie Antarctica Join Date: 2006-09-19 Member: 58028Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Supporter, WC 2013 - Supporter
    _INTER_ wrote: »
    nizb0ag wrote: »
    October 31st UWE announces in association with the CDT 6 months from that date that NS2 is going free to play, they'll sell skins, custom models, maps and everything else.
    Thats not going to happen.

    not yet it's not :P
  • FarewelltoarmsFarewelltoarms gainesville fl Join Date: 2013-03-03 Member: 183603Members
    I"m 99% positive the player numbers would skyrocket if a 100% perfect detection anti-cheat got implemented. Of course this is just a fantasy, since no online multiplayer developer/programmer/network guy person has ever managed to come up with it. But the first guy/company that does? Man he will be rich beyond his wildest dreams.

    My hope is that quantum computing/cryptography somehow allow a 100% detection rate anti-cheat to be developed.
  • 2cough2cough Rocky Mountain High Join Date: 2013-03-14 Member: 183952Members, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Supporter
    edited October 2015
    @Farewelltoarms, cheating affects other games FAAAAAAAR more than it does ns2 as I'd say 99 percent of our players do not cheat. Your "hacks" are a problem of skill ceiling.

    Yet other games with more cheaters are vastly more popular, so your logic does not stand. Also "skyrocketting" numbers are probably beyond hope at this point no matter the method.
  • DaphistoDaphisto Hive Janitor Join Date: 2002-11-16 Member: 8917Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    Yeah they need to do something. I went to play today and there was only 1 server that was active but it was full so I couldn't join. It sucks that one of my favorite games is pretty much dead. :(

    Ah well, once NS3 comes out, the devs will have another chance at capturing an audience and hopefully better navigate the mistakes they made with NS2's player retention.
  • FarewelltoarmsFarewelltoarms gainesville fl Join Date: 2013-03-03 Member: 183603Members
    2cough wrote: »
    @Farewelltoarms, cheating affects other games FAAAAAAAR more than it does ns2 as I'd say 99 percent of our players do not cheat. Your "hacks" are a problem of skill ceiling.

    Yet other games with more cheaters are vastly more popular, so your logic does not stand

    What other online multiplayer competitive FPS games on the PC are popular?

    Counterstrike GO? It's only successful because of trading/$9000 knife skins/and the legacy of its predecessors.

    Team Fortress 2? Hats, hats, and then some more hats

    Call of Duty? Kids want to make 360 no scope kill montage videos

    Battlefield/Hardline/Bad Company? Nothing more than a way for people to justify their $3000 computers because.... GRAPHIX

    Arma/Red Orchestra? Realistic war-sims for people who want PTSD but don't want to join the military.

    Basically, all the games I listed are only popular because of their "gimmicks". However they would all most likely be even more popular if their cheater numbers went down.

    NS2 has no gimmick (RTS elements are a liability if anything) and so it can't maintain a strong playerbase while at the same time being burdened with cheating.

    Also, all the games I mentioned above are not asymmetrical, meaning even the cheaters themselves are on an equal playing field relative to other cheaters. Meanwhile in NS2, even if a fade has an aimbot/wallhack/cham/speedhack/automatic bunnyhop, he is still going to get REKT by a marine who has the same cheats. So not only are non-cheating players turned off by the cheaters, but the cheaters themselves are turned off by the game because they know they are going to lose 100% of their matches when they are playing an evenly matched marine team.

  • meatmachinemeatmachine South England Join Date: 2013-01-06 Member: 177858Members, NS2 Playtester, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Supporter
    edited October 2015
    What other online multiplayer competitive FPS games on the PC are popular?
    Counterstrike GO? It's only successful because of trading/$9000 knife skins/and the legacy of its predecessors.

    Team Fortress 2? Hats, hats, and then some more hats

    Call of Duty? Kids want to make 360 no scope kill montage videos

    Battlefield/Hardline/Bad Company? Nothing more than a way for people to justify their $3000 computers because.... GRAPHIX

    Arma/Red Orchestra? Realistic war-sims for people who want PTSD but don't want to join the military.

