So anyway, I managed to make some fragments appear for me (finally) in the shallows and kelp forest wrecks.
I am not sure, I was doing a lot of superstitious voodoo it. But the last ceremonial sacrifice was renaming the old savegames directory that appeared to have remnants of old games in (even after deleting them) and then starting a new game.
The problem is that not enough fragments seem to have spawned. So sure, finally wreck 16 had some stuff, and between that and another wreck I got a seaglide and a solar panel and things can finally happen. Right?
Well. Sort of. It seems like not only am I getting different fragments than the ones people are listing at certain wrecks on this thread I'm getting LESS fragments over all. As in half as many, or less, per wreck, and some of the wrecks people are reporting fragments at... aren't giving me any fragments at all. So wreck 16 yielded 3 fragments instead of 5, I think it was wreck 17 gave me 1 and 18 gave me 2, and 19 and 20 gave me none at all.
So, after the seaglide and solar panels... I have one fragment of a seamoth and that is it. I suspect I have another trash save game here. One of many. I should really just give up on this until experimental gets some fixes/completions in on this whole new fangled fragments in wrecks thing (and maybe also gets the scanner room which I can only guess helps you find the damn things without debug console).
I have found all the power tech except the solar panels. lol
The Mobile Vehicle Bay and the moon pool, but no seamoth, Seaglide, and only a few Cyclops fragments.
I did find the Stasis Rifle tonight. Game is around the 54th day.
I started this time on build # 30600 and tonight its up to #30667. Do I have to start a new game to see the changes or am I stuck with when I started the game on #30600?
I have yet to revisit any wreaks to see if new fragments pop in or not.
The only thing that gets me is when I cut into a wreak door and find nothing. But that's what I get for playing experimental.
Well. Sort of. It seems like not only am I getting different fragments than the ones people are listing at certain wrecks on this thread I'm getting LESS fragments over all.
I said it earlier in the thread, but it's nice to see other people confirming my suspicions. Fragments are randomized between wrecks, and apparently that includes number of fragments as well.
All my safe shallow wrecks had zero fragments, and all but one kelp forest wreck had zero fragments. Meanwhile my aurora wreck had something like 10+ fragments. Seaglide, Solar Panels, and the VDB. It's the only reason I've been able to continue on this save. When I get home from work I might start a new game to see if I can't get fragments in the safe shallows wrecks.
Definitely gonna check my save game folder and purge it to make sure nothing's being erroneously saved despite hitting delete. Might need to report that in the bug section.
KlinnLost in a caveJoin Date: 2016-03-09Member: 214022Members
edited March 2016
For many days I couldn't find any fragments in the Safe Shallow wreck or Kelp Forest wrecks. Frustrating when reading of other folks coming across them, although I understand that experimental is experimental.
It took starting a brand new game yesterday before they finally appeared (build 30661).
As for whether they're randomized or not, I don't think we'll be able to tell until the next stable build drops so we can compare results from an identical base. Otherwise it could just be the devs tweaking positioning in a minor experimental update.
- - - - - - -
Edit: Also, it can be difficult to even see some fragments. Once you've left the Safe Shallows, in many cases you're looking for that black box shape against an almost-black wall or floor. Using a flashlight or other light source is essential. Even then I almost missed two fragments in a deeper wreck when facing towards one of those floodlights. The glare from it obscured two fragments sitting right in front of me.
Add in the anxiety of running out of oxygen plus the disorienting position of some wrecks and it's easy to overlook some fragments tucked in amongst jumbled crates. No doubt there are still some missing from the list despite my attempts to explore thoroughly.
Nice work on finding all those wrecks. Just came back from the one in the koosh zone, but wasn't able to explore because I kept running out of air. 200+ depth is pushing what three air tanks and a seaglide allow me to do.
I have 2 strategies for dealing with depth with low technology:
1: Bring your builder, 4 titanium and a glass and you can have on-site oxygen by building a corridor with hatch. I had done this extensively before I learned that this was contributing to my games lagging into unplayability (apparently even deconstructed buildings still contributed).
