A Handy List for Build 36618
Habitat Join Date: 2016-05-26 Member: 217559Members

Glitches I've encountered in build 36618 with a fresh save:
- That ghost wreck that appears about in the center of the map. It looks different each load. Sometimes it's not there, sometime only the "roof" and some chairs, sometimes all the interior, sometimes a combination of the latter two, etc. Also as of half an hour ago, my Cyclops transported there up in the sky with absolutely nothing about that situation being caused by la moi.
- The knife despawns upon reload if I have it assigned to a slot. It is secure if I only have it in my inventory or stored away. It also no longer displays its percentage when equipped. I can only keep track of this in the inventory. Meanwhile, the bug of used-up knives reappearing after reload remains.
- I no longer dare to save in my seamoth because there is a high chance that upon reload the seamoth spawns near the surface of the water (seems to happen more in the Kelp Forest?), while the character spawns where they were when the save was made.
- The wrecks seem to have lost their "memory". I only have to leave their general area for a little bit and any damaged doors I've opened with the laser cutter are whole again and require me to do the whole thing over. (The wreck just South-East of the Northern Mushroom Forest appears to have a skin problem too. The walls don't look as they are supposed to.) Any claw arms and PRAWN suits I find keep reappearing once I've left the wrecks' general area. Meanwhile, the other arm types spawn multiple times in the same spot. Each drill arm actually are six, each grapple arm actually are two, and each propulsion arm are four or so. This is a problem when scanning because it keeps switching between them, making scan time longer the more there are in one spot and in general makes it look like the scan is not working.
- The PRAWN suit in the Aurora farthest away from the stairs strikes me as unscannable.
- This might be intentional, but I can move only very slowly inside the Aurora. Like, I rush out of the water and, BAM, very unnatural and unfun snail's pace (sprinting makes it manageable, but still not fun). I would expect to have the same speed in the Aurora as I have within my base and on the Mountain Island.
- Minor thing, but in light of the PRAWN addition, the modification station still says "seamoth upgrades" when "vehicle upgrades" would be more consistent. There's also no orange icon on the save file in the main menu to indicate its acquisition.
- Whenever a crashfish leaves behind an egg, the crashfish is "teleported" behind me, as if it tried to charge but the game simplified the procedure. Crashfish that don't leave behind eggs come at me normally.
- Another minor one, possibly intentional, but I noticed spore sacks don't rot.
- The glass portion of the lab equipment collectibles no longer is visible after placing them down. I do play on lowest visual settings, but before I could see the glass bits.
- I've had once or twice that the PRAWN cover didn't close after exiting in the moon pool. It's no biggie, but it happens.
- I have no problem with the fabrication time for titanium ingots and plasteel ingots, but I do dislike that the fabricator kicks me out once they're completed. No other recipe does that.
- In the Jellyshroom Caves' base, I think there's supposed to be two desks for the PDA and starfish to lie on, but while I can see those, I can't see the desks.
- I wrote before about not being able to scan table coral and shell plates/coral tubes. I figured out where the problem is located. I can scan those two corals as items, when I've harvested them and then drop them, but not as decoration.
- A good portion of the "roof" miniwrecks and their contents no longer connect to the ground, but mostly float at a height coinciding with the highest connection point with the ground. At least one "roof" miniwreck, however, is half buried and so is one of its containers. Without digging, I can no longer reach that container's contents.
- When building a habitat and leaving a component unfinished, upon reload that component turns invisible. It is still there and can be finished into a visible component, but you have to know it is there.
- The narrow bed is unusable. The regular beds work just fine.