Signal relay for scanner room

DakkanorDakkanor New Zealand Join Date: 2016-05-11 Member: 216616Members
just a small freestanding antennae to increase the scanner room drone range, i prefer having one big base rather than small outposts and drones which only explore in a 500m radius around my home turf are nigh useless because i am so familiar with the terrain

so being able to build a signal booster (or having one a drone can just drop but cannot pick up) would be lovely for extending range in a sphere of influence just big enough for a small biome


  • SlackerstuSlackerstu Join Date: 2016-05-24 Member: 217432Members
    Really want some range extender/wi-fi repeaters for the drone system. Could be used somewhat like the power extender crystals and drop one every 500 meters or so to form a control grid or even connect several mini bases over long distances to the same network. This way if the drone is in range of ANY signal source you can patrol much larger areas.

    Maybe even build a repeater upgrade for the drone itself so you could drive one to the end of its range and park it as a repeater and get in another one you could dive past the first with a good signal.
  • TerrazinTerrazin Germany Join Date: 2016-03-01 Member: 213688Members
    edited August 2016
    Slackerstu wrote: »
    like the power extender crystals
    Trying to build another drone: You need to construct additional Pylons.

    This really was my first association...
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