2: Builder, 2 titanium, bubble-coral fragment, creepvine seed gives you an bio-oxygen station. My latest self-challenge is playing with no bases except one near my lifepod with an aquarium and lockers. With this approach, I build an external growbed and plant bubbles and come back a day later. It has its own light to make it easier to spot, and provides bubbles as you're getting down to it. The deepest I've been able to get one of these is about 350' in the blood kelp zone using 4 oxygen tanks.
KlinnLost in a caveJoin Date: 2016-03-09Member: 214022Members
edited March 2016
Your second idea is very cool! Working with the native capabilities of this new world instead of imposing a technological solution sounds very much in keeping with the spirit of the game. I'll have to try that soon.
Long term, the first suggestion will run into a slight problem. The devs are planning that bases will not supply oxygen unless they are powered (nor will an unpowered seamoth or cyclops). That will make it more difficult to set up lots of small satellite bases. But I believe this change is still a few stable releases away. Details here:
I started this time on build # 30600 and tonight its up to #30667. Do I have to start a new game to see the changes or am I stuck with when I started the game on #30600?
I'm pretty sure you should be fine. I've been playing experimental and the builds are going up at least once a day or so and I haven't had to remake a new game due to updates since build 30600
WheeljackChilling in the Grand ReefJoin Date: 2016-03-17Member: 214338Members
edited March 2016
I've known about the corridor and hatch trick for a while now, but it always seemed way too cheaty to me so I chose not to use it. I felt pretty darned proud getting that deep with what little I had. Almost drowned both times I went down to look at the wreck. Would have missed out on that entirely.
That second option is super creative though. Props to you. I'd have never thought of it, but then I only recently realized you could grow the things after accidentally hitting one with a knife. Stalker was dead set on killing me while I was trying to refill my tanks. The ensuing merry-go-round the bubble coral was hilarious in hindsight. XD
I have a problem with important startup tech not appearing period. It's bad enough 4 out of 5 safe shallows wrecks (apparently) yield nothing. And for any sort of sensible progression they should all give out at least a seaglide fragment or something (and there should probably be a few more safe shallows and kelp wrecks too).
But for me it's been worse than that, regardless of assurances that these fragments are out there in these wrecks I have on repeated attempts new games, reloads and so on not found so much as a single fragment in ANY wreck in the safe shallows or the kelp forests. I have searched them all. I have reloaded and searched them all. I have restarted new games and searched them all. I have gone through the lists of where fragments are at on this thread and searched them all. Nothing. At all. Just the desks and equivalent.
The deep water wrecks have stuff. But the starting stuff that should sensibly be in the safe shallows (and for some people, ridiculous rarity aside seemingly IS there)... just isn't there for me, or anywhere. This seems like too much of a work in progress to report it as a bug, but I'm off verifying my game cache and what not.
You have to remember this game is still in development. A lot of these wrecks still aren't finished. A lot of the wrecks that are empty right now will eventually have fragments in them, just be patient.
I have a problem with important startup tech not appearing period. It's bad enough 4 out of 5 safe shallows wrecks (apparently) yield nothing. And for any sort of sensible progression they should all give out at least a seaglide fragment or something (and there should probably be a few more safe shallows and kelp wrecks too).
But for me it's been worse than that, regardless of assurances that these fragments are out there in these wrecks I have on repeated attempts new games, reloads and so on not found so much as a single fragment in ANY wreck in the safe shallows or the kelp forests. I have searched them all. I have reloaded and searched them all. I have restarted new games and searched them all. I have gone through the lists of where fragments are at on this thread and searched them all. Nothing. At all. Just the desks and equivalent.
The deep water wrecks have stuff. But the starting stuff that should sensibly be in the safe shallows (and for some people, ridiculous rarity aside seemingly IS there)... just isn't there for me, or anywhere. This seems like too much of a work in progress to report it as a bug, but I'm off verifying my game cache and what not.
You have to remember this game is still in development. A lot of these wrecks still aren't finished. A lot of the wrecks that are empty right now will eventually have fragments in them, just be patient.
Also not to mention that currently the lifepod spawns very close to several smaller wrecks and a heat source so probably the devs will get those wrecks to hold fragments we can use for power sources.
