Cyclops disappear when loading

XRayduQXRayduQ Swiss Join Date: 2016-06-15 Member: 218611Members
Hi there, i'm curently playing one the stable version of subnautica, after the PRAWN update.

When i load a saved game, the Cyclops disappear, which is kinda problematic.
I've even made a brand new one just right now to try, then reload, and it goes away again.

Moreover, another little bug, if i'm in the Seamoth when i load, i spawn out of it, and the Seamoth spawn one the top of me, far away. Like, falling from the sky.


  • LuitjensLuitjens Join Date: 2010-07-26 Member: 73034Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow, Subnautica Playtester
    We have discovered the Cyclops disappearing issue happening when more than one cyclops were created in the world, was this the case?

    The Seamoth bug is a long standing bug and is noted, save the game outside of the Seamoth for now.. sorry about that

  • XRayduQXRayduQ Swiss Join Date: 2016-06-15 Member: 218611Members
    Thanks for the answer :)

    I'm doing this for the seamoth, so it's not a big problem.
    I have only made one cyclops :/
    I don't really mind anyway, i can still play without it :)
  • DeclarentDeclarent Join Date: 2016-08-25 Member: 221711Members
    Same bug here. Created only 1 cyclops in survival mode (no console, built normally).

    Recreated cyclops in game after the original vanished. Reloaded, also gone.

    So, looks pretty consistent.
  • WhiteyUSMCWhiteyUSMC Rockford, IL Join Date: 2016-05-17 Member: 216869Members
    edited August 2016
    I've tried two new survival games and both times the cyclops disappeared. Normal progression, only one built each game. I tried to debug spawn a new one and got the error "Could not find prefab for TechType = Cyclops" edit: figured out how to spawn in a new one. Issue still exists with built one disappearing
  • AlarethAlareth USA Join Date: 2016-08-25 Member: 221710Members
    I started a new game in stable after experiencing the Cyclops interior lighting bug in experimental only to be gifted with this issue.

    Same thing, original constructed Cyclops disappears as well as any spawned Cyclopses afterward.
  • BDelacroixBDelacroix Florida Join Date: 2016-04-08 Member: 215511Members
    Just had this happen to me. Built a cyclops last night. This afternoon reloaded and Poof. Thing is, the save game knows it exists because I get the cyclops icon on the save game list.
  • ChompachompaChompachompa Arizona Join Date: 2016-08-26 Member: 221750Members
    Hi, came to see if this was a known issue or just me. Just want to chime in that its happening to me as well. I put in a feedback in game on the issue as well but I hope this can be fixed quickly, it really slows progression to a crawl.
  • MySpoonIsTooBigMySpoonIsTooBig San Francisco Join Date: 2016-08-27 Member: 221758Members
    I've just lost the Cyclops twice today. Both times it happened after the game crashed when I took the newly made Cyclops into the Grand Reef area seeking the Moonpool fragments. After relaunching the game, I no longer possess the Cyclops, despite the fact that my saved game button in the Subnautica launch screen features the Cyclops icon. :/
  • mentarusmentarus Join Date: 2016-08-27 Member: 221777Members
    I can confirm I've come across the same bug in the PRAWN update, survival mode, had one cyclops and one seamoth, both disappeared when I reloaded, I had them both near the Aurora at the time and went onto explore inside
  • Caliban0310Caliban0310 USA Join Date: 2016-08-27 Member: 221779Members
    edited August 2016
    I've had the cyclops bug as well; only one was built and disappeared upon reloading the game. I consoled in a second one, and it disappeared on reload as well. This occurred on two separate Survival games.

    Odd thing is that this has only happened in Survival thus far. I built one in Creative and it stayed after I reloaded.
  • CybrLrdCybrLrd Join Date: 2016-08-27 Member: 221780Members
    Same issue, this is my first play though and just built the cyclops for the first time. I spawned one back in (first time I've used debug) but I'm afraid to built it out because then a lot of time and work will disappear. May take a break from Subnautica for a bit until this is fixed.
  • Caliban0310Caliban0310 USA Join Date: 2016-08-27 Member: 221779Members
    Saw another thread by Dmad_ean who solved the issue:

    I checked my save folder and saw files all the way up to slot0013, despite having only one active save game. I deleted the active save, then removed all slot folders to start from scratch. I began a new Survival game and spawned in a Cyclops, which remained after I reloaded the game. I'm gonna start a new game and make one organically, hopefully it'll stay as well.

    tldr; check your save folder and clean it up!
  • AlarethAlareth USA Join Date: 2016-08-25 Member: 221710Members
    After about the third load where I had to spawn in a replacement Cyclops it now has decided to stick around between saves.
  • nocommonsensenocommonsense Join Date: 2016-08-16 Member: 221427Members
    I also had this issue, built one like normal in survival, had a prawn suit in it too, both fully upgraded. So I used nocost debug to get back what I lost and found a work around solution so it doesn't happen again. It only seems to happen when you save inside the cyclops, so I always save outside while swimming outside the cyclops. I haven't had any issues since.
  • MarutMarut nonya-buzniz Join Date: 2015-09-10 Member: 207866Members
    I also had this issue, built one like normal in survival, had a prawn suit in it too, both fully upgraded. So I used nocost debug to get back what I lost and found a work around solution so it doesn't happen again. It only seems to happen when you save inside the cyclops, so I always save outside while swimming outside the cyclops. I haven't had any issues since.

