Some Questions

SoichSoich USA Join Date: 2015-08-01 Member: 206623Members
So, I haven't played this game in awhile, and I have some questions about the crafting system that confuses me. So when I finish putting out the fire, I try and craft stuff, and half the things that are usually there are gone! Like the ship builder. So how did the devs re-organize the crafting system, since I'm familiar with the older one.


  • eastofdeatheastofdeath usa Join Date: 2016-02-28 Member: 213559Members
    As you pick you resources now the PDA/computer will tell you have discovered a new blueprint.
    For example when you pick your for first Magnetite it will let you know you can now make the compass. :)
  • WheeljackWheeljack Chilling in the Grand Reef Join Date: 2016-03-17 Member: 214338Members
    And some blueprints require you to scan a certain amount of fragments before you can even unlock the blueprint now. The mobile vehicle bay (the ship builder) is one of them.
  • j0ndavj0ndav Bristol Join Date: 2016-03-17 Member: 214373Members
    I prefer the new way of having to discover things before you can make them - adds a small extra challenge.
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