On another note, is the lifepod drifting bug back? Was playing yesterday and went to floater island and when I got back my life pod had def moved
One moved a good distance off also in this build. This was after I had fixed the pod and gravity anchor was working. So I pushed it back to fence it in and it is stuck in a spot that is close to the same place. I know this because I had a bubble producing plant underneath it and the bubbles are hitting near the same spot. Its like the gravity anchor kicked back in when I got it close and is locking it in that spot.
You have to remember this game is still in development.
On the one hand, did you somehow miss the bit where I specifically mentioned it clearly being a work in progress.
On the other hand, just how much is it a work in progress and what is it in progress towards?
Because since then I've managed with updates and restarts to make wrecks in the safe shallows and kelp areas yield some fragments. And while early on getting... nothing was clearly (most likely) an incomplete thing or a bug what I'm getting now and the way I'm getting it is either some pretty wild coincidences or indicative of some rather odd intended behaviour.
I'm seeing seemingly random distribution, I am now finding ONLY the minimum number of fragments to get each "safe shallows/kelp" blue print, but somehow it seems to be in the wrecks I visit first, whichever ones those are, and once I swear I found fragments on a second (early) visit to a wreck even though it was empty first time. This seems consistent with last minute "rolls" for drops based on what you don't have each time you approach a wreck.
I would prefer randomized placement of somewhat more than the minimum required fragments determined at world generation/aurora explosion (and maybe some small number of bonus fragments on top of that scattered outside of wrecks and maybe even outside of specific biome restrictions to give a small chance of interesting randomized replayability). While it might just be wild coincidence what I'm seeing myself doesn't seem to be particularly consistent with that.
I just set up an oxygen station in the underwater islands wreck, so I know it's still there, though I hadn't seen the one in the trees of the western mushroom forest when i went looking for it.
I also had my repaired lifepod wander off when I went down in the bloodkelp biome. I considered starting a new game since I hadn't built up my fixed base much, but since I'd just found the solar panels I thought I'd make a go of it. Then of all things the pod wandered back! I'm wondering if extreme depth or distance from me got it confused or something. *shrug*
KlinnLost in a caveJoin Date: 2016-03-09Member: 214022Members
edited March 2016
Egoss, I've also had my Lifepod wander away in the most recent experimental builds. I'm back to fencing it with air pipes at the beginning of the game.
LobsterPhone, I think your description of the fragment system pretty much nails it, and it's consistent with what RevivedShadow mentioned on the previous page.
I suspect there are a certain number of fragment "slots" in and around each wreck. When you approach the wreck, perhaps when passing over a batch* boundary, the RNG gods decide what type of fragment fills each slot based on the technologies typical for that area and which of those technologies you have not unlocked yet. Or the slot could simply be left empty. That brings me to one of my beefs.
The first time you visit a wreck, there should always be *something* to find. Even if you already have all the techs typical of that area, the game shouldn't just randomly decide to leave all the slots empty. Sure, the player will only end up getting some titanium, but at least it avoids the feeling of frustration "I spent all this time cutting my way into here and I find nothing!"
The respawning mechanic that you and PocketMunchkin have described is a little weird too. If I carefully explore and clear out a wreck, why would new fragments occasionally appear? The Aurora didn't explode again. Some slots are deep within wrecks so it's unlikely that ocean currents could cause fragments to drift through twisting corridors and come to rest there.
Your suggestion of determining fragment locations when the world is created or the Aurora explodes is a good one. It could eliminate the need for the respawning mechanic.
- - - - - - - -
(*Note: As I understand it, a "batch" is a cube making up part of the world which holds the terrain etc in that area. Think of batches as a 3-dimensional array of cells. Passing over a batch boundary probably triggers some game actions, like drawing the plants and detailed textures up ahead, or doing the RNG thing to fill fragment slots)
WheeljackChilling in the Grand ReefJoin Date: 2016-03-17Member: 214338Members
edited March 2016
I suspect the reappearing fragments happen because the slots within wrecks dont keep track of whether the player has already claimed a fragment for that slot. So when you reload the game or maybe even just the area, the game respawns them in because there's nothing telling it not to.
I've noticed a lot of stuff like this over the time I've played. Especially quartz and other resources. I'll pick an area clean, but after coming back, somehow there's even more. They're still slowly adding in saved states for everything, so we'll see respawning things that shouldn't until they're done with that.
