Will there be more?

Nautical_NickNautical_Nick Australia Join Date: 2016-06-12 Member: 218444Members
After the release of Subnautica, will there still be updates adding more content or will the game cease to get updates. I do hope that even after the full release of the game more content gets added in because this means that even after the full release, people can still share their ideas.


  • WaviestBow6WaviestBow6 Join Date: 2016-06-05 Member: 218131Members
    Of course! They plan to add the Lily pad Biome and other things! :)
  • DrownedOutDrownedOut Habitat Join Date: 2016-05-26 Member: 217559Members
    Chech Trello. The unknown section on the roadmap mostly contains post-release update material.
  • Nautical_NickNautical_Nick Australia Join Date: 2016-06-12 Member: 218444Members
    Cool. @WaviestBow6, I'm talking about content after Subnautica comes into a full version instead of Early Access, not things being added in during Early Access
  • WaviestBow6WaviestBow6 Join Date: 2016-06-05 Member: 218131Members
    Cool. @WaviestBow6, I'm talking about content after Subnautica comes into a full version instead of Early Access, not things being added in during Early Access

    Yes, it would be a poor decision to just abandon their game. I can't remember but i think V1.0 (the full version) is when they are adding the story parts of the game.
    (remember early access is before V1.0 its mostly used to earn more money for the game, add more content and gain more popularity)
    (correct me if I'm wrong. I'm not 100% sure)

    Hope that helped :)
  • Nautical_NickNautical_Nick Australia Join Date: 2016-06-12 Member: 218444Members
    Yes you are right @WaviestBow6 . V1 is the first version of the full build. If they continue to update the game than it will go into V1.1 than V1.2 and so on. I thought that story elements were going to be implemented just before V1, but I guess I'm wrong.
  • WaviestBow6WaviestBow6 Join Date: 2016-06-05 Member: 218131Members
    Well, I hope this at least helped. :)
  • AvimimusAvimimus Join Date: 2016-03-28 Member: 214968Members
    I hope they charge for these addons - I'll happily by DLC or a sequel... heck, I might pre-order it not even knowing the content - I like the game that much.
  • Nautical_NickNautical_Nick Australia Join Date: 2016-06-12 Member: 218444Members
    Thank you for clearing that up.
  • LonnehartLonnehart Guam Join Date: 2016-06-20 Member: 218816Members
    edited July 2016
    I hope more is added after all the updates after V1 is done. More lore to find and examine. After all, the planet has a thirty year history of ships disappearing, right? It'd be nice if the game world was expanded (both horizontally and vertically) to include a lot of wrecks as well as PDAs with clues to the stories of their crew... And who knows? Maybe eventually the protagonist will find a way to get back home (because I imagine that if Subnautica is a really big success there will be less incentive to conclude the protagonists story with a rescue)? :)
  • Nautical_NickNautical_Nick Australia Join Date: 2016-06-12 Member: 218444Members
    A little of topic but will there be a new Warper warp animation instead of the green gas it releases?
  • ToastersToasters AUT Join Date: 2016-07-02 Member: 219466Members
    We are going to be implementing most of the story elements before V1. But there may be some of the very end game stuff that goes in at V1.

    I've had a discussion on stream with some other people. We all agreed that the story so far is really good and interesting, but not substancial enough.

    At this point, you can play the game, without bothering with the story really. It would be so much more fun (and people might pay more attention to it), if we had to actually interact with the story.
    I say this, because i really really like the story. It's like a short sci-fi roman. I hope we get to see much more of that :)

  • LonnehartLonnehart Guam Join Date: 2016-06-20 Member: 218816Members
    Well, they could always add Story Mode. Where you will be forced to advance the story as opposed to Survival/hardcore where you can take your time.
  • WaviestBow6WaviestBow6 Join Date: 2016-06-05 Member: 218131Members
    Toasters wrote: »
    We are going to be implementing most of the story elements before V1. But there may be some of the very end game stuff that goes in at V1.

    I've had a discussion on stream with some other people. We all agreed that the story so far is really good and interesting, but not substancial enough.

    At this point, you can play the game, without bothering with the story really. It would be so much more fun (and people might pay more attention to it), if we had to actually interact with the story.
    I say this, because i really really like the story. It's like a short sci-fi roman. I hope we get to see much more of that :)


    Uh... What's roman?
  • yomamayomama On the freeway Join Date: 2016-04-17 Member: 215861Members
    How is the story so far really good and interesting?? It's not in the game yet. They're still workIng on it. You do realize that the game isn't finished, yes?
  • crane476crane476 United States, Tx Join Date: 2015-08-07 Member: 206850Members
    edited July 2016
    yomama wrote: »
    How is the story so far really good and interesting?? It's not in the game yet. They're still workIng on it. You do realize that the game isn't finished, yes?

    He's probably been poking around the game files. Lots of story stuff and yet to be implemented loot and tech referenced in the english.json file for example.
  • yomamayomama On the freeway Join Date: 2016-04-17 Member: 215861Members
    Ah, that explains it!
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