Learning things the hard way...
Guam Join Date: 2016-06-20 Member: 218816Members

Sometimes you look up information on the game you're playing by studying a wiki or something. Other times fellow players give you tips and advice. And then there are some things you learn hands on... in the worst way possible...
I just learned to never EVER harvest acid mushrooms anywhere near your base. At least the base was small or I'd be writing a novel titled "Subnautica: 20,000 Leaks Under the Sea" right now...
I just learned to never EVER harvest acid mushrooms anywhere near your base. At least the base was small or I'd be writing a novel titled "Subnautica: 20,000 Leaks Under the Sea" right now...
In one move, I killed myself, and obliterated probably twenty real world hours of collecting and growing all of the flora in game, plus did devastating damage to my base. It actually took me a couple of minutes to figure out what happened. I no longer harvest acid mushrooms, except in a nice little designated sand pit I made just for that job - quite some distance from everything else.
Go figure right? Won't kill us outright in the water, but will demolish our moth.
Found that out too. Well... on the bright side, at least they're not mossy green colored with a depressed look on their face...
Slashing said acid mushrooms with a knife. I was harvesting spores to get more acid mushrooms. Now I know to pick all but one, slash it with the knife, then plant another one. Rinse and repeat. And also to carry a lot of medkits due to the acid hurting you as well.
Admittedly I haven't played in a while. Perhaps there's some shroom change I don't know about?
If you want to grow them in an exterior growbed you have to improvise. If you just pick them by pressing "E" you get one mushroom and that's it. As soon as you do this a "spot" in the growbed is freed up again. They do not regrow like "Hanging Fruit" on a tree where you just have to plant the tree once and then keep harvesting it as often as you can.
By hitting one with a knife you get I think 4 replantable samples/spores out of it. So I pluck 4, slash one to replant 4. 3 Mushrooms gained and 4 new start growing. Just take the mushroom out of your inventory and slash it far away from anything that can take damage. Then only you take damage but not your base or other plants.
Mycocidal LOL +1 for that term.
If you want to plant them, you have to have spores/seeds, which can only be gotten by cutting them with the knife...which causes them to explode into a cloud of very damaging acid. The acid is strong enough to cause other acid mushrooms in the cloud to explode as well. Slashing 1 acid mushroom in a growbed filled with 23 other acid mushrooms is a quick way to die.
You know what's more fun than running into biters with your Seamoth? Catching biters with the propulsion cannon and bouncing them off a bed of acid mushrooms. Very satisfying. They even make a little dent in the ground. Works very well with Deep Biters and Deep Shrooms.
As wrong as it would be if you were talking about real life...
As fun it must be ingame. Like "I knew this should not be funny...but Hahaha did you see that dent he left in the seabed...."
I used a similar tactic to get rid of all the crab like things onboard the Aurora. Picked them up and shot them of the ship into the open sea...
It is a chain reaction. Cut one, and the acid bloom detonates all the others in the cloud (releasing their own acid blooms, which triggers anything else in their clouds, etc). It happens very fast, so fast that you go 'slash -Arrrgggg- WHAT DO YOU MEAN I DIED?'
Luckily I didn't die (I only planted four mushrooms), but I nearly did so, lost three creepvines, and had a flooded base to fix. Very hard way to learn something...
And thanks to this I decided to put my acid muchroom growbeds some distance away from the base. Hmm... maybe I should place a few in a Kelp forest or something? hmm...
Reveling in all the decorating possibilities the update had brought, I started a lovely little underwater garden by my base. 12 planters in a 3 by 4 layout, right outside the window for the perfect view, with planters close enough to one another that the edges touched. I had them all filled with plants I dragged from various zones over time, with the two center planters reserved for the hardest to get specimen.
Once there were no more plants left for me to acquire and I still had some planting space left, I decided to fill the empty spots with acid mushrooms. I gathered as many as I needed and planted them in 2-mushrooms-wide rows all around my rare planters, because hey, they glow and it looked nice. Versailles had nothing on my garden, I tell ya.
Some time later, I did discover a plant I did not have yet, so I had to remove a duplicate from one of the rare planters to put it in. I swung the knife and... just like that, with no visual or audio warning, I died and 'woke up' inside the base that was leaking. Heavily. Before I could fix all the leaks, I even stupidly managed to die once more, because my welder ran out of power at the very last leak, and I ran out air while trying to make it to the surface.
With the damage fixed and the base drained, I started to wonder what the ever-loving-heck happened, but could not figure it out for the life of me. Finally decided that it had to be a game glitch, and went on my merry way. Imagine my shock when I visited my perfect garden, now devoid of ANY plants. Barren and empty as if I had never planted anything there. Really weird glitch, right?
Took me long, long hours to get another set of seeds and recreate it exactly like it was before. When all the plants grew up, I saw that I put one of them in the wrong place, ruining the meticulous design. Easy fix, though. I grabbed the knife to cut the offender out and... just like that, I died and 'woke up' inside the base that was leaking. I was so furious that I deleted that save, considering it irreparably broken.
Imagine my shock when, many days later, I read somewhere about the acid shrooms being explosive. I had a damn good laugh at my own expense.