The frags are NOT respawning. I got the seaglide and seamoth and ONE frag for solar. Went back several times needing to reopen the door each time, but no more frags.
KlinnLost in a caveJoin Date: 2016-03-09Member: 214022Members
As I posted in another thread -- if you haven't already, be sure to check the other wrecks in the Kelp Forest because it's likely that Solar Panel fragments may spawn in those too. Hopefully the RNG gods will be kind and generate your missing fragments.
KlinnLost in a caveJoin Date: 2016-03-09Member: 214022Members
edited April 2016
(sorry for the double-post but I wanted to keep this list separate)
I've revised the list of wrecks to try to illustrate the apparent randomization of blueprint fragments we've seen. Please remember that this list is based on observation, not examining actual game code, and that future experimental builds can change things on a moment's notice. In other words, YMMV.
Subnautica Wrecks, Lifepods, and Blueprint Fragments
As of Experimental Build 30892
1) Wrecks listed in approximate order of difficulty (depth) not numerical order.
2) You may have to begin a new game to see these fragments. Older save games,
whether stable or experimental, may not be completely updated automatically.
3) Blueprint fragments are semi-randomly generated. A wreck will tend to have
fragments of specific types, and will tend to include ones for blueprints
you have not already completed, but exact types and quantities will vary
from one game to the next. There can even be no fragments at all.
4) Fragments *may* respawn eventually, players have reported mixed results.
5) A laser cutter is required to reach some rooms in wrecks, primarily those
beyond Safe Shallows. Sometimes an alternate path will reach blocked rooms.
6) A light source such a flare or flashlight is very useful to spot fragments.
7) Fragments for furnishings and lights are not listed, they can be found in
many different wrecks.
8) Sometimes fragments can be found on the sea floor near or under the wreck.
9) Sometimes supply chests can be found around the wreck or lifepod.
Wrecks Biome Coordinates Typical Fragments Found
Wreck12 | Safe Shallows | 85, -40, 113 |
Wreck13 | Safe Shallows | -150, -20, -227 | (furnishings fragments only)
Wreck14 | Safe Shallows | 160, -27, -253 |
Wreck15 | Safe Shallows | -33, -25, -398 |
Wreck16 | Safe Shallows | 343, -16, -190 | Mobile Vehicle Bay
Wreck17 | Kelp Forest | 64, -24, 376 | SeaGlide
Wreck18 | Kelp Forest | -317, -73, 222 | SeaMoth
Wreck19 | Kelp Forest | -374, -74, 296 | Solar Panel
Wreck20 | Kelp Forest | 305, -53, -319 | (furnishings fragments only)
Wreck1 | Grassy Plateaus | 286, -74, 444 | Bioreactor
Wreck2 | Grassy Plateaus | -627, -56, -7 | Cyclops Hull
| | | Mobile Vehicle Bay
| | | Propulsion Cannon
| | | Water Filtration
| | | (can also grab NS2 poster)
Wreck7 | SeaTreaderPath |-1174, -148, -744 | Cyclops Hull
Wreck9 | Mushroom Forest | -644, -95, 784 | Scanner Room (can't scan yet)
Wreck3 | Koosh Zone | 940, -198, 593 | Cyclops Engine
Wreck4 | Underwater Islands| -100, -177, 881 | Modification Station
Wreck5 | Mountains | 697, -331, 1207 | Power Transmitter
| | | Seamoth Upgrade Console
| | | Stasis Rifle
| | | Terraformer
Wreck6 | Dunes |-1448, -332, 723 | Cyclops Bridge
| | | Scanner Room (can't scan yet)
| | | Thermal Plant
Wreck8 | BloodKelp_Trench |-1208, -332, -390 | Cyclops Pressure Compensator
Wreck10 | Grand Reef | -283, -222, -784 | Moonpool
Wreck11 | Grand Reef | -896, -408,-1435 | Nuclear Reactor
Lifepods (no fragments in Lifepods, some have Supply Chests)
Wreck21 | Lifepod #12 | Safe Shallows | 26, -22, 302 |
Wreck22 | Lifepod #3 | Safe Shallows | -151, -1, -404 |
Wreck23 | Lifepod #19 | Kelp Forest | -261, -68, 5 |
Wreck24 | Lifepod #13 | Safe Shallows | 314, -36, -112 |
Wreck25 | Lifepod #4 | Safe Shallows | 75, -28, -95 |
Wreck26 | Lifepod #13 | Kelp Forest | 263, -54, -410 | (yup, two #13's)
It seems that I started a fresh game a week ago with all tech removed to wrecks, but most wrecks empty when spawned. Now a fresh start seems to have most wrecks filled better and most important solar tech early to be found. So now I can say a relaxed goodbye to my lifepod, when it finally sails off to explore the mysteries of the sea of Subnautica.