    Personally I just saved *near* my cyclops, and it didn't load either. So I think I'll just wait until they bring in a fix for it.
  • MischiefSCMischiefSC Join Date: 2016-08-28 Member: 221802Members
    I had the issue repeatedly. I ran into someone complaining about the seaglide in another thread so I took it out of the storage inventory, dropped it and put it back and then tried to build and keep a cyclops again. It worked.

    Now if that was just coincidence or not I don't know. However otherwise the cyclops ceased to be after reloading.
  • AsadorAsador Join Date: 2016-08-30 Member: 221879Members
    same issue, i went for a trip on the seamoth and cyclope was gone without any signal of it
  • JolianJolian Join Date: 2007-05-23 Member: 60995Members, Constellation
    Sigh. 10 hours getting a cyclops and a seamoth... all disappears when I load in the game.

    I think I'm just going to have to quit playing this until it's released.
  • Harry82Harry82 France Join Date: 2016-08-23 Member: 221617Members
    Pretty much the same as everyone else...

    - PRAWN Suit stable build August 2016
    - Survival Mode/No Console use
    - Seamoth was docked at home base in Moonpool
    - First trip out mining with Cyclops/Exo Suit
    - Saved game while outside Cyclops but inside Exo Suit
    - Cyclops gone on reload although everything else remained, Exo Suit, Seamoth etc etc and I was still inside the Exo Suit.
    - Reloaded, still no Cyclops, spawn a new one, nocosted in everything to recreate from my memory, saved, reloaded, gone again.
    - Gave up.

    * Not sure if I had saved/loaded previously with Exo Suit AND the Cyclops in existence, or this was the first attempt to reload after building the two. (Cyclops was working fine for saves/loads before Exo Suit, dunno if the fact the Exo Suit existed caused the Cyclops to despawn).
    * Seaglide was always in personal inventory.
    * Things built inside Cyclops were; 5 lockers (with various minerals and gear), 1 fabricator, 1 chair, 2 pot plants, 1 internal grow bed.
    * Everything was OK and I had recently started mining with the Exo Suit and then storing the minerals inside the Cyclops.
    * I think I was somewhere west of Aurora, near Blood Kelp zone at about 400m depth.

    Silly me didn't make a savegame backup, its now deleted... Too bad, one helluva bug considering how smooth things have been so far! Awesome work!

    Oh yeah, Marble Melons are waaaayyyy too OP!
  • Harry82Harry82 France Join Date: 2016-08-23 Member: 221617Members
    edited August 2016
    And another thing, the Cyclops blueprint was still showing 2/3 in the PDA even though I had it researched and built already. This didn't seem to affect the save however as it persisted through several save/load cycles BEFORE the Exo Suit was built, so maybe this has something to do with it.

    The building of the Exo Suit causes a minor glitch to become major, making the game recognise its error of 2/3 fragments researched to actually be true, therefore despawning what shouldn't exist?

    Someone forgot to carry the 1! ;)
  • TheElfTheElf Deep blue Sea Join Date: 2016-05-07 Member: 216483Members
    happened to me too.

    New save, PRAWN update. 10 hours played on survival/no console. Saved game, came back form dinner, reloaded, Cyclops gone with docked PRAWN inside. Save game shows Seamoth and Cyclops icons still. No amount of reloading helps...

    Hmm, a thought...I might verify that game files through steam? MAybe that will knock something loose in the code?
  • pantheranoirpantheranoir Join Date: 2016-08-31 Member: 221917Members
    Same here very frustrated loaded game to find my first ever cyclops was gone, and after all the hard work and getting power cells extra made for it everything I have on there is also gone. This after the newest updates, also checked my drivers and verified files too.
  • YummyBearXXYummyBearXX Truckee, Ca Join Date: 2016-08-31 Member: 221920Members
    I just had my cyclops disappear after reloading. I guess it auto saved after I personalized it and when I reloaded the game, it and everything on it including my seamoth disappeared. Tried to hit F8 to report it but it said I didn't have an internet connect which I do. Btw I only had one cyclops, but two seamoths because the other one disappeared but it still shows a blip of it existing.
  • TheElfTheElf Deep blue Sea Join Date: 2016-05-07 Member: 216483Members
    I verified the game Cache through the steam interface, and the Cyclops didn't magically reappear.

    I am now trying to find cyclops fragments to possibly complete the 2/3 Cyclops status in my R&D. Unfortunately I THINK this would be done by collecting hull fragments, and I just picked one up and it just gave me 2 titanium, so I might be stuck.

    I'd hate to go through another couple hours of Cyclops gathering, build it, and only find missing the next time I reload... : (
  • NozzloNozzlo Norway, Stavanger Join Date: 2016-08-25 Member: 221696Members
    edited September 2016
    I might have found the issue, or at least how to fix it.

