New player - excellent computer has changing performance
Join Date: 2016-09-17 Member: 222373Members

I think I need some guidance here. I've spent the last couple hours combing the internet about what's happening and I've found nothing helpful or useful-to-date. I have an Intel 4760 which runs at 4.4 GHz and bumps up to 4.8 GHz under high load. I also have 16 meg of high speed RAM, and 2 Nvidia FTW 970's in SLI mode.
This is one of the poorest performing games I have. I'm running "recommended" setting with "medium" water which still causes a lot of lag spikes, jinks, stalls frame crashes. I tried running highest setting with best water to see how it did and it was so jinky it got hard to even catch the slowest fish. The lowest setting looks horrrible and is not an option for such a beautiful game.
The problem here is there are almost no graphics options for us to select to fine tune the performance ourselves. I'm wondering, does the game perform this way for everyone, or are there some major tweaks I can do in some ini files? I'm not afraid to do sone tinkering.
This is one of the poorest performing games I have. I'm running "recommended" setting with "medium" water which still causes a lot of lag spikes, jinks, stalls frame crashes. I tried running highest setting with best water to see how it did and it was so jinky it got hard to even catch the slowest fish. The lowest setting looks horrrible and is not an option for such a beautiful game.
The problem here is there are almost no graphics options for us to select to fine tune the performance ourselves. I'm wondering, does the game perform this way for everyone, or are there some major tweaks I can do in some ini files? I'm not afraid to do sone tinkering.
Currently, the game's in the process of removing terraforming, which when done should improve game performance.
Good luck.
You have some additional Graphic Options on the Console Menu, i think you have to be Ingame for that, and it doesn´t work in the Main Menu.
Press F3 and it opens. By Pressing then F8 you can move your Mouse Cursor.
You can try to set the Texture Quality to 2 or 3 there (don´t worry when the Game not Response after Switch, a Switch in Texture Quality my take up to some Minutes on some Computers, depending on overal System.
(even Texture Quality 3 has almost maximum Anti Alaising and such stuff by default enabled, that you can´t disable at the moment) .
Thats why high Resolution with high Texture Quality get hit very much in performance too, and the next point is the not final optimised Game, but it is looking great at least.
There are some other Options more: Try to lower the Draw Distance für LOD or Shader Quality.
Even Shadow Quality can switched down there
To get out of the Menu, simple push F8 and F3 again.
You don't have any stutter at all? Or some nascent jitteriness when you swim into a new biome? Would you mind posting your system specs?
@AdmiralPain - do those settings save between game sessions? Or do you have to set the changes every time you boot the game?
Thanks for the help all.
when subnautica is running try to open your gpu control panel and double check that SN is using the correct gpu if applicable.
the game is being largely optimized still as mentioned above with the terrain so even so you should notice "pop in" but something else seems odd about that to me, my gtx870m (laptop) was even able to keep a stable 30+-50 fps at all times on recommended, my 1070 + I7 is getting around 90-120fps
*edit* also worth mentioning have you constructed a base in your current save? seems like bases are to an extent always rendered meaning the more you've built, the lower your fps will be
I can start a brand new save file and gain a net average of +10-15 fps sometimes
Intrepid - I haven't gotten far enough in the game to build a base yet. So I guess thighs will get even worse when I do that?
Game running smooth and dandy in both saves (have one survivor mode and one in create to experiment with base, which is rather large!!
Your CPU is more than good enough enough, so it's likely your framerate is limited by the speed of IO on your HardDrive. Is the game installed to a SSD or a traditional HardDrive? Right now, our terrain is not optimized so fast IO storage (such as a SSD) really helps (until we can remove terrain deformation and improve the speed).
Also make sure your Motherboard & latest Nvidia drivers are installed. I've seen a number of occasions where old motherboard or old Intel Inf drivers have caused performance problems for some people on High-Powered systems.
I'm sorry but this is a ridiculous suggestion. All Geforce Experience does is set in game settings to appropriate levels according to a database of info regarding your hardware and how it should handle said settings. It doesn't actually optimize anything. It's useless to anyone who understands image quality settings and enjoys manually tweaking. Besides, it often fails miserably.
