Opinions on Farming Update

ChaosKnight626ChaosKnight626 Minnesota Join Date: 2015-08-05 Member: 206783Members
Since I finally got around to starting Subnautica up after the Farming Update, here's where I'm going to post my thoughts on what I find. First off, I've noticed that Creepvine now takes up 4 slots in the inventory. I'm not sure how to feel about this. I've also noticed more things that I can scan, so that's pretty cool. I'll post more later


  • Kyman201Kyman201 Washington State Join Date: 2016-01-23 Member: 211880Members
    The creepvine will feel less of a hassle to deal with when you get a planter box and can just farm the stuff.
  • ChaosKnight626ChaosKnight626 Minnesota Join Date: 2015-08-05 Member: 206783Members
    I'll also say that I'm confused on how 2 batteries create Lead
  • JacaraJacara Washington Join Date: 2015-06-11 Member: 205391Members
    edited March 2016
    The seeds are annoying but bearable. The problem I have is with the creepvine itself, it goes bad way way to fast.
    But i'm loving the fruit trees, I have 4 "offices" it them in it and I don't have to fish or filter water much any more.
  • JacaraJacara Washington Join Date: 2015-06-11 Member: 205391Members
  • SidchickenSidchicken Plumbing the subnautican depths Join Date: 2016-02-16 Member: 213125Members
    Jacara wrote: »
    The seeds are annoying but bearable. The problem I have is with the creepvine itself, it goes bad way way to fast.
    But i'm loving the fruit trees, I have 4 "offices" it them in it and I don't have to fish or filter water much any more.
    I don't think it matters if it's rotten as long as you're not planning to eat it.
  • JacaraJacara Washington Join Date: 2015-06-11 Member: 205391Members
    Sidchicken wrote: »
    Jacara wrote: »
    The seeds are annoying but bearable. The problem I have is with the creepvine itself, it goes bad way way to fast.
    But i'm loving the fruit trees, I have 4 "offices" it them in it and I don't have to fish or filter water much any more.
    I don't think it matters if it's rotten as long as you're not planning to eat it.

    Rotten creepvine won't go bioplant for power.
  • RevivedShadowRevivedShadow Australia Join Date: 2015-07-28 Member: 206468Members
    Since I finally got around to starting Subnautica up after the Farming Update, here's where I'm going to post my thoughts on what I find. First off, I've noticed that Creepvine now takes up 4 slots in the inventory. I'm not sure how to feel about this. I've also noticed more things that I can scan, so that's pretty cool. I'll post more later

    All large seeds take up that much space. Don't like it, but it needs to be that way for planter boxes to work.
  • zetachronzetachron Germany Join Date: 2014-11-14 Member: 199655Members
    Since you can farm creepvine with the glowing seeds you need for lubricant, it even got better than before. 4 trays full of glowing creepvines light your base better and more beatiful than spotlights and take no power. They also give you unlimited rubber and lubricant, as the fruits regrow. And the bioreactor is useless anyways. But if you wish you can additionally cut some creepvines and replant them.

    The hanging fruit surface tree is good for indoor living. Like mentioned and pictured above it's decorative and a free source of food and water too.

    With farming the bioreactor could finally get useful again if all components could be farmed and the reactor be placed indoors.
  • JacaraJacara Washington Join Date: 2015-06-11 Member: 205391Members
    zetachron wrote: »
    Since you can farm creepvine with the glowing seeds you need for lubricant, it even got better than before. 4 trays full of glowing creepvines light your base better and more beatiful than spotlights and take no power. They also give you unlimited rubber and lubricant, as the fruits regrow. And the bioreactor is useless anyways. But if you wish you can additionally cut some creepvines and replant them.

    The hanging fruit surface tree is good for indoor living. Like mentioned and pictured above it's decorative and a free source of food and water too.

    With farming the bioreactor could finally get useful again if all components could be farmed and the reactor be placed indoors.

