Wooza's information wall



  • YojimboYojimbo England Join Date: 2009-03-19 Member: 66806Members, NS2 Playtester, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Supporter, Reinforced - Silver, Reinforced - Shadow
    Rammler wrote: »
    Yojimbo wrote: »
    Rammler wrote: »
    One question:

    a thing that ALWAYS annoys me on woozas servers: why does NO commander research shotguns first? it is always on woozas servers, no matter who is commanding. is that a special wooza tactic?
    i don't get it. it is always this order:

    advanced armory.
    shotguns or HMG.

    why research the best weapon in the game so late? 23 shotgun rines at minute 5 would be near an instant win.

    You must be getting crappy commanders, I've always favoured the order of armour 1, grenades, weapon 1, phase gates, mines, armour 2, shotguns, weapon 2, AA, protolab, jet packs, weapon 3, exosuits then lastly armour 3.

    Armour 1 is essential on woozas as half the team can't aim anyway and surviving that extra bite is essential, grenades are absolutely ESSENTIAL on woozas due to the high player count and pack mentality of skulks, armour 2 syncs nicely with shotguns because around fades come out you will be able to survive additional swipe and shotguns with weapon 1 is more than capable of killing fades with a dash of teamwork and a slight hint of aim.

    phase gates is a no go in woozas. like armorys. armory and a pg side by side and marines are not moving from this place anymore. i saw so much games on woozas where mariens are camping with 10 soldiers in front of an hive with a pg and an armory and are fighting against 2 gorges.
    phase gates make rines slow. yes. in woozas phase gates do the exact opposite of what they should do. they slow marines down.

    and pro tip: i see so mich rookies buying flamethrowers... there wasting res on weapons they cannot handle. so i research an advanced armory, build a proto lab and after that i recycle the aa. so rookies cannot buy the flamethrower anymore...... hehe

    Whatever works for you mate
  • Legend_BossLegend_Boss UK Join Date: 2014-02-27 Member: 194394Members
    Rammler wrote: »
    Yojimbo wrote: »
    Rammler wrote: »
    One question:

    a thing that ALWAYS annoys me on woozas servers: why does NO commander research shotguns first? it is always on woozas servers, no matter who is commanding. is that a special wooza tactic?
    i don't get it. it is always this order:

    advanced armory.
    shotguns or HMG.

    why research the best weapon in the game so late? 23 shotgun rines at minute 5 would be near an instant win.

    You must be getting crappy commanders, I've always favoured the order of armour 1, grenades, weapon 1, phase gates, mines, armour 2, shotguns, weapon 2, AA, protolab, jet packs, weapon 3, exosuits then lastly armour 3.

    Armour 1 is essential on woozas as half the team can't aim anyway and surviving that extra bite is essential, grenades are absolutely ESSENTIAL on woozas due to the high player count and pack mentality of skulks, armour 2 syncs nicely with shotguns because around fades come out you will be able to survive additional swipe and shotguns with weapon 1 is more than capable of killing fades with a dash of teamwork and a slight hint of aim.

    phase gates is a no go in woozas. like armorys. armory and a pg side by side and marines are not moving from this place anymore. i saw so much games on woozas where mariens are camping with 10 soldiers in front of an hive with a pg and an armory and are fighting against 2 gorges.
    phase gates make rines slow. yes. in woozas phase gates do the exact opposite of what they should do. they slow marines down.

    and pro tip: i see so mich rookies buying flamethrowers... there wasting res on weapons they cannot handle. so i research an advanced armory, build a proto lab and after that i recycle the aa. so rookies cannot buy the flamethrower anymore...... hehe

    I've not seen any commanders intentionally sell the Aa just to stop players getting flamethrower. If that did happen I would be surprised if you didn't get ejected at that point and fast.

    Flamethrower are really good for taking fortified position and countering bile. I often see to many gl and would rather some flamethrower when attacking a hive or location.

    Yes a pg outside a hive room can lead to a choke point with aliens were neither is advance as both sides are trenched in their position l (thinking overlook to sub on veil map). Such situations you need to get a pg on the other side of the map to direct focus. If I can't get a player to do this I have successfully got a mac to get passed and do this.

    Regardless, of are essential unless the marine team significantly over skill aliens, at which point you might as well reset and shuffle as you'll be walking all other the aliens.

    There shouldn't be a research order, as it should be based on maps and team skill/performance. However mines is always a must either to defend back rest, main or preferably forward positions. Before they get bile (often around 6-10 mins depending on commander and alien rese order) or higher life form, mines can really help defend a position from a swarm of skulks until reinforcement arrives. Grenades help kill group of skulks that are rushing or to take key positions. Pg allow enforcement and support of key position.

