Now, this is cool; from the Trello...

CoranthCoranth Join Date: 2015-06-02 Member: 205160Members
Please delete this thread.


  • DefectiveDelfinDefectiveDelfin Planet earth Join Date: 2015-07-19 Member: 206262Members
    Coranth,although this is awesome,i dont think you should spam threads on the trello updates. Maybe keep all the updates in a centralized thread?

    Maybe make a "TRELLO UPDATE MEGATHREAD'.Many people would probably like to know when important or interesting things are added to Trello but making repeated threads is a little bit spammy.
  • CoranthCoranth Join Date: 2015-06-02 Member: 205160Members
    edited April 2016
    Ah, okay. How does one delete Threads, here, then?
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