    I found the bioreactor was the only real option on the underwater floating islands. My base is to deep for solar, and water to cold for thermal.
  • SidchickenSidchicken Plumbing the subnautican depths Join Date: 2016-02-16 Member: 213125Members
    Hanging fruit trees are bordering on overpowered - I'm living almost completely on those alone right now - I have a room full of them in my base and 6 on board my cyclops even. Getting 13 food and 10 water per fruit means they handily refill both, and they're a renewable resource that doesn't require power. Once you've been to the floater island and picked some, you're pretty much set in the food department. The ONLY drawback is that you have to eat them fresh, so you can't pack a bunch in inventory and go on a long seamoth dive, you still need to bring conventional water and cured fish.

    I'm pretty sure there's a bunch of thermal vents deep under the underwater islands. You could build thermal plants there, then it's just a question of how to relay the power up to the islands. Easier said than done, especially while dodging all the bone sharks. Would probably have to run the line up the slopes to the adjacent biome and then hop from island to island to reach the base.
  • JacaraJacara Washington Join Date: 2015-06-11 Member: 205391Members
    Sidchicken wrote: »
    Hanging fruit trees are bordering on overpowered - I'm living almost completely on those alone right now - I have a room full of them in my base and 6 on board my cyclops even. Getting 13 food and 10 water per fruit means they handily refill both, and they're a renewable resource that doesn't require power. Once you've been to the floater island and picked some, you're pretty much set in the food department. The ONLY drawback is that you have to eat them fresh, so you can't pack a bunch in inventory and go on a long seamoth dive, you still need to bring conventional water and cured fish.

    I'm pretty sure there's a bunch of thermal vents deep under the underwater islands. You could build thermal plants there, then it's just a question of how to relay the power up to the islands. Easier said than done, especially while dodging all the bone sharks. Would probably have to run the line up the slopes to the adjacent biome and then hop from island to island to reach the base.

    Yeah I tried, the island by base is on is just out of range. I thought of using the teraformer but that is getting removed so I thought i'd give the bioreactor a go.
  • SidchickenSidchicken Plumbing the subnautican depths Join Date: 2016-02-16 Member: 213125Members
    Well, your source of mushroom samples is right there, and you can grow the creepvine on-site, so it seems like a legit solution.
  • MyrmMyrm Sweden Join Date: 2015-08-16 Member: 207210Members
    I'll also say that I'm confused on how 2 batteries create Lead

    That puzzled me too :confused:
  • zetachronzetachron Germany Join Date: 2014-11-14 Member: 199655Members
    edited March 2016
    Jacara wrote: »
    I found the bioreactor was the only real option on the underwater floating islands. My base is to deep for solar, and water to cold for thermal.

    I once had a thermal farm right at the bottom center surrounded by volcanic shafts, then linked them through transmitters all the way back up the wall to those magnetite mountains and a base that was there. The main problem was driving the bonesharks away at the bottom and usually I placed my seamoth above ground made a full expensive long range discharge and then stayed very close above ground building the termal reactors. It took me some time, but my second security measures were quick fins, light inventory and the armored suit. Soon you'll learn to listen to the shark noises and retreat before you see them. The seaglide might be a good emergency vehicle too.

    I never had a base on the floating islands myself and don't know if you can bridge the gap, but those transmitters have a fantastic range and you should be able to find a way. Otherwise you'd have to build some base structure to close the gap.
    Sidchicken wrote: »
    Hanging fruit trees are bordering on overpowered ... the ONLY drawback is that you have to eat them fresh, so you can't pack a bunch in inventory and go on a long seamoth dive, you still need to bring conventional water and cured fish ...

    You can't eat fish, because ... fish are friends, not food ...

    but to come back to food - the devs once wanted more complex food recipes. Even if that idea gets skipped, we could probably get some advanced recipes including non-rotting, high energy food, like those nutrient packages in the lifepod, build from other food.
  • SidchickenSidchicken Plumbing the subnautican depths Join Date: 2016-02-16 Member: 213125Members
    zetachron wrote: »
    You can't eat fish, because ... fish are friends, not food ...


    It would be neat to be able to craft the nutrient blocks though.
  • ChaosKnight626ChaosKnight626 Minnesota Join Date: 2015-08-05 Member: 206783Members
    Sidchicken wrote: »
    It would be neat to be able to craft the nutrient blocks though.