    For those reasons mines, grenade (not always as best rush the pg) then pg should be the best starting research. If the team skill is balanced and you have no pg so cannot reinforce a place quick enough you will be overwhelmed fast. Early sg are nice but that's reliant on skilled team, safer option is my route.
  • KKyleKKyle Michigan Join Date: 2005-07-01 Member: 55067Members
    This is a very entertaining thread. Wooza being banned on the forum, absolutely hilarious. For anyone that doesn't know me, I'm the guy behind ns2siege. I would say i can relate to this entire scenario completely. I too ran a modded server for quite some time, which... well, everyone has their side of the story as to the details.. but the point being, an open source game where practically every detail can be modded.... having only X handful of servers, and an entire debate around what can and cannot be modded and... well... you can see it's completely hilarious and everything handled so far completely goes against the devs wishes from the gecko.

    The devs of ns2 wanted mods. They made it open sourced lua on purpose, with a easy to use map editor to implement maps on the fly like I've done and like many people have done for Wooza's servers. NS1 was built on custom content. NS2 was built for custom content but everyone has their own idea of what NS2 should be and yet no one actually does anything about it other than us few who run the modded servers with 'Original Content'.

    When CDT resumed their session from December '15 onwards, That's 80% of the reason I quit ns2siege. NS2siege broke every update. Granted, this topic is not for ns2siege, and my writings where not made to 'official and professional way' (REally im getting off topic here this topic is about wooza not siege!!)

    Anyway. That's HILARIOUS that wooza is banned. It seems to me the CDT has done far worse to this community than myself and Wooza ever have. That includes only those who contribute to these poorly themed 'Updates' which serve no content that was asked for by any player of any server - just look at the numbers.

    Im gonna rant some more, off topic or not, because this seems to be a good way to do it. The ARCADE browser section sucks.

    /Rant /End

    one more huge gut laugh at wooza being banned on these forums; and the people on these forums talking smack against his back. Wooza, in my book, can do almost anything (Aside from 'Chris Benoit') and be scotch free because of his commitment to this .. what some would call, community.

  • The_Welsh_WizardThe_Welsh_Wizard Join Date: 2013-09-10 Member: 188101Members, Reinforced - Supporter

    I've not seen any commanders intentionally sell the Aa just to stop players getting flamethrower. If that did happen I would be surprised if you didn't get ejected at that point and fast.

    I don't play on woozas, but everytime when I comm marines I build immediately the Proto and then sell the AA to prevent people from buying GLs / Flamers.
  • mockmock Germany Join Date: 2014-03-28 Member: 195015Members, NS2 Playtester
    I don't play on woozas, but everytime when I comm marines I build immediately the Proto and then sell the AA to prevent people from buying GLs / Flamers.

    Yes, I'm doing the same, especially on weekends. You can tell the weekend noobs a hundred times not to buy them. But they insist on chasing fades with jetpacks and GLs :s
  • Legend_BossLegend_Boss UK Join Date: 2014-02-27 Member: 194394Members
    I get that with less players a team soley of gl won't be great and chasing a fade with a gl/flamethrower is rather stupid. But having 6+ marine shooting gl down a hallway can pretty much take down or hold back most alien team, and I suspect it's this spam that takes down a few fades. But this can also hinder marine advancing.

    Often on the first sign of fades I get a sg if I have at least w/a 1.

    A team full of gl (mainly) and a few flamethrower that can rush into a hive room together (which is often the challenge in itself, to go together), can destroy a hive so quickly. And if it's by sneaky pg, a few beacon rushes could turn the game around.

    One thing you can rely upon on larger servers is strength in numbers (provided you can coordinate the team). I've not seen a full team (20 players) with gl, but I'm sure two rows of them, first half crouched, back row standing, and thwm just spamming gl, can pretty much take anything down together. Saying that, that situation even with side weapon will be leathel

  • RammlerRammler Join Date: 2013-06-18 Member: 185607Members, Reinforced - Supporter, Reinforced - Shadow
    its always better to have a sg than a flamer or gl. 20 sg marines are always superior to 20 marines full of flamers and gl. the weapon itself is more useful in every situation. i promise you: 20 marines with average skill and sg will get the hive down more efficient than flamer and gl will ever do.
  • NaliceNalice Hamsterwheel Join Date: 2016-08-11 Member: 221198Members
    Its been so quiet here... OH! Spontaneous combat event!

    Saturday 24th September 8pm GMT+1 / 12pm PDT
    Everyone welcome! Join us!
  • NaliceNalice Hamsterwheel Join Date: 2016-08-11 Member: 221198Members

    It's time for another Saturday Event! This time we play the following:

    Defense (Had a lot of updates plus map improvements recently)

    Time: 9PM CEST(Europe) / 12PM PDT(NA)
  • .trixX..trixX. Budapest Join Date: 2007-10-11 Member: 62605Members
    Frozen wrote: »
    Are something something ________ jokes back in lately? I'm gunna use that tonight see what happens
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