Bioreactor runs on live fish - should it?
Warsaw Join Date: 2016-02-24 Member: 213389Members

I have put several live peepers in the Bioreactor to see if they can serve as fuel. Don't judge me.
In fact it seems that they power the reactor infinitelly, moreover when I put an egg in addition to them, the egg dissappears immediatelly, the fish stay and the reactor stays active. I guess it is a bug, i.e. bioreactor should be powered only by the materials that somehow decompose?...
In fact it seems that they power the reactor infinitelly, moreover when I put an egg in addition to them, the egg dissappears immediatelly, the fish stay and the reactor stays active. I guess it is a bug, i.e. bioreactor should be powered only by the materials that somehow decompose?...
I'm not a big bioreactor user and I don't know what to make of "power the reactor infinitelly", but mostly your situation seems about right. You can feed live fish to the bioreactor (where they won't remain live for long), as well as anything else organic with the current exception of the nutrition blocks. You could, for instance, breed stalkers for the express purpose of bioreactor fuel.
The reason the egg disappears well before the peepers is that there's only 50 energy points in eggs, while peepers are good for 150 energy points. Hence, it takes longer for them to be processed.
If you don't enjoy roleplaying their little screams as you stuff them into mean...if you prefer to avoid using living creatures as fuel, you can use plants you raise in a grow bed. The best plant choice is Marblemelon, followed by the Lantern Fruit. The former lasts longer per fruit, while the latter is less hassle to harvest (you don't have to replant all the time).
With four Marblemelons in there, the reactor has potentially 440 power stored. Since using the Fabricator uses 5 energy per item converted, it will certainly seem like the bioreactor fuel lasts forever, but it really is using it up, just very slowly. You'll see the fuel used up faster if you do a lot of Seamoth/Moon Pool work or using a Recharger to recharge your Batteries and Power Cells.
1) I had impression that the powering was infinite, i.e. the bioreactor was active for ca 1 hour gameplay, constantly powering battery chargers, water distillation machine, fabrications etc. The peepers were still there, in the same amount, none of them disappeared during this time.
2) The egg which I added to the peepers, disappeared *immediatelly*, it was not just a shorter burn-time. It looked to me as if the reactor entered a strange state and locked itself, unable to do any changes to the materials buffer.
So this is how it probably happened:
You added 3 Peepers to the reactor fuel and it started generating power. As batteries were being recharged elsewhere (etc) the power drain was counted against the base supply, which the reactor was slowly refilling. You didn't see any change in the fuel supplies (Peepers) because it had only generated about 45 power so far, and the Peepers are worth more than that (150 power each). Remember time doesn't matter at all to energy stored, only actual consumption. The reactor makes power at about 5 points per minute of real time. If I power a base up with a reactor but never use the fabricator or other energy draining items, it never runs out of fuel. Later, you added an egg to the fuel bin, and a moment later the reactor generated its 50th point of power. That is a benchmark, it checks and sees it can remove the egg (a 50 point item), does so, and resets its internal fuel counter as it continues generating power. If you add nothing more to its fuel, when it reaches 150 more points of power generated, a Peeper will vanish from the fuel supply.
If you hadn't added the egg, when the reactor generated its 150th point of power, one of the Peepers would have vanished, and the internal counter would have reset to zero while it continued to generate power as needed.