Update 300 Released! - Natural Selection 2
Join Date: 2013-01-29 Member: 182599Members, Super Administrators, Reinforced - Diamond

“THIS IS ALTERRA!” First off, how amazing is it that we are at Update 300? The blood sweat and tears that have been poured into this game by so many...
Since marines do not need a second cc for anything, there is really no reason anymore to limit ccs to techpoints.
The kind of stuff that widen the gap between players's types.
As an HMG enthusiast I can't say I'm really happy with the name change. Who cares if calling it an hmg is technically incorrect, the name is iconic to everyone who's been around since the old days.
I hereby suggest calling it the "Heavy" Machine Gun.
Popularly known as the "Heavy" Machine Gun, the HMG name caught on during field usage against the Kharaa threat as the Frontiersmen reported the weapon's heavy weight and the heavy amounts of firepower it offers.
The changelog popup is a great feature that was long overdue, I welcome the FT cost change, and the new skin looks badass. Shame the HMG sounds like a peashooter now.
Overall an update thoroughly for the better.
well, just make sure you don't lose your armor to lerks (soon to be ranged spores on biomass 4 iirc?) and you won't get the fun sucked out of the game by being 1 shot by fades.
Thanks for mentioning me in the fixes, I'm grateful!
No, CCs don't do anything. Every CC costs 15 res so when marine team is able to spam them all over the map aliens should surrender. Marines do not get any map presence with a CC.
You can limit the amount of CCs per room to 1 though. Would that be fine?
It's part of the plan of helping new players. You see, making them get rekt even harder by veteran fade players will make them leave this trainwreck of a game even faster, which is better for them.
Funny and interesting relocates and overall more freedom where to place your CCs what results in more options and more fun.
It will stack with crush.
Check out this google doc to compare. Courtesy of @Yaluzan. Give him awesomes. Not me.
Damage stays the same but armor damage scale up (multiplicative)
Thank you!
(no awesome)
Thank you for posting this. This is the actual information that is relevant to players, and would ideally be situated in the update notes themselves. According to this data, crush has exactly zero effect on the number of attacks to kill on players for any lifeform. However it may make killing structures faster still.
Not necessarily. We don't know how much damage the last attack actually needed to do to kill them. It could've been minuscule, like for a skulk against a marine on armor 0.
Crush only does armor damage. So on a marine it wont help you, but it will do more chip damage. This may be strong with lerk spikes. It also means exos will be easier to kill since they are all armor.
Structures do die faster. For example, that base rush where you get the chair down to 1% with 3 skulks. With crush it would of gone down a few seconds sooner.
It's hard to say if all of this is good from the balance point of view (but exciting for sure). Not that I'm totally against the free CC placement but it's a lot to reconsider and it would require changes in many existing mechanics.
It's quite a long list, but you can do it !
Honestly, the best and simplest way to help new players against fades would be to buff the flamethrower. If the flamethrower actually fired the number of times it's supposed to in a second, and could hit things traveling through it, the dominance of a god-like fade would really be reigned in.
I see that the flamethrowers cost was lowered again. What's the point though? It's still a garbage weapon. You guys have lowered the cost over and over again, but it's still a waste of res in almost all circumstances.
Is there some technical reason the flamethrower's fire rate is so low? There's no way to work around that?