Do Reaper Leviathans really ignore terrain?
Guam Join Date: 2016-06-20 Member: 218816Members

I've seen the things go right through the sea floor sometimes. There was one time where one did catch me while I was in my unmodified Seamoth. It eventually let go, and I hightailed it back to base. I'm sure it was going to give chase to finish me off, so I instinctively (yeah... gamer instincts) flew around pillars, ducked through tunnels, and moving evasively as possible to ensure my survival. Thankfully I didn't get caught... Yet I've seen at least one YouTuber (8-Bit Ryan's second Subnautica video) try to hide in a tunnel from one only to be snatched up and eaten by it..
In the meantime you could say it's a feature, that the Reapers can tunnel through soft earth like the Sand Sharks do :P
The Reaper tried to follow... and started twitching. Eventually it had a bad physics collision and then POPPED up into the sky like a rocket ship and never came down. Laughed my ass off. Never was able to take them seriously after that.
Not only grab, but drag you back under the seafloor.
You built a seabase in reaper territory? That's pretty ballsy.
Nah, the whole idea was to minimize exposure to them while still getting access to their resources. When I noticed that you could build tubes from inside tubes I asked "how far out can I take these things?" So I started in a much safer zone, then slowly but surely worked my way out towards the more dangerous areas. Every now and then I'd put a little multiroom for a waystation (and to add reinforcement panels). Ended it with a Scanner room at the bottom so I knew exactly where stuff was so I could dash out, grab it quickly, and dash back in before the horde could reach me.
That's basically always my approach, even for simple things like Stalkers in kelp beds. Just hamster-maze my way out from the safe shallows, venturing outside the base only long enough to grab what I need or weld a new piece on, and then head right back in where it's nice and safe. Of course it's slow going, as lithium harvesting is always a chore (basically Seamoth raiding until I can get something permanent out there). The trick is to make sure my exposure to the actual ocean is always brief as possible. Also, sticking a medkit fabricator inside every hatch module never hurts, either.
When you bake the terrain into a single piece of geometry, would having the collision detection turned on for the entire thing no matter where fix it?
I shot one as it dived at me, making it spin on its head like it was breakdancing.
Would probably fix it. Would probably also drop the frame rate to something like 4fps.
Do you really want a Reaper to spawn in late? Imagine it being your first playthrough and out of nowhere one of those shows up along with the terrain...
Holy Necromancy batman! geez you just dredged up a thread that was over a year old maybe looking at the date of the last post will help you prevent from raising a thread from the dead again?