Thoughts on the latest few updates

pocketmunchkinpocketmunchkin USA Join Date: 2016-02-26 Member: 213480Members
So I decided to yet again start a new game in experimental. Hadn't updated since they added more to the crash sequence as well as they had added the broken lifepods (only found 2 so far) So off I went into my new survival game start.

My thoughts are as follow:

1- EGGS! EGGS EVERYWHERE!: I mean I get we can grab these and make ourselves a nice lil underwater zoo but I mean I took a stroll through an area between kelp forest and the mushroom tree biome and the floor was littered with dozens of eggs.

2- Um fragments?: Maybe I am daft but is anyone else having trouble finding fragments of ANYTHING? It used to be you could find cyclops fragments near the aurora, now? nothing. Even within the few wrecks I found all I did find were chairs, benches, desks and filtration machine fragments (that btw, don't work. The blueprint never appears). Aside from that have yet to find fragments for any power source and I've looked everywhere sans the lava cave. Even braved a reaper or 3 and only got one cyclops hull fragment as my reward. As of right now all power sources need to be found first, you don't even get the cheap solar panels to start with.

3- Koosh zone. Yeah..... well the following images should be enough but I think as of right now, unless you got your nodamage cheat on (which I had to) the koosh zone is currently not viable. It isn't that theres some shockers and sharks, or even a lot of shockers and sharks, its that the devs spawned EVERY shocker and shark possible. Anything bellow 100m is nothing but constant static noise and shark growls (that put together sound like a reaper and made me crap my wetsuit a
bit) Also not to mention currently close to the wreck in the koosh zone is a large underwater planter you can scan. (also thanks to all the shockers, my game genuinely crashed. Hasn't crashed once since I started playing subnautica but I guess it couldn't handle all the shockers)

4- Is it just me or are all the aggressive fauna EXTRA aggressive this time around? I couldn't even skim the surface of the kelp forest (we're talking maybe 6m below water) before I had stalkers after my cute butt. And they followed me WELL out of the kelp forest before turning back. Even the crashes seem to see me far sooner than normal. I'm not even in a cave before they're peeking out and getting ready to self destruct me to death.

5- This is just my opinion but the life pod now shows up precariously close to a reaper spot. Even the closet heat source to use for power is literally next door to the reaper at the back of the aurora. Mayhaps have your handy dandy lifepod not spawn so close?



  • CoranthCoranth Join Date: 2015-06-02 Member: 205160Members
  • ADM_NtekADM_Ntek Join Date: 2016-03-18 Member: 214456Members
    yea experimental has some major issues due to major changes like that you now only get fragments inside wrecks. they also have done some work on the creature causing the mess you pictured. but this is part of Early Access especially when you are on super Early Access (experimental).
  • ChaosKnight626ChaosKnight626 Minnesota Join Date: 2015-08-05 Member: 206783Members
    Coranth wrote: »

    And I'm on the next Cyclops to F--CKTHISTOPIA
  • pocketmunchkinpocketmunchkin USA Join Date: 2016-02-26 Member: 213480Members
    Another thing I noticed and its probably tied to the "Holy F too many of <insert mob here>!" bug:

    The schools of fish, you know the ones that you can't touch but they're there for pretty decoration? Even those are spawning WAY too much. Near the bow of the aurora before I entered the shocker death zone it was like a swarm of the fake boomerang fish. Just tons and tons of the tiny school clusters.
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