Can not find lab.

ToothlessToothless Uderwater Join Date: 2016-07-10 Member: 220019Members
I looked at the wiki and it says or looks like it is saying that the door to the lab is inside the prawn bay, but I find nothing but the living quarters door. Another problem is there is a sealed door behind a entrance with loose electrical wire and no pda to give the password.

Could somebody help, I feel like throwing my pc out the door with frustration.


  • DrownedOutDrownedOut Habitat Join Date: 2016-05-26 Member: 217559Members
    edited September 2016
    The easiest route to the lab by far is to get yourself a propulsion cannon and get to the most Northern part of the "beach" of the Aurora. Basically, stick to the hull on your right when you enter the bay with the Seamoth. Once you get onto the "beach", you should see a floodlight and behind/besides that a door. Clear the debris with the propulsion cannon, get the fire extinguisher, put out the fire, and jump in the water. You're now in the lab.

    The other route is in the PRAWN bay, but it's in the water. You have to dive and, well, follow the directions the Wiki gives. Just search around in the water and eventually you should hit a hull side with a long hallway to your left. Follow it to the laboratory.

    That one door in the living quarters is currently inaccessible to my understanding. There's no code for it to be found.
  • ToothlessToothless Uderwater Join Date: 2016-07-10 Member: 220019Members
    Thanks, I went into the wreck without a propulsion cannon so I will have to dive then. Up to now I tried under the water as the wiki state but finds nothing, will have to just dive back. Getting out of the wreck seams to be another problem.
  • MiralityMirality New Zealand Join Date: 2016-08-05 Member: 221004Members
    edited September 2016
    With the entrance to the PRAWN bay
    on your right and the living quarters in front of you, the path is in the front-right part of the water area
    . It's quite well hidden from this side if you haven't found it by coming from the other side.
  • ToothlessToothless Uderwater Join Date: 2016-07-10 Member: 220019Members
    My problem was I was looking for a door opening and not a hidden hole. Now having been every where and finding everything I will have to drown myself to get out...
  • MiralityMirality New Zealand Join Date: 2016-08-05 Member: 221004Members
    Or you could just walk out.
  • RichieCRichieC Mars Join Date: 2016-07-14 Member: 220235Members
    You don't need a propulsion cannon to get in. I explored the entire ship (minus a few rooms I didn't have the codes for) without one. I was waiting until I found the blueprints before exploring, but decided to go there to open a few crates. I went down a corridor to find it partially blocked off with a pile of junk, but managed to double jump and squeeze through the gap.
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