Wth Were You Thinking?

SerrinSerrin Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2657Members
edited November 2002 in General Server Discussion
<div class="IPBDescription">New Patch to "fix" team balancing</div> Well great, thanks a lot. Now, instead of saying "Please even the teams" I have to say "Please leave my server, reconnect to it, and join the team that 10 seconds ago you were working your **obscenity** off to beat."

And what did I do before if they didn't? I threatened to kick them, but now I finally have adminmod, whew, that should make things easier!

Oh wait, no it doesn't, now they HAVE to leave the server to changes teams anyway. So what threats do I have? Well I can gag or bury or slap or slay, except what happens when I do that? They leave, they just don't come back and join the other team.

So thank you so much for your "We'll do this totally without thinking first" FIX for stacked teams. Now my regulars and even my Admins can't change teams to keep things balanced and I get to explain about 15 times every 2 hours (I counted last time just for fun) why the guy with the green icon is TOTALLY INCAPABLE of making anyone even the teams.

My poor regulars and admins have had to reconnect I don't even know how many times to try and keep the teams balanced and the server friendly. If they don't the team with 4 less players explodes into violent fits of cuss words.

Is there a way to turn this off? Is there a way to disable this lame "countdown" after all three hives are gone? Niether of these were good ideas. They were last minute poorly thought out quick fixes.

Marines have plenty of ways to track aliens without needing them to be killed automatically. And if someone gets really lame, well that's what things like kick and slay are for isn't it?

These are NOT things that should be coded, at best these are "bad ideas" that only would have been "acceptable ideas" if you'd given clear instructions on how to turn them the hell off.

You've made it totally impossible for me to keep the teams even on my server and if I have to wait for a 1.04 patch to fix this because you don't want to release a patch that just says "Oops bad idea, sorry." and instead want to wait and include a lot of little crap to throw in with the fix for this huge mistake I may just start posting every freaking console dump from every time I have to hear about uneven teams.

Should only be about 200 or so posts a day. On the bright side I'll get a nice shiny new title under my name when I post from upping the count.

<span style='color:blue'>(EDIT: I am not changing the original post because people have already responded based on what I wrote originally and that would be cheap. I am going to add this.

You're right, I should have stayed more calm, but you weren't there. You weren't the admin on my server having to listen to 7 people scream about the teams. You weren't the one trying to get people to calm down and stop spamming in frustration long enough for you to explain that you were sorry and there was very little you could do about it. You weren't the one that had to change a map in the middle of a game because the teams got off so badly that it was totally unfair. You aren't the one they were taking their anger and frustration out on. I was, and I in turn took mine out on you. Yes it was wrong and yes I should have stayed calm and been polite, but I stand by what I said if not the way I said it.

Making it impossible for people to change teams during the game was a bad idea and I want to turn it off as soon as possible. Please do not make me wait several weeks for a new patch to be able to do this. I need it turned off now.

I need my admins to be able to switch teams to monitor mic chatter, I need them to be able to switch to keep the teams even, and I want people on my server to be able to switch just because they feel like it or because they joined a seperate team from their friends to keep it even and now they want to switch over. I understand many admins out there are not active in their servers and that's where these complaints come from, but I am active in mine and I do not need you to run my server for me.)</span>


  • EpochEpoch Join Date: 2002-10-10 Member: 1474Members
    Perhaps if you didn't come in here ranting and raving someone might listen to you, but I am afraid all you're going to get is negative comments. Put your server back on 1.02 if you hate the new patch so much.
  • HtNickoliHtNickoli Join Date: 2002-11-24 Member: 9786Members
    edited November 2002
    Actuallly, I was thinking the same thing last night. I'm just not gonna get all upset about it. I spent enuff of my life getting **obscenity** off at things that where not worth getting annoy'd about.

    But I tend to agree, that the addtition to the new patch is useless, and stupid. But I'm also starting to wonder about the NS teams outlook on such problems. I was already chewing over how to best make a post to get that "late joiners not allowed" setting with the mp_tournymode setting removed.

    I mean honestly, whats the point of that? For scrims and matches your gonna lock the server anyways, so that setting is totaly useless. In fact its a hinderance, not a help. What are you gonna do if 1/2 way through a match/scrim, a couple of your team drop due to net probs, power outage, whatever. That setting will stop you from allowing another couple of members of your clan from joining your team to rebalance things out.

    Now I have to deal with a new balanceing system that just screws up reg play balanceing even more then it was. The nsteams pluggin Golex made was working just fine for me in the regards of unbalanced teams.