    Basically, all the games I listed are only popular because of their "gimmicks". However they would all most likely be even more popular if their cheater numbers went down.
    "What other games are popular?!?"
    *lists several highly popular titles*
    ...Ummm, but none of them count!!

    Just because you are providing reason for their popularity as if it was some excuse, does not exclude the fact that you admit they are popular.
    You answered your own question and then ignored that answer.
    Seems like you're more interested in being thought to be right than actually having an opinion that is reflective of reality.
  • FarewelltoarmsFarewelltoarms gainesville fl Join Date: 2013-03-03 Member: 183603Members
    Meatmachine and all the people disagreeing with my posts, you guys realize the only topics on either board (Steam or this one) that get a decent amount of posts are the ones about cheating or why the game is dead/dying? I'm sure you guys just think all those posters are just baddies who didn't "git gud".

    Keeping your heads in the ground doesn't stop the sky from falling. Then again, in the case of NS2, the sky fell a long time ago.
  • NordicNordic Long term camping in Kodiak Join Date: 2012-05-13 Member: 151995Members, NS2 Playtester, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Supporter, Reinforced - Silver, Reinforced - Shadow
    Forget quantum computing making cheats impossible. One can not imagine the kind of games that might be possible with quantum computing. Anti cheat is the least of my concerns in that regard, but that would be a nice bonus.
  • 2cough2cough Rocky Mountain High Join Date: 2013-03-14 Member: 183952Members, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Supporter
    Meatmachine and all the people disaNearlygreeing with my posts, you guys realize the only topics on either board (Steam or this one) that get a decent amount of posts are the ones about cheating or why the game is dead/dying? I'm sure you guys just think all those posters are just baddies who didn't "git gud".

    Keeping your heads in the ground doesn't stop the sky from falling. Then again, in the case of NS2, the sky fell a long time ago.

    And do any of these posts have any actual proof?

    And that's why nobody takes em seriously. It is a matter of skill. Nearly 3 yrs out and I've seen maybe 2 ever, and these were years ago.

    The people left who play generally have a lot of time invested into the game, it's very easy to percieve these players as cheating.. but really... they're just better.
  • FarewelltoarmsFarewelltoarms gainesville fl Join Date: 2013-03-03 Member: 183603Members
    2cough wrote: »
    Meatmachine and all the people disaNearlygreeing with my posts, you guys realize the only topics on either board (Steam or this one) that get a decent amount of posts are the ones about cheating or why the game is dead/dying? I'm sure you guys just think all those posters are just baddies who didn't "git gud".

    Keeping your heads in the ground doesn't stop the sky from falling. Then again, in the case of NS2, the sky fell a long time ago.

    And do any of these posts have any actual proof?

    Unfortunately it is nearly impossible to prove cheating beyond a shadow a doubt. People have cheated in LAN tournaments for counterstrike, tournaments where referees could literally look over their shoulders. Many cheats have no HUD's showing on the screen, so even setting up a video camera in the room of the cheaters wouldn't prove anything in many cases.

    Technology is great, but can also be very not so great.

  • SantaClawsSantaClaws Denmark Join Date: 2012-07-31 Member: 154491Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    2cough wrote: »
    Meatmachine and all the people disaNearlygreeing with my posts, you guys realize the only topics on either board (Steam or this one) that get a decent amount of posts are the ones about cheating or why the game is dead/dying? I'm sure you guys just think all those posters are just baddies who didn't "git gud".

    Keeping your heads in the ground doesn't stop the sky from falling. Then again, in the case of NS2, the sky fell a long time ago.

    And do any of these posts have any actual proof?

    Unfortunately it is nearly impossible to prove cheating beyond a shadow a doubt. People have cheated in LAN tournaments for counterstrike, tournaments where referees could literally look over their shoulders. Many cheats have no HUD's showing on the screen, so even setting up a video camera in the room of the cheaters wouldn't prove anything in many cases.

    Technology is great, but can also be very not so great.
    Non of this excuses a lack of proof.
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