    Thanks to Dmad_ean (, I went to the save folder and basically deleted all save files (except for options.bin. Save folder is located under Steam/steamapps/common/subnautica/SNAappdata/savedGames).

    Then I renamed my old save, 36618 version freemode (I relocated the ones I wanted to save from deleting elsewhere) to slot0000 .

    So in that folder, only slot0000 and options.bin are present. (This save was previously named slot0002)

    Since the save shows there is a cyclop, but it have already been bugged away I used command SUB CYCLOPS, saved the game when it was spawned, restarted and it is still there.

    I also tried to save outside of any structure (base, seamoth, cyclops or P.R.A.W.N) but also inside the base. Both times, the cyclops were present.

    So it might be something with save "0000" if that's another version than 36618 causing this error. Or the fact there are saves that are non-compatible with current.

    Here in the spoiler, I've made a "how to" for all users who are not 100% sure how to reproduce these steps.
    1. Open your steam folder
    2. Go to the save folder via these steps: Steam/steamapps/common/subnautica/SNAppdata/SavedGames
    3. Cut all "slotXXXX"-folders (mark and ctrl-x) and move them one folder up, to SNAppdata). Now there should be only a white icon left, named options.bin in the savedgames-folder.
    4. Go back to SNAppdata, and open every SlotXXXX, sort the files after date (inside the slotXXXX-folder) and find out which save is the newest. To ensure you pick the right one, load the saved game you had this issue on, save and shut down. The "Date modified" should now be the same as the current time on your computer in the right slotXXXX-folder.
    5. Mark that folder (for example slot0005) and cut/copy it back into the SavedGames-folder.
    6. Rename it slot0000. Now you should have 2 files there. slot0000 and options.bin
    7. The save won't have the cyclops present even if the icon shows it should be. But since the game is Early development build, I'd say it's fully authorized to use commands to fix this issue.

    1. While in game, press f3 and f8.
    2. On the left side, there should be a grey box with some information. On the top left side there is a checkbox and "Disable console". Since you have f8 active, you can use your cursor. Make sure the checkbox is unchecked. But to be sure, check it and uncheck it once.
    3. Now, press Enter to get a chat box, and you can type in the commands.

    For a new cyclops, use (Capital letters only, Important!) SUB CYCLOPS. It will spawn ~20 meters in front of you so make sure you have space there.

    If you lost modules, upgrades or seamoth/PRAWN, please read THIS page for all item codes you need. Just remember, Capital letters only.

    Hope this helps you guys.
  • SkidmarkSkidmark Join Date: 2016-08-22 Member: 221584Members
    Won't help for the players using x box 1.
  • NozzloNozzlo Norway, Stavanger Join Date: 2016-08-25 Member: 221696Members
    Skidmark wrote: »
    Won't help for the players using x box 1.

    Help for xbox users are: Shut it down, get a pc, problem fixed. :wink:
    Joke aside, you have no way of getting into the save folder on an xbox?
  • FireFoxFireFox Join Date: 2004-05-28 Member: 28974Members
    edited September 2016
    Finally built a cyclops that took me hours to unlock, which I spent another 2 or 3 hours modifying with planters, lockers, fabricators, chargers. Made it look like the Great Fox, put my Prawn suit in it, was getting ready to explore Reaper territory. Got tired of the awful "medkit ready" noise loop, saved at the hull, went to reload the game. Cyclops and PRAWN suit gone.

    I only had one Cyclops, one Seamoth, and one PRAWN. I didn't have any additional saves in the folder besides slot0000.

    All of the "fixes" involve respawning everything you lost. Is respawning it going to put all my appliances back where I had them, or reload my customizations for it?

    That's rhetorical, of course it won't.

  • RainstormRainstorm Montreal (Quebec) Join Date: 2015-12-15 Member: 210003Members
    edited September 2016
    Hopefully a Dev will chime in eventually and tell us if they've ID'ed the problem and working on a solution. For now it seems we'll have to wait to make a cyclops as it keeps dissapearing, no matter which version of the game you play.

    Interesting fact, if i try to spawn one using the console command SPAWN CYCLOPS , it tells me that it cannot find the Prefab for TechType = cyclops even tho i have it unlocked in my blueprint list. I can also make one using the Mobile Vehicle Bay, its just that when i save, exit game then reload that save the Cyclops is gone .... everytime. Also, on the blueprint page, it says cyclops is 2/3 (66%) unlocked which seems messed up to me since i have found all parts for it .....
  • Alex_INFERNOAlex_INFERNO Russia, Moscow Join Date: 2016-03-09 Member: 214036Members
    edited September 2016
    All what i understand - This bug NOT connected with PRAWN update. Its happen with me before this update.. so i've stop to playing long time ago and waiting when some fix will 'born'.. (i'm not playing 1 month) its happen 15 of august after my post here:

    maybe the data of my post about this bug can help Devs to find a reason (its happen after 8-10th of august update)..
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