Thanks a lot for updating the list, Klinn!!! I find it very useful!!!
My experience with wreck fragments is that I've found fragments for things I already have complete blueprints in wrecks where I have visited before. So, mostly similar experiences to what other players have reported here already.
They still need to work a lot on fragment distribution.
I've searched a few wrecks and even in the grand reef just to find not a single fragment inside. Then, some other wrecks that were easy to access had literally piles of fragments all in one place and just around and on top of the wreck. No skill, laser cutting or wreck diving necessary to fetch all this tech. WTF?
What we really would like to see:
only a small percentage of fragments lying around the wreck (low or known tech)
most fragments inside the wreck needing to find entrances and to dive a little (medium tech)
advanced tech fragments only to be found inside long labyrinths or sealed spaces (best tech)
no wreck that is completely empty at all (frustrating, a single fragment would take away most frustration)
no wreck with giant piles of fragments (it takes away the feeling of achieving the tech)
Example for a starter wreck:
1 solar and 1 bioreactor fragment laying around (level 1 - no exploration, just finding the wreck)
inside an opening we can get a desk and a chair fragment (level 2 - entering the wreck)
diving through a shaft we find a seaglide fragment (level 3 - searching the wreck)
behind a sealed door we find a seamoth or mobile vehicle bay fragment (level 4 - getting to the sealed cookie jars)
Some defenses and dangers for the wrecks to make it more thrilling:
predators around the wreck or abondoned bases (already done)
some luring predators inside the wreck or abondoned base (like spiders and stingers, not done in wrecks)
a really bad danger trapped inside the sealed chamber (chamber full of stingers, crash pods, biters, bleeders, etc.)
What's possitive is, that now you have a good need for flashlights. If creature behaviour would include them getting attracted to light, a strategy could be to throw flares inside a wreck or down a shaft before entering it and watch all those lurking predators come out of their hidings. Would work in caves too. So as soon as this works, the flare would greatly increase in use and get a life saver.
I almost forgot - some fragments should not be found inside wrecks:
all cyclops fragments - place some pda info on sunken cyclops locations where you'll find some fragments buried in sand (in deep biomes, needs seamoth or exosuit to get them)
advanced big high tech (scanner room, moonpool, exosuit, cyclops dock) - hidden at sealed, but not so deep places, like Aurora or a big unknown base.
Worth noting that not only are there a a number of techs that could go from starter techs to fragments, and there are shallow/kelp wrecks to spare to accommodate them, but the wrecks might also have other interesting stuff in them.
Notably a fair number of wrecks have those little upgrade holding station thingies like the one in the aurora drive room that has the energy efficiency module in...
I'm somewhat expecting a fair bit more content in general to be coming out of wrecks.
I'd still like the occasional thing to just be lying around just any old where too though, but I wouldn't want to have to RELY on that, just have it as an extra.
zetachron Thank you
You nailed it, every thing I have been thinking for the last 5 builds since 30600 I think.
"•no wreck that is completely empty at all (frustrating, a single fragment would take away most frustration)"
This one is the worst for me with no seamoth in 4 of the 5 builds and all the work to get to the deep wreaks and no reward. It is starting to not be an experience I am enjoying. lol
4 out of 5 builds I had no power or just the bio reactor. This last one 30996 I got the solar panels and the moth and the sea glide in the shallows. With empty deeper wreaks.
I'll go back and see if fragments are in the wreaks in a stable build, its been a while since I checked the stable game.
