Fragment Bug
U.S. Join Date: 2016-05-21 Member: 217215Members

So I have gotten Subnautica for Xbox One and i'm loving it! One problem though is the bug that just keeps your fragment progress at 100% and not giving you the blueprint. I have spent hours in the grand reef trying to get a moon pool blueprint and I have 4/4 of the fragments but, I can't build it. Does anyone know a fix for this it would be greatly appreciated.
I too am playing on Xbox and run into this glitch too many timed to count it's a real game breaker. I've had to restart 5 times because of this glitch and now I'm considering just quit playing all together, at least till an update comes out preventing this. Each time it happens to me I'm significantly further in the game.
First time I had only played for an hour I got the seamoth and was looking for the seaglide when I scanned the second and last piece of the seaglide the progress bar read 100% but I never reviewed the blueprint after that nothing I scanned gave me a blueprint.
Most recently it happened after 24 hours of gameplay, I had built a huge base that was always fully powered, I had the seamoth and seaglide and 2/3 of the cyclops, I built a fish farm and water desalination, I repaired the generator on the Aurora to stop the radiation, I had a smaller base in each biome, I had discovered the location of both islands.
I was scanning my first thermal plant fragment when the frame rate dropped and caused the scanner animation to stop but it kept scanning after it was done scanning the game froze all without me saving . When I loaded it back up it said that I still had 1/3 thermal plants scanned, I though it odd as I know the game doesnt autosave so I should still need to find my first thermal plant over again. Within minutes I found another 2 thermal plant fragments and scanned them. It said I had 3/3 thermal plants but no blueprint I surfaced at floater island to explore it as I akready knew what was on the island from a previous attempt at playing before this glitch broke my game. On the island I scanned the outdoor and indoor growbeds, spotlight and observatory all without getting the blue prints nor even acknowledgment that they had scanned. I tried quitting without saving and loading it back up again but it still shows 3/3 thermal plants and I still can't any get blueprints anymore.
I downloaded this game on the first day it was available for Xbox and each day I play I have to start a new game at least once because each day I play I run into this same game breaking glitch.
Here are the causes I've found for this glitch
1. (Easiest to avoid) If you stop scanning something and don't finish, ex: I already had the seamoth and was looking for seaglide, I found a seamoth framer started to scan it but realize I didn't need it so stopped midway and left. Glitch activated
2. If your frame rate drops significantly while scanning
3. If you're attacked while scanning
4. If something moves the fragment
Please developers fix this bug as for you other players I hope this info helps at least so you know you're not alone.