An added note to that is that the first three are paid content and actually changes your skin/weapons, so everyone on the server can see what you're wearing and have equipped. Natural Selection 2 - Deluxe Edition is also included in this, which adds the Deluxe Armour.
The workshop mods are only client side skins, so in this case only you can see them. Pretty neat for first person viewmodels, as world models (armour/player skins) are not whitelisted on most all servers. Because of issues with potential "neon skins", which make enemies way too visible, in essence breaking the game balance...
Kodiak DLC:
Reaper DLC:
Tundra Pack:
NS2 Steam Community Workshop:
An added note to that is that the first three are paid content and actually changes your skin/weapons, so everyone on the server can see what you're wearing and have equipped. Natural Selection 2 - Deluxe Edition is also included in this, which adds the Deluxe Armour.
The workshop mods are only client side skins, so in this case only you can see them. Pretty neat for first person viewmodels, as world models (armour/player skins) are not whitelisted on most all servers. Because of issues with potential "neon skins", which make enemies way too visible, in essence breaking the game balance...
Didn't think that far in the middle of the night
Got your six! [marine vox]
Skin advantages? Oh my! no! because others don't have an opinion on this.
So lazy kouji!
Is the tundra pack no longer available?
Click the link
I've tried the link but it is not purchasable. The button that says purchase for myself after you add it to cart does nothing. works fine for me
I recorded video of what happens it's called Gameplay-_3_!84pCCLaJ!pso4eTCoD7QS7LKAi1O61duqtL1jVvYXuOAV3XgqM_Q