More evasive fishes ?

StakhanovStakhanov Join Date: 2003-03-12 Member: 14448Members
edited December 2015 in Ideas and Suggestions
While the peeper is reasonably tricky to catch , other fishes have a questionable fitness and survival instinct. The hoverfish is especially trivial to catch. This should be changed , and some fishes should have special moves to evade you or make your life harder.

Hoverfishes hover slowly , it's kind of their thing , but how do they survive despite that ? The answer could be camouflage. They'd spiral down to the floor in a hurry , then turn invisible. You could still catch it if you know where to look.

A larger fish type could spew ink to obstruct your vision , justifying its higher food value.

Boomerangs could have a poison sting (from their fin tips) when you catch them from behind. Worse than the 1hp loss , it would make you dizzy and deplete your oxygen much faster. Possibly distort or darken your vision enough to lose track of your sub.

Reginalds could simply outswim you , but be caught unaware easier than peepers , having smaller eyes.

Though peepers are fine right now , they could swim less predictably and do 180 turns up close.

All those fishes should use that evasive behavior on any predator , which would be fun to watch. Stalkers swimming in circles after eating a boomerang would be something.


  • CryperCowCrafterCryperCowCrafter U.S. Join Date: 2015-11-07 Member: 209069Members
    That would be crazy, but i'm all for more animal interactions/craziness.
  • DC_DarklingDC_Darkling Join Date: 2003-07-10 Member: 18068Members, Constellation, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver
    Good ideas.
    Keep the peepers as is though. We do not want folk who JUST start to starve. :P
  • ElavionElavion Poland Join Date: 2015-09-09 Member: 207844Members
    edited December 2015
    I like the idea of making them quite a bit harder to catch, but I'd also make the food bar deplete much slower (it's either the same or allmost the same as water right now which makes no sense, and it'd be too hard to manage if catching fishes got harder). I'd love to see some variety though, rather than just making them all faster and more agile.

    Peepers are fine, they are probably the fastest fish and you can't really outrun them, I like the minigame of running them into corners. I got pretty good at it, but it took me like 35 hours, so I think it's fine.

    Oculus- they don't look very fast or agile, but they have huge eyes and tend to live in areas where there are few natural threats. I think they should notice the player from a really long distance and start fleeing much earlier than others.

    Reginald- I think they should ignore the player for the most part, but they should generally move really fast when going forward. They should also have their movement pattern changed to move in one direction for around 30 meters, then choosing a new route and repeating.

    Airsack- They seem to have little vents on top and bottom, so what if they used them to jet away from danger using the water collected as fuel? it would take them some time to recharge, of course.

    Hoverfish- I think their skin should be poisonous or even acidic, causing serious damage if a player tries to catch them without special gloves.

    Garryfish- those guys seem quite nimble- I'd make them the dodgy fish. They may not move fast, but they're changing the directions very rapidly when they feel threatened.

    Boomerang- They have huge teeth, so maybe you need to approach them from behind or they bite you in self-defense? could be poisonous, too (as mentioned by the op)

    Spadefish- I think they should dig into sand when they feel threatened.

    Hoopfish- What if they emitted electricity when threatened? They'd emit it for a few seconds, then stop for a second or two, then do it again. The player would have to catch them in those windows. Also, the discharge would be weak enough that only touching them would actually cause damage.

    Holefish- I think they're fine. They're not very hard to catch, but they're small and hard to find since they generally live in caves (which would protect them from natural predators).

    Eyeye- really good sight forward, and when endangered they start moving away. After a few seconds they accelerate so much they're effectively impossible to catch up to, so you need to get them by surprise.
  • StakhanovStakhanov Join Date: 2003-03-12 Member: 14448Members
    I completely forgot about airsacks. Judging by their appearance , they could change buoyancy on a whim , floating up to evade you. Easy to catch close to the surface , not so much from the bottom of a reef.
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