Lifepod teleporting glitch/bug

PuurokissaPuurokissa Finland Join Date: 2016-07-01 Member: 219443Members
[i don't know if this is a bug or..)
So, my lifepod has drifted/teleported SUPER far away, (like this) 0bef94878c.jpg and i tried to reach it but i couldn't, it also keeps teleporting around randomly.

Yes, i have cheated but mostly just items.


  • ToastersToasters AUT Join Date: 2016-07-02 Member: 219466Members
    This happened to me too! Except it doesn't teleport around as far as i know.

    I play on survival and did not use any console or cheat. At some point it was just not there anymore. I tried to reach it too.... Went over 12km away from my home base - without success.

    I dont know how it happened and where it is.
  • PuurokissaPuurokissa Finland Join Date: 2016-07-01 Member: 219443Members
    Oh yeah, i forgot to mention that the lifepod randomly teleports to a new location.
    First it was near the floater islands and then its there on the picture and currently it's like behind the other island (forgot the name).
  • ToastersToasters AUT Join Date: 2016-07-02 Member: 219466Members
    For me it just stays in direction away from aurora... I think west north west.

    Btw... When i tried to reach it with my cyclops, i went REALLY far away as i mentioned....After around 6km i couldn't exit pilot seat anymore and was stuck there until my death...which also didnt really happen, because i could navigate further with 0% hp and 0% hydration. I had to restart to my last save, which i did just before leaving thankfully. So dont go too far ^^
  • joni65joni65 Kansas Join Date: 2016-06-19 Member: 218763Members
    This is happening to me as well. I never know from moment to moment where the life pod will be.
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