Stable build 30230 still was fragments just laying around.
zetachron Thank you
You nailed it, every thing I have been thinking for the last 5 builds since 30600 I think.
"•no wreck that is completely empty at all (frustrating, a single fragment would take away most frustration)"
This one is the worst for me with no seamoth in 4 of the 5 builds and all the work to get to the deep wreaks and no reward. It is starting to not be an experience I am enjoying. lol
4 out of 5 builds I had no power or just the bio reactor. This last one 30996 I got the solar panels and the moth and the sea glide in the shallows. With empty deeper wreaks.
I'll go back and see if fragments are in the wreaks in a stable build, its been a while since I checked the stable game.
I'm using a new method now. Look at a wreck from the outside or just peek inside the first open room. If nothing is there I skip this wreck and otherwise a pile of fragments will jump into my face which is impossible to ignore. But I heard from a secret update 33333, where you'll have a hard time finding the wreck under the heap of fragments burying the wreck.
I don't want my "money for nothing and my chicks for free" I want a risk reward that is working.
When I cut two doors to get deep inside a wreak at 250M to find nothing it is disappointing in the least.
I know, I know its experimental, but if fragments can be found in the shallow wreak they should be found in the deeper ones also.
Sooner i just went to to explore the Grand Reef, mainly in search of mass quartz. Didnt take very long for me to fall upon Wreck 10 which is the closest of the 2 in the Deep Grand Reef. after a bit of exploration and cuting 2 doors i found 0 fragments which was a bit dissapointing, was kinda wondering if they were all over at Wreck 11...
I go onward of my exploration and after 2-3 trips of back 'n forth to my base to unload mats i finally get to the 2nd Wreck in the Grand Reef. Images speak better than words:
Yeah, 'bout 25 fragments later my question was answered
I am not sure, I was doing a lot of superstitious voodoo it. But the last ceremonial sacrifice was renaming the old savegames directory that appeared to have remnants of old games in (even after deleting them) and then starting a new game.
The problem is that not enough fragments seem to have spawned. So sure, finally wreck 16 had some stuff, and between that and another wreck I got a seaglide and a solar panel and things can finally happen. Right?
Well. Sort of. It seems like not only am I getting different fragments than the ones people are listing at certain wrecks on this thread I'm getting LESS fragments over all. As in half as many, or less, per wreck, and some of the wrecks people are reporting fragments at... aren't giving me any fragments at all. So wreck 16 yielded 3 fragments instead of 5, I think it was wreck 17 gave me 1 and 18 gave me 2, and 19 and 20 gave me none at all.
So, after the seaglide and solar panels... I have one fragment of a seamoth and that is it. I suspect I have another trash save game here. One of many. I should really just give up on this until experimental gets some fixes/completions in on this whole new fangled fragments in wrecks thing (and maybe also gets the scanner room which I can only guess helps you find the damn things without debug console).
The Mobile Vehicle Bay and the moon pool, but no seamoth, Seaglide, and only a few Cyclops fragments.
I did find the Stasis Rifle tonight. Game is around the 54th day.
I started this time on build # 30600 and tonight its up to #30667. Do I have to start a new game to see the changes or am I stuck with when I started the game on #30600?
I have yet to revisit any wreaks to see if new fragments pop in or not.
The only thing that gets me is when I cut into a wreak door and find nothing. But that's what I get for playing experimental.
I said it earlier in the thread, but it's nice to see other people confirming my suspicions. Fragments are randomized between wrecks, and apparently that includes number of fragments as well.
All my safe shallow wrecks had zero fragments, and all but one kelp forest wreck had zero fragments. Meanwhile my aurora wreck had something like 10+ fragments. Seaglide, Solar Panels, and the VDB. It's the only reason I've been able to continue on this save. When I get home from work I might start a new game to see if I can't get fragments in the safe shallows wrecks.
Definitely gonna check my save game folder and purge it to make sure nothing's being erroneously saved despite hitting delete. Might need to report that in the bug section.
It took starting a brand new game yesterday before they finally appeared (build 30661).
As for whether they're randomized or not, I don't think we'll be able to tell until the next stable build drops so we can compare results from an identical base. Otherwise it could just be the devs tweaking positioning in a minor experimental update.
