Got Problems With Scripting

OlfredOlfred Join Date: 2002-11-26 Member: 10040Members
<div class="IPBDescription">blabla...</div> I want to make a script for the command console. But if I try to bind a hotkey with an alias, it don't work.

I tried to type hotkey88 in the console and it says "Unknown command: hotkey88"

Am I just too stupid for it? Or is it something else?

I hope somebody could help me.


  • PhalckPhalck Join Date: 2002-06-03 Member: 722Members
    Hmm. Hard to say what you did wrong whit that little information. A good way to look for info on how scripts work and how you create them is here:

    <a href='' target='_blank'></a>

    Oh, by the way I know its for CS, but hey almost all tutorials about HL scripting are for CS. The principle is the same though. Some commands they discuss might not work thats all.

    A good command reference and tips/tricks site is this:

    <a href='' target='_blank'></a>

    Good luck.
  • OlfredOlfred Join Date: 2002-11-26 Member: 10040Members
    I made this.

    <!--c1--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>CODE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='CODE'><!--ec1-->
    alias health1 "hotkey88"
    alias health2 "hotkey59"

    alias com_heal "health1; health2"
    <!--c2--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--ec2-->

    Maybe I made it wrong. It's my first time i make a script.

    For the one who want to know why i want this 2 commands in a line.
    hotkey88 switch to the item menu
    hotkey59 gives health.

    In a row it switch to the menu and than gives health.
  • Sub-SiderSub-Sider Join Date: 2002-11-28 Member: 10162Members
    u cant use aliases or even console commands (and therefor no exec) for hotkeyXX things. (Just dont work, diabled by the developers). And impulses are a little more accessable, but u cant use more than one impulse in a bind/alias (as far as i experienced it)
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