Oxygen Alarm and Dehydration/Hunger (Hardcore Mode)

BitmouseBitmouse United States Join Date: 2015-12-25 Member: 210294Members

I am Bitmouse and I am a streamer on twitch who recently streamed my first impressions to the game.

I really loved it.

I wanted a challenge and some immersion so I decided to start in Hardcore mode.

I thought it was awesome.

I do however have two thoughts.


The first is that I was surprised when I simply started blacking out due to low oxygen.

I did read in the mode description that the oxygen alarm was disabled for hardcore mode, however, being a free diver myself and a having experienced some spear fishing, I am acutely aware of my bodies ache for oxygen when I am submerged for a long time.

Disabling something similar to a strong warning signal actually decreases the realism in my experience.

The character would be acutely aware of how low he/she was on oxygen.


The second is that I was surprised when I started losing health in large chunks when my hydration meter got to zero.

I was expecting a gradual decline, say 1 health point per minute (or comparable rate), that would denote urgency and switch whatever task I was doing to collecting food/water.

However, the rapid rate, for me, decreased the realism.

A person can go without water for approximately 4 days.

It would seem more real to me to decrease the rapid decent into death.


The reason I am writing about these two experiences is that in a survival game I want to be able to count on my past real life experience, where applicable. This enhances my sense of immersion.

I think I would enjoy this game more if there was some sort of palpable reminder of low oxygen.

The pressure on your chest and the desire to breath, even when you dive modest depths, say 60 feet, is hard to describe.

Simply swimming down 60 shows you very quickly how un-adapted we are to said environment. Awareness of your relationship to oxygen is something that you can't avoid.

Having dynamic built into the game which captures this would, in my opinion, only enhance the game. A diver, even with scuba gear, would never lose so much awareness of their oxygen as to find themselves unconscious within a matter of moments.

A human can ascend significant depths with only a breath full of oxygen.

I suggest a panicky noise, such as the diver realizing they have no more oxygen flow, a reddened screen, and more time to rush to the surface. Currently, it is too rapid to be realistic and the transition from peacefully moving among the depths to black out and death are too subtle.

In the comfort of our chairs a reminder of the realism of oxygen in a water environment must be added if the intent is to maintain realism.


Other than these two complains, I really love the game and am recommending it to the visitors of my stream.


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