- - - - - - -
Edit: Also, it can be difficult to even see some fragments. Once you've left the Safe Shallows, in many cases you're looking for that black box shape against an almost-black wall or floor. Using a flashlight or other light source is essential. Even then I almost missed two fragments in a deeper wreck when facing towards one of those floodlights. The glare from it obscured two fragments sitting right in front of me.
Add in the anxiety of running out of oxygen plus the disorienting position of some wrecks and it's easy to overlook some fragments tucked in amongst jumbled crates. No doubt there are still some missing from the list despite my attempts to explore thoroughly.
I have 2 strategies for dealing with depth with low technology:
1: Bring your builder, 4 titanium and a glass and you can have on-site oxygen by building a corridor with hatch. I had done this extensively before I learned that this was contributing to my games lagging into unplayability (apparently even deconstructed buildings still contributed).
2: Builder, 2 titanium, bubble-coral fragment, creepvine seed gives you an bio-oxygen station. My latest self-challenge is playing with no bases except one near my lifepod with an aquarium and lockers. With this approach, I build an external growbed and plant bubbles and come back a day later. It has its own light to make it easier to spot, and provides bubbles as you're getting down to it. The deepest I've been able to get one of these is about 350' in the blood kelp zone using 4 oxygen tanks.
Long term, the first suggestion will run into a slight problem. The devs are planning that bases will not supply oxygen unless they are powered (nor will an unpowered seamoth or cyclops). That will make it more difficult to set up lots of small satellite bases. But I believe this change is still a few stable releases away. Details here:
I'm pretty sure you should be fine. I've been playing experimental and the builds are going up at least once a day or so and I haven't had to remake a new game due to updates since build 30600
That second option is super creative though. Props to you. I'd have never thought of it, but then I only recently realized you could grow the things after accidentally hitting one with a knife. Stalker was dead set on killing me while I was trying to refill my tanks. The ensuing merry-go-round the bubble coral was hilarious in hindsight. XD
You have to remember this game is still in development. A lot of these wrecks still aren't finished. A lot of the wrecks that are empty right now will eventually have fragments in them, just be patient.
Also not to mention that currently the lifepod spawns very close to several smaller wrecks and a heat source so probably the devs will get those wrecks to hold fragments we can use for power sources.
On another note, is the lifepod drifting bug back? Was playing yesterday and went to floater island and when I got back my life pod had def moved
On the other hand, just how much is it a work in progress and what is it in progress towards?
Because since then I've managed with updates and restarts to make wrecks in the safe shallows and kelp areas yield some fragments. And while early on getting... nothing was clearly (most likely) an incomplete thing or a bug what I'm getting now and the way I'm getting it is either some pretty wild coincidences or indicative of some rather odd intended behaviour.
I'm seeing seemingly random distribution, I am now finding ONLY the minimum number of fragments to get each "safe shallows/kelp" blue print, but somehow it seems to be in the wrecks I visit first, whichever ones those are, and once I swear I found fragments on a second (early) visit to a wreck even though it was empty first time. This seems consistent with last minute "rolls" for drops based on what you don't have each time you approach a wreck.
I would prefer randomized placement of somewhat more than the minimum required fragments determined at world generation/aurora explosion (and maybe some small number of bonus fragments on top of that scattered outside of wrecks and maybe even outside of specific biome restrictions to give a small chance of interesting randomized replayability). While it might just be wild coincidence what I'm seeing myself doesn't seem to be particularly consistent with that.
I also had my repaired lifepod wander off when I went down in the bloodkelp biome. I considered starting a new game since I hadn't built up my fixed base much, but since I'd just found the solar panels I thought I'd make a go of it. Then of all things the pod wandered back!
LobsterPhone, I think your description of the fragment system pretty much nails it, and it's consistent with what RevivedShadow mentioned on the previous page.
I suspect there are a certain number of fragment "slots" in and around each wreck. When you approach the wreck, perhaps when passing over a batch* boundary, the RNG gods decide what type of fragment fills each slot based on the technologies typical for that area and which of those technologies you have not unlocked yet. Or the slot could simply be left empty. That brings me to one of my beefs.
