Story Theories

Geocrafter47Geocrafter47 Join Date: 2016-07-01 Member: 219382Members
Ok so i have been looking at all the clues to try and figure out the story of subnautica but i want to hear some other peoples theories before i come up with mine so go ahead and share you theories.


  • yomamayomama On the freeway Join Date: 2016-04-17 Member: 215861Members
    edited July 2016
    Well...the ship got shot down, you follow the clues and gradually you figure out that there is an unspeakably diabolical plot to build a death ray and use it against your homeworld. After locating the secret base hidden on the lost continent you come face to face with the architect of the destruction of everything...

  • RainstormRainstorm Montreal (Quebec) Join Date: 2015-12-15 Member: 210003Members
    yomama wrote: »
    Well...the ship got shot down, you follow the clues and gradually you figure out that there is an unspeakably diabolical plot to build a death ray and use it against your homeworld. After locating the secret base hidden on the lost continent you come face to face with the architect of the destruction of everything...


    An Epic battle ensues -- Knives cuts todaface, Repulsion Cannon Blasts in the parts, Arrows to the knees.
    Dr Evil finally crooks but OH NOES, the true villain appears in front of yous!

  • HaliosHalios Oz Join Date: 2015-11-27 Member: 209514Members
    If you've read the data downloads and know that their general plan is something along the lines of Avatar (which they've said in the steam forums), that'll give you a fair idea of what the story is.
  • yomamayomama On the freeway Join Date: 2016-04-17 Member: 215861Members
    Avatar? Cool! Ima get some guns and shoot me some smurfs! #bluepeoplerunfast #fleshwoundsmurf
  • HaliosHalios Oz Join Date: 2015-11-27 Member: 209514Members
    yomama wrote: »
    Avatar? Cool! Ima get some guns and shoot me some smurfs! #bluepeoplerunfast #fleshwoundsmurf

    Erm... well I don't think that's quite what they were thinking of. More along the lines of let's go native rather than colonising and ravaging this planet.
  • yomamayomama On the freeway Join Date: 2016-04-17 Member: 215861Members
    Honestly I haven't paid attention to the story hints, preferring to enjoy the journey of discovery when it's up and running VERY VERY SOON!

    And yes, I know it's not yet another shooter game.
  • OsydiusOsydius France Join Date: 2015-09-19 Member: 208031Members
    just to help people think about the story, here's a list of what we know of the game so far (WARNING, SPOILERS AHEAD) - of course, all I have listed hereunder may change before release:
    • according to Subnautica's wiki, the Aurora is a spacecraft "sent to the Ariadne Arm by Alterra Corporation in order to a build a phasegate. However, a secondary mission, unknown to most crew, was to search for and if possible, rescue the survivors of the Degasi. During its descent on Planet 4546B, it was struck by a mysterious energy pulse resulting in catastrophic hull failure, leading to its crash landing on the surface of the planet. Lifepods were launched before impact and several survived. One of them, Lifepod 5, contained the player."
    • We know from the Degasi survivors data entries that the Degasi made a detour on this system to find Lithium. They were shot down and crashed on the planet. The 3 survivors (father, son and mercenary) lived on the Island for a while but one of them insisted to go underwater if they ever wanted to get out of the planet. They settled in the Mushroom Caves at 300m for a while, but still wanted to go further down, at the 700m mark. The biochemist of the group fiound out that they were all infected with some organism that is progressively modifying their DNA. At some point, something happens in the deep and only the son manages to get back to the snake. I believe that what is, chronologically, the last entry is this one : "I messed up. Real bad this time. It's been two days since what happened. We never should have left this island. I shouldn't have listened to them. We shouldn't have gone so deep. They don't want us down there. They don't trust us. I knew it and I didn't say. I could see it, and they couldn't, and now they're stuck down there, and I'm up here, alone. I deserve this."
    • another advanced race is already on the planet, called the Precursors. We do not know whether they are still on the planet or not, but according to Subnautica's wiki, they should have 4 bases on the world somewhere. Said bases are supposed to be garded by Warpers.
    • the Precursors have emprisoned the Sea Emperor somewhere in the Lava Zone for some reason.

