It would be nice if the player had a head

moudercaimoudercai Brazil Join Date: 2016-04-06 Member: 215432Members
And that bug your vision if you look up and swim down, you will see within yourself!


  • Funsauce32Funsauce32 Canada Join Date: 2016-06-09 Member: 218339Members
    he does have a head. when you look down, thats your whole head moving. when you use freecam, your head is flying around. the only way to see your head is with a scanner room drone.
  • EnglishInfidelEnglishInfidel Canada Join Date: 2016-07-04 Member: 219533Members
    I think he knows that, he just wants the clipping issues resolved so we don't see the edges of our own suit when we look down.
  • EnglishInfidelEnglishInfidel Canada Join Date: 2016-07-04 Member: 219533Members
    +1 for the art.

    He's right though.
  • BENSKIBENSKI Join Date: 2016-08-07 Member: 221063Members
    Does anyone know whether this clipping still occurs when playing using the Oculus or other VR ...
    ... or is VR already calibrated to take forward head movement into account?
  • Calarand77Calarand77 lurking in general forums Join Date: 2016-01-22 Member: 211786Members
    I'd surely love to have a head when I'm playing! Especially that the player character is quite a handsome guy (and no, it doesn't matter that I can't see the face 99% of the time, I just want to know that it actually IS there). Plus, it's freaking me out when I use freecam to take screenshots and suddenly WHAM! - the headless horseman underwater....


    Similarly, I'd love for the camera to get fixed, just as Benski pointed out. Subnautica has stupidly low default FOV, I think it's around 50. Personally, I find it very tiring after a couple of hours in the game, so I always change it to 80 or even 90 when I'm out swimming in the ocean. It would be amazing to not have to see my character's chopped off neck all the time...

  • Darwin-EvolutionDarwin-Evolution France Join Date: 2015-06-07 Member: 205310Members
    Maybe you aren't what you think you really are...
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