    You might be able to in a future update. Combine different kinds of plants for different bars that give different amounts of food, water, maybe effects like extra speed?
  • ErgossErgoss KY Join Date: 2016-03-02 Member: 213722Members
    edited March 2016
    It seems to me the obvious power source for the underwater islands is nuclear - there are enough nodules to give uranium sufficient to last a good while as long as you aren't trying to power a factory or the like. I, personally, don't care for nuclear and bioreactors because they're non-renewable (until we can grow little mushroom coral trees or use another fungus). Another power option is a solar-tower - you can get a ways for the 20 Ti it takes to build a nuclear reactor, and you don't have to kill and haul mushroom forest shelves as for the bioreactor.
  • MyrmMyrm Sweden Join Date: 2015-08-16 Member: 207210Members
    Ive noticed quite a change in the map. I'm swimming about beneath the aurora and there's a kelp forest right next to it. Never seen a kelp forest so close to it before. :)
  • ChaosKnight626ChaosKnight626 Minnesota Join Date: 2015-08-05 Member: 206783Members
    I also noticed thanks to Markiplier that the Transfuser is now in the game. Does that mean that it works like it did months ago when we'd spawn it in?
  • mndfreezemndfreeze Grand Tempe Reef Join Date: 2016-02-26 Member: 213456Members
    I dont think its in stable yet? the fragments are but you are unable to actually craft it last I checked. Or is markiplier playing experimental? Been a while since I've watched his vids, I didnt even know he had a current subnautica series going.
  • ChaosKnight626ChaosKnight626 Minnesota Join Date: 2015-08-05 Member: 206783Members
    I don't think Mark knows about Experimental. I'm gonna find the fragments and test it out
  • okapiroseokapirose Join Date: 2016-01-14 Member: 211395Members
    So far no MAJOR hiccups in the farming update for me other than everything seems to want to kill you far more lol Stalkers truly now live up to their name, been spooked many times.

    I'm at the point where I'm able to build my big base.

    Already got most of it set up in the Grand Reef as its the least dangerous place (apart from the pressure) and the vents allow one to use the thermal plants (though kinda annoyed they only put out 50 power. for something that sustainable, 100 power at least should be put out).

    The 4 slots thing is a bit annoying, especially now that I'm adding the large aquariums to my base and ferrying seeds and the like is a pain but the extra storage on the seamoth helps.

    The hanging fruit trees are almost a cheat, for once you've got a tree you have an unlimited supply of food. I have one in each base and also one in the cyclops. Though I suppose this does cut out how quickly one goes through the local fish stocks. But I have noticed that Stalkers tend to deplete the fish populations around almost as fast as I did before the fruit trees. Every time my large aquarium in my first base gets full now, I take out all the fish except one pair and release them into the wild. Either they spread far and quick or the stalkers are chomping through them almost as fast as I'm depositing them.
  • ChaosKnight626ChaosKnight626 Minnesota Join Date: 2015-08-05 Member: 206783Members
    One thing I did notice was that my hunger and food bars go down faster now. I'm always scrambling to find fish since I haven't gotten the seeds and the sort yet. One thing I will say is that I can't wait until we get the species analyzer into the game. One way I thought we could implement it is allowing the bulkhead to be built onto the large aquarium. You could build it on there and it'll create a type of airlock connecting the inside of the base, the aquarium, and the outside together. The species analyzer could be built onto this airlock so we can easily herd our creatures into it.
  • MyrmMyrm Sweden Join Date: 2015-08-16 Member: 207210Members
    edited March 2016
    I've noticed creatures not in their normal habitat in this update: stalkers and sand sharks below the crashed ship.
  • SidchickenSidchicken Plumbing the subnautican depths Join Date: 2016-02-16 Member: 213125Members
    Myrm wrote: »
    I've noticed creatures not in their normal habitat in this update: stalkers and sand sharks below the crashed ship.

    Pretty sure those were there before.
  • RainstormRainstorm Montreal (Quebec) Join Date: 2015-12-15 Member: 210003Members
    Sidchicken wrote: »
    Myrm wrote: »
    I've noticed creatures not in their normal habitat in this update: stalkers and sand sharks below the crashed ship.

    Pretty sure those were there before.

    im pretty sure they were there before also lol
  • BobythebeeBobythebee France Join Date: 2016-03-09 Member: 214045Members
    Farming update ? Fuck off, i'm a float-ang
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