Possibly better controller mapping suggestion

VercaelusVercaelus Join Date: 2016-07-07 Member: 219808Members
edited July 2016 in Ideas and Suggestions
I just tried out the new Subnautica "Update 67"s controller mapping, and I felt it was very off. I've been playing this game with an Xbox controller since I started, using "JoyToKey" third-party software. I've had plenty of time to feel out a good controller map layout, and I'd like to suggest that the default Subnautica layout be changed to the one I use, or something similar. As it stands now, the default very unintuitive. Edit: Also, whenever I use the left stick to strafe left/right, I for some reason "sink" to a lower depth gradually, using the newly integrated controller scheme.

My mapping;

LeftStick = WASD
RightStick = Look Around

LeftStickClick = ("toggle-crouch", if its ever implemented)
RightStickClick = F1(Debug info)

Left Trigger = Righthand (Use item)
RightTrigger = LeftHand

LeftBumper = moveDown
RightBumper = MoveUp/Jump

D-Pad Left/Right = scroll assigned items
D-Pad Up/Down = Rotate base piece

Back = PDA
Start = Options

A = Use
B = Holster/Cancel/Deconstruct
X = Reload
Y = Take Picture
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