NS2 Achievements from Dev Trello + a couple other minor things
UK Join Date: 2014-02-27 Member: 194394Members

I noticed on the Dev Trello board you are working on achievements. I was not able to add a comment to the trello board or the document that lists the achievements.
The more achievements the better as it means more achievements for people to aim for. I have a few requests:
-An achievement for the alien commander to echo structures away when they are under attack.
The benefit of this achievement is that i may make commanders aware of the shift ability, something i don't see being used often enough. A possible name could be - quick/fast thinking, until something better is conjured together (personally not bothered by the name).
-Another one could be for the alien commander to echo a whip which starts to attack a marine. Once again this is to encourage the use of the echo ability - possible name "out of nowhere"?
-Another one which encourages team work would be for a hive to be destroyed within 25 seconds of a beacon. Named "beacon rush". This could be awarded to either the whole team or only players that done some damaged to the hive within # amount time from the beacon.
-Similar achievement for from the alien perspective "Alien Rush". The way this could work is that at least 60% of marine team is alive the moment a CC is attacked and destroyed. At least 5 aliens should attacking the CC within last 25 seconds from when the CC was destroyed. The award should go to alien players that damaged the CC within the last 25 seconds from the CC being destroyed.
-Another achievement should be for a gorge to bile marine weapons that are on the floor to destroy them. Once again the main purpose will be to make players aware that they can destroy weapons on the floor if they bile them. I see many gorges running past weapons when they should bile them.
I believe I read previously something about the tutorial being re-done, but I don't know much about what new features will be included in that. They may cover the achievements I mention above, but I think the achievement system could act as a good way to get ppl to learn about the little things. If my suggestions are taken into account I can attempt to think of other similarly useful achievements.
Just want to use this oppertunity to query what is happening with the CDT trello board as it too had some good suggestions I was looking forward too - including making clogs shaded by shade ability. I don't want a discussion on this matter, just clarification.
I would also really appreciate a fix to a pathing issue I have with my Combi map - could be a commander build group which has active pathing even if not connected to the rest of the map- similar to the tunnel build layer
The more achievements the better as it means more achievements for people to aim for. I have a few requests:
-An achievement for the alien commander to echo structures away when they are under attack.
The benefit of this achievement is that i may make commanders aware of the shift ability, something i don't see being used often enough. A possible name could be - quick/fast thinking, until something better is conjured together (personally not bothered by the name).
-Another one could be for the alien commander to echo a whip which starts to attack a marine. Once again this is to encourage the use of the echo ability - possible name "out of nowhere"?
-Another one which encourages team work would be for a hive to be destroyed within 25 seconds of a beacon. Named "beacon rush". This could be awarded to either the whole team or only players that done some damaged to the hive within # amount time from the beacon.
-Similar achievement for from the alien perspective "Alien Rush". The way this could work is that at least 60% of marine team is alive the moment a CC is attacked and destroyed. At least 5 aliens should attacking the CC within last 25 seconds from when the CC was destroyed. The award should go to alien players that damaged the CC within the last 25 seconds from the CC being destroyed.
-Another achievement should be for a gorge to bile marine weapons that are on the floor to destroy them. Once again the main purpose will be to make players aware that they can destroy weapons on the floor if they bile them. I see many gorges running past weapons when they should bile them.
I believe I read previously something about the tutorial being re-done, but I don't know much about what new features will be included in that. They may cover the achievements I mention above, but I think the achievement system could act as a good way to get ppl to learn about the little things. If my suggestions are taken into account I can attempt to think of other similarly useful achievements.
Just want to use this oppertunity to query what is happening with the CDT trello board as it too had some good suggestions I was looking forward too - including making clogs shaded by shade ability. I don't want a discussion on this matter, just clarification.
I would also really appreciate a fix to a pathing issue I have with my Combi map - could be a commander build group which has active pathing even if not connected to the rest of the map- similar to the tunnel build layer
mad lumberjack: taunt 100 times in a game and kill three lifeforms with a axe.
what are you talking about?!: taunt 350 times in a game...
Also another note, all of the achievements should be rewarding players for doing useful stuff through out a match- So sorry but there won't be "kill an onos with the axe" or anything like that
Well atleast achievements are coming, cant really do any harm to the game if done right. Hopefully you can add more over the time, and not just end after 50 achievements are done. I would like to see alot of long term achievements like kill 10.000skulks or weld 1 million HP. If it would be possible over the time to add some in game reward for the long term achievements like ''Killed 5.000 lerks'' and you get a lerk shoulder badge or a weapon skin with lerk in it.
And btw can you control that the achievements can only be done on official servers or how will the exploits be controlled so that people wont just make a server and kill each other ?
Even though I'm considered a "dev" I agree with you, I've always disliked those types of achievements, playing with a dev would be better. I think enough devs play though that it shouldn't be too difficult, just have to play on a server like TGNS.
See there's already a problem with that, if a group of devs favor a specific server then anyone wanting that achievement would be inclined to go to that specific server. Not that it should legitimately effect playercounts but it does give certain places more draw than others.