Natural events
Hungary Join Date: 2016-03-28 Member: 214957Members

It would be cool if they added natural events like storms, earthquakes, small asteroids(?)
And of course these events would have their own rarity types like Storms happen like every 5 days or just has a chance of starting a storm at the start of the day.
storms: There would be huge wave and thunders and of course heavy raining and maybe tsunamis
earthqueakes: your screen while the earthquake damages your basea
asteroids?: rarely a small asteroid falls into the water and if you built your base outside of the water then it can damage it and maybe they can contain some resources like salt, lithium etc.
Tell me what you think about it
And of course these events would have their own rarity types like Storms happen like every 5 days or just has a chance of starting a storm at the start of the day.
storms: There would be huge wave and thunders and of course heavy raining and maybe tsunamis
earthqueakes: your screen while the earthquake damages your basea
asteroids?: rarely a small asteroid falls into the water and if you built your base outside of the water then it can damage it and maybe they can contain some resources like salt, lithium etc.
Tell me what you think about it

As for astronomical phenomena, I don't actually like the idea of getting materials from meteorites. I don't know why. However, I do agree that we need more of those sort of things. Right now the only one we have is the solar eclipse which happens to the giant moon in the sky. It would be cool to have some more such as:
Then it dawned on me... What about an UNDERWATER weather system? Literally. Ha! Didn't think of that one, did ya?
Actually, did you know there is a solar eclipse already incorporated into the game. I got to experience it myself a few days ago. It was actually terrifying cause everything just started getting all dark rapidly.
My comment clearly says that the only astronomical phenomenon in the game is the solar eclipe.
So yes, I do know.
Surface storms: Maybe regular supertsunamis (like those single horizontal superwave in the movie "Interstellar") tied to gravitational planetery constellation events. No complicated wave system, but one simple front rolling over the global surface map and without damaging the Aurora or the island bases (The wave could hit the floating island on the cliff side). Still maybe too much work, only the devs know.
Earthquakes: Only near thermal activity outlets like volcanic shafts and smoking pillars, so you would either need energy transmitter lines or some tech to reduce quake harm for bases. Reinforcements could be a simple way. Quakes could even be allowed everywhere if the following system could be used:
Quake reduces integrity by destroying 1 or more reinforcements. When a base is below 100 integrity, a breach is created per wave. When a base is below 0, multiple breaches are created. Until finally the base gets wrecked. Destroyed reinforcements and breaches can be fixed by the welder.
Meteors: Randam and rare events. The are handled like the wreck parts flying from the Aurora to the ocean. You see some animated sky event with a burst like the Aurora one and a preplaced hidden meteor structure gets unlocked and visible down in some biome bottom. The meteor might be radioactive or not. It can be broken apart, giant or tiny, hold cave structures or not. But mostly some goodies and maybe easter eggs. The meteor event will only appear at a certain location if the player is far away, thus reducing animation and art efforts.
Sky Aurora: Simple animated sky effects. So maybe additionally very strong and intense in light and effect. And maybe even a time where the planet is struck by cosmic radiation on such a scale, that you need to get into your rad protection in time to survive. This event will also drive the radioactive sensitive reapers mad and start attacking your bases.
Long term eclipse (sunlight gets blocked by a planet in line traveling almost parallel with Subnautica around the sun):
Also called "Night of the creeps" - A night lasting too long and the night hunting sharks and creatures start to seek prey far from home. The bases get under attack and even the safe shallows will find crabsnakes or shockers hunting there.
Underwater Storms: Giant underwater currents or jetstreams appearing until they cumulate into a giant whirlpool. Somewhere down the ILZ or Lost River or map edge, where there's place for such streams and making it more dangerous to navigate subs down there. God have mercy with any diver far from a sub that gets into such a stream.