The OP more than likely needs to adjust settings or needs to reinstall his GPU driver or something ( and I have a hunch it's some sort of PEBKAC as it didn't occur to him that SLI isn't supported and may actually be causing his issue....)but Geforce Experience....ugh.
Staggering still happens, but what can you do about that?
Now that I've built a medium sized base, things are much worse frame rate wise. When I'm in the vicinity of the base my fram rate is 20 with hitching. Do you experience the same thing?
I have the same issue. My save file is going on 4 days and I am sitting at 15fps. All my drivers are up to date and I cant think of anything further I can do. I tried placing this game on a ramdisk as well and there was no performance increase beyond initial loading time; FPS stayed abysmal. Any idea when this game is going to be optimized? it's nearly impossible to play at this point.
i5 6600k
16GB ram
Samsung 950 Pro m.2. SSD
R9 390
I'm running a modest (newly built) system - Win10, Core i7 Skylake at native 4Ghz, 16G ram and a GTX-960 vid card. Game is also installed on SSD - dunno if that helps... I see the pop-in and distant objects - but can't say I really notice any degraded FPS...
As an experiment I started a new game and it was as smooth as glass. So guess we will just have to wait for updates.
Intel Core i5-4460 CPU@ 3.20 GHz (x4) 64-bit;
Plus a Nvidia GeForce GT-720 video card with 1024 Mb of memory.
Other than a bit of distance pop-ins, not really having any trouble playing the game.
My base has got about 28 pieces to it, plus all three submersibles.
What settings are you using in-game? If you're using max then there is something very wrong with how this performs for some of us as my system specs are much better than yours.
Anyways, specs:
PCPartPicker part list
CPU: Intel Core i5-6500 3.2GHz Quad-Core Processor
CPU Cooler: Silverstone TD03-E 92.5 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler
Motherboard: MSI Z170M Mortar Micro ATX LGA1151 Motherboard
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-3200 Memory
Storage: Samsung 850 EVO-Series 250GB 2.5" Solid State Drive
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Green 2TB 3.5" 5400RPM Internal Hard Drive
Video Card: Gigabyte Radeon R9 280X 3GB WINDFORCE Video Card -- it's dead, Jim.
Power Supply: EVGA SuperNOVA NEX 650W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-10-11 09:23 EDT-0400
So those of us with... I'm guess 8+ GB of RAM (maybe even less, but I'd say not below 4-6GB) should be able to see a huge performance benefit from this, if the cause of the lag is HD I/O.
Imma try it out now, and see how it goes.
EDIT: Whatttt it costs money.
EDIT2: I have a list of RAM Drives here, some are free, but they aren't optimized for Steam, you'd have to be very careful to create a Steam library there, move the game, play it, move it back, delete the Steam library... sounds like a pain in the neck.
EDIT3: Use this guide below (includes a tool) in combination with whatever RAM disk is rated best from the raymond link (EDIT: looks like SoftPerfect)
And for the love of Pete back up your game every time...
EDIT4: A way to work around having to do this would be to move the files causing the I/O overhead lag into a backup directory, then copy them to the ram drive, then create a symbolic link to them using mklink (you can use mklink /d for entire directories).
However, be sure that you keep non-ramdrive versions of:
screenshot.jpg (this is the thumbnail you see when loading your game, may not really be necessary, but I don't know)
Apologies to all I've confused, but hopefully someone can get some benefit from this information.
Resolution: 1920x1080 (my Toshiba 55" LED TV)
Quality: Highest
Water Quality: High
(not using Vsync)
Also, don't have a SSDrive.
Question... How do I see my FPS while in game?
OK, so it says I'm getting 19 to 24 FPS while playing the game, but I don't notice any choppiness and I'm not having any difficulty doing anything.
Like I said above, the only thing I see is when moving in the Seamoth at speed, the background tends to pop in but it's not distracting.