meatmachine wrote: » So at a roughly 50/50 balance, the chance of one team or the other winning just 10 games in a row is 0.0009 so you're telling me in a game with hundreds of rounds played per day, that at some point, a single team won 13 times in a row? Does this have to be a 'balance' thing? Cant it just be a 'probabilities' thing?
F0rdPrefect wrote: » show previous quotes meatmachine wrote: » So at a roughly 50/50 balance, the chance of one team or the other winning just 10 games in a row is 0.0009 so you're telling me in a game with hundreds of rounds played per day, that at some point, a single team won 13 times in a row? Does this have to be a 'balance' thing? Cant it just be a 'probabilities' thing? Wrong thread, meat, but close.
Wrong thread, meat, but close.
Aha! I knew I made that post somewhere