    The whole idea of the NS teams way of balancing the teams seems a little off center to me. And in fact they are doing more to ensure you cant run the mod in scrims/matches and leagues, then not adding any support for league play would have done. It almost seems like they are activly trying to make the game non-league/match friendly. All the same, I'm not looking forward to anymore patches if this is the mentality behind the settings for team balanceing. I only see it getting worste, not better. Lacking any indications from the NS team that they will remove these silly settings. OR at the very least make them settable cvars that server ops wishing for a fair and intelligent way to balance teams can turned off.

    So its my personal thoughts, that the removeale of the "new" balanceing idea, removeale of this "late join" setting in the mp_tournymode, and fixxing the optimization of the linux servers cpu useage, should be top prioritys for the NS team. As at this point all they are doing is alieninating the mod from any use in clan/league play. As well as the addition of this new setting just ensures the games are even more unbalanced, and the server emptys quicker.
  • pandas-ixipandas-ixi Join Date: 2002-11-28 Member: 10186Members
    god you're nu. dont talk unless you know your stuff. the late join setting doesnt stop people from joining a team. and before you try to refute that, let me tell you that i'm one of the captains of a competative NS clan, and we scrim between 5 and 10 times a week with tourney mode on.

    if you notice in pubs, someone can join 10 minutes into a game and they spawn instantly. with the no-latejoin, they have to go through rein first no matter when they join after the game goes live. this is to prevent 5 skulks/marines from retrying instantly after getting owned in a "zerg rush"

    as for the team switching thing, i cant confirm. try f4, though, to go to the ready room...
  • HtNickoliHtNickoli Join Date: 2002-11-24 Member: 9786Members
    edited November 2002
    I've never had the occasion to run a match/scrim in ns. I was simply assumeing the info written by the NS team was correct.

    mp_tournamentmode - Set this to 1 for a tournament mode. Tournament mode doesn't allow late-joining, doesn't allow commander ejecting, enables friendly-fire, and more. Use this for organized matches only. Set to 0 for public servers and your average LAN game.

    And take your attitude and stick it up your **obscenity** idiot.
  • MellonpoprMellonpopr Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2304Members
    I like the new changes
  • MercsDragonMercsDragon Join Date: 2002-11-05 Member: 6963Members
    I'm not a big fan of not being able to jump teams, because it does hinder balancing teams. However, I do really like the instant loss if the team is down by 5 people. I really hated those 2 hour holdouts where you know it's over, but just won't die.
  • CloneClone Join Date: 2002-11-28 Member: 10198Members
    Well, I was playing on Serrins server when this whole ordeal panned out. All this new 'feature' is doing is not letting people even the teams. It was 6 on 8 for quite a while, but we couldn't even the teams unless people reconnected - Which is quite a pain. I can understand the NS team's intentsions, but its proven pretty bothersome in public servers. And no, f4 doesn't let you change anymore, Pandas. All that happens if you go to the ready room and when you walk into a portal to pick a team - you're stuck. You must reconnect to switch teams.

    Thats essentially how it went down. Possibly an option to turn this off would be helpful =p. Just my 2 cents.
  • DraugluinDraugluin Join Date: 2002-10-31 Member: 1824Members, Constellation
    <!--QuoteBegin--Mellonpopr+Nov 28 2002, 10:16 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Mellonpopr @ Nov 28 2002, 10:16 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->I like the new changes<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    I play the game on public servers a lot, and I completely agree.

    Teams are even more balanced now that initially you have to join the team that is down by one (instead of two).

    Not being able to join the other team until the next round prevents a lot of lamer activities.

    And the new features added to end the game sooner are fair to both sides without making me want to switch servers when endgame comes around because I know it's going to last another hour.
  • CloneClone Join Date: 2002-11-28 Member: 10198Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--Draugluin+Nov 28 2002, 11:07 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Draugluin @ Nov 28 2002, 11:07 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Teams are even more balanced now that initially you have to join the team that is down by one (instead of two).<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    Only true when you first join a server. What about when the servers losing people mid-game and the teams become uneven?

    I understand thats why the "team loses w/ less than 5 people" thing. But if it doesn't come to that, but teams are still uneven, I'd like to try and even them - But I can't.

    Not really a major gripe, cause I could always reconnect. Just be nice if I didn't have to.
  • GoleXGoleX Join Date: 2002-11-07 Member: 7681Members
    So I assume my plugin is broken in 1.03? (As it can't change the teams anymore)

    Haven't had any problems on my server yet, so I assumed the plugin was still working but I guess not <!--emo&;)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/wink.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • Spyder_MonkeySpyder_Monkey Vampire-Ninja-Monkey Join Date: 2002-01-24 Member: 8Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
    <span style='color:red'>I will not remove this topic, as it voices your opinion and brings to light the suffering that you, and possibly other admins might be going through, however, your choice of words deems this topic worthy of a lock.</span>
This discussion has been closed.