Linux support

craigeratorcraigerator USA Join Date: 2014-09-18 Member: 198593Members
Is Linux support planned for this game?


  • SPIRIN1224SPIRIN1224 Moon Join Date: 2015-04-15 Member: 203469Members
    There is a thread on that but here it is in short what I put.

    I'm sure they are working toward it, if it's not out already (Make sure to check :) )

    Could be like the mac update, until the get a Linux guy they would not have Linux version.

    A good way to get there attention would be a poll, like how important it is and how better it would be for the team to focus on getting a linux version up and running.

    Until then, have knowledge that they are aware of this and are probably looking into it.

    Trust in the DEVS!!! :), remember this is EARLY ACCESS!
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