Commanders... Leave A Path

zerohastezerohaste Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2003Members
<div class="IPBDescription">Half the base is empty...</div> I don't know about anyone else, but I hate it when commanders build everything so close together, leaving no place for you to walk. Half the times I can't even get to the armory... I have to stand on top of it to get ammo. This game isn't exactly bug free when it comes to collision detection, either. Getting stuck in the floor or buildings happens way too often. Hell, sometimes you just running along and then can't move anymore, even though your in a wide open space. Anyway...

A lot of times I see commanders building things on just one half of the base, right in front of the exits, while the other half is <b>completely</b> empty. You would think they would try to build things in strategic places... turrent factorys in corners instead of right in the line of sight of exits and vents... the armory in the back of the base instead of right in front of the door the aliens are attacking from... maybe I've just been really unluckly in what commanders I get, but who knows.

I guess this brings up a suggestion I have too. Would it be possible to make it so buildings have to be built a certain distance away from others? It might help.


  • ChocoboXVChocoboXV Join Date: 2002-11-03 Member: 6580Members
    You've just had bad commanders it sounds like. But remember it's that much more annoying for aliens to get in your base too <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->

    And making a minimum distance would not help at all. If you build a turret factory, sometimes you don't have much room and need to build the sentry turrets right next to the factory. There's a LOT of tight hallways in the game, and making a minimum build distance would make life that much harder for marines, imo.
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