
DeadPeaceDeadPeace Chicago Join Date: 2016-05-25 Member: 217489Members
New to the forums. Just purchased the game on Xb1. I don't know if anyone suggested this (I'm sure someone has had to.) But I think storms would be a cool implement. The currents would push and pull you if you were just free swimming close to the surface. With giant waves and beautiful lighting storms seen above and underwater.


  • SenneraSennera Texas Join Date: 2015-07-07 Member: 206043Members
    I'm sure storms are under strong consideration by the devs, seeing as how it's a water planet and all that moisture has got to result in some terrifically awesome weather. I'm also sure they wouldn't be able to make them a thing before the end of this year, if anything it'd probably be a post-1.0 addition similar to how Don't Starve introduced extreme weathers through a DLC.

    I would 110% enjoy the addition of storms though. I'm pretty sure the water planet's weather would be absolutely insane, and it would give a reason to fear building on the limited dry land there is.
  • PokcoroPokcoro Australia Join Date: 2016-03-18 Member: 214412Members
    I'm fairly certain storms are under heavy consideration, as a Data File in one of the abandoned bases on the floater island mentions clearing the space the crew had for farming of rain water. It was...the security officer asking the youngest survivor to clear out their food supply because a storm flooded it, I think; which was actually the reason the survivors ended up moving down below the water.
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