Help the devs - Personality type
Budapest Join Date: 2007-10-11 Member: 62605Members

This game is really unique, and I have a hunch that it attracts a specific kind of audience. I'm curius what (if any) that may be, and this could actually help the devs optimize their plans.
There aren't many people here, so it would be nice if everyone answered :]
Here is a link to the (Myers-Briggs) test, takes ~5min:
I had to group the closest types by two, beceause the answer limit is 10
I can't vouche for it's accuracy though; I filled a paper based a few years back, but this gave the same result for me even though it's shorter. If you want the longer version, I'm sure you can google it xP
There aren't many people here, so it would be nice if everyone answered :]
Here is a link to the (Myers-Briggs) test, takes ~5min:
I had to group the closest types by two, beceause the answer limit is 10
I can't vouche for it's accuracy though; I filled a paper based a few years back, but this gave the same result for me even though it's shorter. If you want the longer version, I'm sure you can google it xP
If you had to mix types, it would of been better to do mix the E/I component. That would be like ENTP/INTP. Those groupings share more cognitive functions than the way you did it. Oh well, live and learn.
I personally don't like a lot of the descriptions online, and I liked this websites type description best.
Really though, the best way to understand your type is not by the description but by the cognitive functions.
Meyer briggs may not be perfect, but it is the most widely accepted form of typology in psychology. The military has studied it for over 60 years.
What's that A for?
A = Assertive, also just a note the MITB test is in no way reliable and even the Jung typology which this test is based on is controversial in modern science.
I don't think there's any category that suits you in that 'test'.
my personality is like smoke, always changing shape influenced by the currents around me and wrapping around people to either feel close to them or suffocate them (I leave that option open) while in constant search for my true self
enough inside to me, time to ride a pony
Setting yourself up for that one... lol
Seems like a stupid and pointless random test.
I'm sure that's why companies use Myers-Briggs tests instead flipping tarot cards.
You may want to search for a longer version of the test. Questions are repeated there, but with different phrasing.
But there are people who can't be assigned to any type, which shows this method is not perfect, only the best we have atm.
You're right. I hope I can set up a survey in the near future that is methodologically correct.
So, as to my hypothesis (which can't be supported by this amount of responses, nor solely on forum users) is the same as @Nordic 's:
INTx people are over-represented in this game. So, when the devs are trying to appeal to a broader spectrum of players, they have to keep in mind that the game itself appeals to a small portion of the population. They might not like this, but i think they can't ever grow the playerbase significantly, without creating a different game.
I would love to conduct some kind of survey which addresses all of these issues, until then, this is not even an approximation.
Any help/ideas are welcome! :]
Anyway, based on these answers and the population average, it looks like this so far:
Personalities don't really reflect taste. I dislike social activities and people, but I also despise most things 'nerdy' like comics and fantasy stuff while enjoying MMA and fitness.
Also, don't underestimate the power of nostalgia. I put as many hours as I did into NS2 because I played NS1 as a kid/teen and probably wouldn't ever have touched it if I hadn't. I imagine it's very similar for a boatload of people.
It's more of a religious practice than it is a good game these days
For what ever that's worth.
Edit: I do recall the first time I took it, my extraverted vs introverted was basically 50/50.
You're a misinterpreted bellend... sounds like me tbh...
Now now boys lol
I've got some chicken bones we can throw at a wall