The first time you visit a wreck, there should always be *something* to find. Even if you already have all the techs typical of that area, the game shouldn't just randomly decide to leave all the slots empty. Sure, the player will only end up getting some titanium, but at least it avoids the feeling of frustration "I spent all this time cutting my way into here and I find nothing!"
The respawning mechanic that you and PocketMunchkin have described is a little weird too. If I carefully explore and clear out a wreck, why would new fragments occasionally appear? The Aurora didn't explode again. Some slots are deep within wrecks so it's unlikely that ocean currents could cause fragments to drift through twisting corridors and come to rest there.
Your suggestion of determining fragment locations when the world is created or the Aurora explodes is a good one. It could eliminate the need for the respawning mechanic.
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(*Note: As I understand it, a "batch" is a cube making up part of the world which holds the terrain etc in that area. Think of batches as a 3-dimensional array of cells. Passing over a batch boundary probably triggers some game actions, like drawing the plants and detailed textures up ahead, or doing the RNG thing to fill fragment slots)
I've noticed a lot of stuff like this over the time I've played. Especially quartz and other resources. I'll pick an area clean, but after coming back, somehow there's even more. They're still slowly adding in saved states for everything, so we'll see respawning things that shouldn't until they're done with that.
I've revised the list of wrecks to try to illustrate the apparent randomization of blueprint fragments we've seen. Please remember that this list is based on observation, not examining actual game code, and that future experimental builds can change things on a moment's notice. In other words, YMMV.
Edit: Tried to make a more readable ASCII table.
My experience with wreck fragments is that I've found fragments for things I already have complete blueprints in wrecks where I have visited before. So, mostly similar experiences to what other players have reported here already.
I've searched a few wrecks and even in the grand reef just to find not a single fragment inside. Then, some other wrecks that were easy to access had literally piles of fragments all in one place and just around and on top of the wreck. No skill, laser cutting or wreck diving necessary to fetch all this tech. WTF?
What we really would like to see:
Example for a starter wreck:
Some defenses and dangers for the wrecks to make it more thrilling:
What's possitive is, that now you have a good need for flashlights. If creature behaviour would include them getting attracted to light, a strategy could be to throw flares inside a wreck or down a shaft before entering it and watch all those lurking predators come out of their hidings. Would work in caves too. So as soon as this works, the flare would greatly increase in use and get a life saver.
I almost forgot - some fragments should not be found inside wrecks:
Notably a fair number of wrecks have those little upgrade holding station thingies like the one in the aurora drive room that has the energy efficiency module in...
I'm somewhat expecting a fair bit more content in general to be coming out of wrecks.
I'd still like the occasional thing to just be lying around just any old where too though, but I wouldn't want to have to RELY on that, just have it as an extra.
note: there were still another 5 fragments behind me. And this is one of the shallow wrecks closest to the life pod.
You nailed it, every thing I have been thinking for the last 5 builds since 30600 I think.
"•no wreck that is completely empty at all (frustrating, a single fragment would take away most frustration)"
This one is the worst for me with no seamoth in 4 of the 5 builds and all the work to get to the deep wreaks and no reward. It is starting to not be an experience I am enjoying. lol
4 out of 5 builds I had no power or just the bio reactor. This last one 30996 I got the solar panels and the moth and the sea glide in the shallows. With empty deeper wreaks.
I'll go back and see if fragments are in the wreaks in a stable build, its been a while since I checked the stable game.
Stable build 30230 still was fragments just laying around.
I'm using a new method now. Look at a wreck from the outside or just peek inside the first open room. If nothing is there I skip this wreck and otherwise a pile of fragments will jump into my face which is impossible to ignore. But I heard from a secret update 33333, where you'll have a hard time finding the wreck under the heap of fragments burying the wreck.
When I cut two doors to get deep inside a wreak at 250M to find nothing it is disappointing in the least.
I know, I know its experimental, but if fragments can be found in the shallow wreak they should be found in the deeper ones also.
I go onward of my exploration and after 2-3 trips of back 'n forth to my base to unload mats i finally get to the 2nd Wreck in the Grand Reef. Images speak better than words:
Yeah, 'bout 25 fragments later my question was answered