    So from there on, there are quite a few hypothesis that could fit the model. It all depends on whether the Precursors are benevolent or evil beings, and whether they are still there or died/went away a long time ago.

    So here's my idea: the Precursor colonised this planet some time ago either for its ressources or with the intention of terraforming it. But just as the Degasi crew discovered, they soon realized they were infected by some form of DNA altering bacteria. Because of how easily it speads, and the fact that it's very resilient, they realized they could not leave the planet for fear of infecting the rest of their specy. So seeing as the rest of the fauna was apparently not affected by this bacteria, they decided to stay and study their DNA, from the smallest fish up to the Sea Emperor which may, in their view, hold the key to their cure. It order to make sure nothing would contaminate the ecosystem, thus slowing their work, or maybe because they wanted to spare other species of their situation, they set some form of laser to stop any incoming ship (maybe it's actually just a message sent with an alien technology so powerful human ships can't withstand its power). I think when the Degasi ship crashes, the Precursors are still alive on the planet, although most of them are dead (or have changed beyond recognition, maybe becoming the warpers). I think the Degasi group found the last precursors, and they joined cause for a while until the Biochemist in the group screwed up their research by making a mistake, causing the Precursors' anger. I think in the end, the Mercenary from the Degasi group killed the last Precursor to defend the degasi group and maybe obtain the cure. I think the Degasi crew also died in the process. In the end, I think the player will reach the Precursor's lava castle facility, use their research to finish the DNA analysis of the Sea Emperor, cure himself, deactivate the space cannon and leave the planet on a rescue ship.

    So there you go. This is of course pure theorycrafting but it's an explanation which seem to fit the facts as we know them today. It's of course not the only one and I'm curious to hear out yours :)

  • Geocrafter47Geocrafter47 Join Date: 2016-07-01 Member: 219382Members
    Thanks Osydius. That helped me a lot
  • Nautical_NickNautical_Nick Australia Join Date: 2016-06-12 Member: 218444Members
    But on the wiki it says that the precursors 'made' the warpers and are advanced enough to 'shoot down star ships'. Hint, hint, wink, wink, nudge nudge.
  • IIIPhoenixIIIIIIPhoenixIII Norway Join Date: 2016-07-05 Member: 219619Members
    Why and how should some fish shoot down a ship in this size, and while we talking about the size, where is the ship from the other crew that comes down first?
    Is there any hint yet for NPCs?

    I wonder what is easier to build a world around a story or a story around the world and what was first here?
  • Nautical_NickNautical_Nick Australia Join Date: 2016-06-12 Member: 218444Members
    The precursors are advanced and they probably took the ships as military vessels coming to attack, so they decided to take the first shot. As for the other ship, I think it's remains are going to be around somewhere (yet to be added). It would be cool if you could find the Degasi ship/ship fragments and explore the remains finding logs and fragments.
  • bobbanzbobbanz sweden Join Date: 2015-04-16 Member: 203503Members
    Osydius well they did say that the bacteria is everywhere the player was already infected when he took his first breath on the planet and eat peppers everything on that planet is infected when a rescue ship comes and rescues the player that ship will instantly be infected same with the player if he cures it he isent immune probally and how will he cure every single fish creature resurces air from the bacteria as they said its everywhere the player would take about 10 years to cure everything but they get instantly infected with the bacteria its cured but not immune to the bacteria the player would anyways be infected same with the crew on the rescue ship if there is gonna be one cause they open a hatch for the player to get in the ship that will take in the air with it scientists will want to study the odd planet and they will be infected too its like any common virus we have we can only cure it not be immune from the virus even if they have ventulation system or stuff to prevent infections the player will be infected when he steps into the ship same with people meeting him by the hatch the air will be sipponed into the ship infecting everything and that way the station or planet the ship docks with will be infected too
  • Funsauce32Funsauce32 Canada Join Date: 2016-06-09 Member: 218339Members
    welp. when the ful story is released i will probably never be able to muster the courage to go down that damn hole.
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