[Bug] FPS issue when piloting the Seamoth?

VHCQCryostasisVHCQCryostasis Montenegro Join Date: 2016-07-06 Member: 219683Members
edited July 2016 in Subnautica Bug Reporting
The FPS drop only occurs when i'm piloting said vehicle. I usually have about 50-60FPS, but recently whenever i begin exploring with my Seamoth the FPS drops down to 30, sometimes even 20 FPS or less. The weird part about it? Whenever i leave the vehicle the FPS jumps up to 60 again. At first i assumed it was the game loading in the next section of the map, buuut apparently that wasn't the case because as soon as i enter the Seamoth again the FPS goes down to 20-30. Perhaps making a new Seamoth could be a temporary fix, i cannot tell. But even so, eventually i would encounter the same problem.
Did anyone else experience this weird FPS glitch/bug?



  • Invisigoth247Invisigoth247 USA Join Date: 2016-03-06 Member: 213934Members
    Thats normal right now. The game is still in early access and is not fully optimized. It will be fixed, but it is not on their short list at the moment.
  • TyderfTyderf Join Date: 2015-12-31 Member: 210696Members
    I have this bug too
  • EnglishInfidelEnglishInfidel Canada Join Date: 2016-07-04 Member: 219533Members
    It was working absolutely fine for me until the latest update.

    Now I get a huge chug every 3 seconds, it makes the game almost unplayable.
    Worse, it happens outside the vehicle too after a while playing.

    The game doesn't seem even slightly optimised, which I'd find perfectly acceptable with a game in EA usually, but it's especially frustrating because a month ago the game ran 100% fine. I could fly around in the Seamoth for hours with great FPS.

    And to add to that, recent patch notes claim FPS improvements...
  • EnglishInfidelEnglishInfidel Canada Join Date: 2016-07-04 Member: 219533Members
    It was working absolutely fine for me until the latest update.

    Now I get a huge chug every 3 seconds, it makes the game almost unplayable.
    Worse, it happens outside the vehicle too after a while playing.

    The game doesn't seem even slightly optimised, which I'd find perfectly acceptable with a game in EA usually, but it's especially frustrating because a month ago the game ran 100% fine. I could fly around in the Seamoth for hours with great FPS.

    And to add to that, recent patch notes claim FPS improvements...

    Well, after writing this I decided to check out a few things on my PC to see if I could help things.

    Turns out this was completely my own fault, I had some driver problems due to a recent update for my graphics card meaning that running the game in high quality was too much for it to handle.

    The game is actually running smooth as ever before now I've worked out what the problem was and remedied it. FPS is fine for me other than the usual loading new areas chug.

    I can only apologise for this mistake, mods can even delete my posts if they wish.
  • VHCQCryostasisVHCQCryostasis Montenegro Join Date: 2016-07-06 Member: 219683Members
    edited July 2016
    In my case the FPS is perfectly fine until i enter the Seamoth. Piloting the Cyclops is smooth, as well as swimming and exploring. But once i touch the Seamoth the FPS instantly goes down to 20. Firstly it started out with 50 FPS, then 40, then 30. Now it even goes down to 10-15FPS! The frames kept getting lower with each passing day. I honestly don't know what could be the cause of the major FPS drop. For now i'm simply unable to pilot the Seamoth, it's simply unenjoyable with 20 FPS or less! (Not to mention what happens when try docking with the Cyclops. http://forums.unknownworlds.com/discussion/143511/bug-insanely-low-fps-when-turning-cyclops-34300#latest Exactly that.)

    Perhaps the four upgrades could 'somehow' be the cause of the issue, i cannot tell. When the Seamoth was 'fresh', without any upgrades the FPS was always smooth so i can only assume that making a new one could be a temporary fix. I understand that the game is still in development and that bugs like this may occur. I was just curious if i was the only one with this issue or if others were experiencing it as well.
  • MrRoarkeMrRoarke Join Date: 2016-05-16 Member: 216830Members
    I keep having exactly what you're describing. For a while I thought it might have been display divers, but I updated all of them. On my latest save file (started after the Power Nap update) I went for a long time without having any issues, but just yesterday, the Seamoth started doing it's lag thing again. It's even worse when the seamoth is docked in the Cyclops. So I'll be out of a Seamoth probably until my next save file.

    The persistent FPS bug with the Seamoth is probably the biggest frustration I have with the game, because as you said, everything else runs swimmingly all the time.

  • VHCQCryostasisVHCQCryostasis Montenegro Join Date: 2016-07-06 Member: 219683Members
    edited July 2016
    MrRoarke wrote: »
    I keep having exactly what you're describing. For a while I thought it might have been display divers, but I updated all of them. On my latest save file (started after the Power Nap update) I went for a long time without having any issues, but just yesterday, the Seamoth started doing it's lag thing again. It's even worse when the seamoth is docked in the Cyclops. So I'll be out of a Seamoth probably until my next save file.

    The persistent FPS bug with the Seamoth is probably the biggest frustration I have with the game, because as you said, everything else runs swimmingly all the time.


    Honestly, the issue was slightly annoying at first. You know, FPS going down to 30-20, game was still playable but not really enjoyable. But this is really getting ridiculous now:

    FPS when i'm outside the Seamoth


    And then there is this...


    Notice how it took me a few seconds to take the first snapshot (Yes, the 5 FPS one was taken firstly). That's because once i leave the Seamoth it takes about 4 to 5 seconds for the FPS to recover.

    I tested the performance with all 3 settings, and the results are literally the same every single time i try piloting the Seamoth.
    Highest settings: 45~55FPS. Drops down to 5~10
    Recommended: 50~60FPS Again, 5~10 FPS
    Minimum: 60FPS+ Oh, wait!... Never mind, drops down to 5~10FPS again.
  • CyionCyion London, ON Join Date: 2016-04-04 Member: 215334Members
    edited July 2016
    I have monster pc and when I am outside of a vehicle my fps is 140-144. When I'm in a Seamoth it can range from 7-60 fps. When I'm in the cyclops that has a seamoth docked, it ranges from 2-10 fps. If I build a seamoth from scratch the fps is between 30-90 fps. If I use a cyclops without a seamoth docked I get 77-115 fps.
  • WeyrmanWeyrman Brisbane Australia Join Date: 2016-06-22 Member: 218913Members
    I also have this same issue and it seems to be when in proximity to or in the seamoth. As above, the Cyclops runs well by itself but takes a big hit if the seamoth is docked in it. The moonbay and cyclops launch animation is messed up as well. As with all above, the game worked great up until the last mini update (stable branch).

    @EnglishInfidel what did you actually tweak in your drivers?
  • CyionCyion London, ON Join Date: 2016-04-04 Member: 215334Members
    I just discovered that if I use the cyclops without a seamoth docked into it. That my fps is really good like 77-115 fps. I updated my above comment.
  • EnglishInfidelEnglishInfidel Canada Join Date: 2016-07-04 Member: 219533Members
    Weyrman wrote: »
    I also have this same issue and it seems to be when in proximity to or in the seamoth. As above, the Cyclops runs well by itself but takes a big hit if the seamoth is docked in it. The moonbay and cyclops launch animation is messed up as well. As with all above, the game worked great up until the last mini update (stable branch).

    @EnglishInfidel what did you actually tweak in your drivers?

    Sorry for the late reply.

    If I remember correctly I'd simply rolled back my drivers about a year whilst trying to get a beta driver working. Nothing tweaked, I just forgot to update them after playing around.
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