Game Modifiers

DeadPixel87DeadPixel87 UK Join Date: 2016-07-30 Member: 220797Members
Hello all! Just making a little post on something which i think should be added to the game. Now i know the Game Devs are working very hard to make this game better and they all ready have enough on their plate but im just gunna make a little suggestion and i would like to hear othere peoples view on this.
Enough rambleing.
My idea is that I think it would be pretty cool to add some options to modify the game before selecting your mode. What i mean is some sliders which can be adjusted to allow you to change stuff like swim speed, food/water drain, oxygen drain, damage amount and durabilty drain. If anyone has played the game ARK Survival Evolved then you will know what i mean, the game has many options which you can adjust which can alter the game experiance.
Obviously there is options which you can adjust in the developer menu which can turn on things like fast build. However, these arn't very in depth and can make the game very easy.
There's my idea on what could be added to this amazing game. Sorry if it was vague, can't really explain it that well.

Thanks for reading.

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