Lots of things out there we cant acces!

omegatauromegataur Spain Join Date: 2016-01-28 Member: 212240Members
So... there are several locked cargo boxes... i'd wish to open them maybe with the Laser Cutter... also the machines like the coffee one... what are they for?
also those black bags... well... there a lot of things who dont have any use... i'd like more interaction with those things
so... more crafting recipes yet...


  • RezcaRezca United States Join Date: 2016-04-28 Member: 216078Members
    omegataur wrote: »
    So... there are several locked cargo boxes... i'd wish to open them maybe with the Laser Cutter... also the machines like the coffee one... what are they for?
    also those black bags... well... there a lot of things who dont have any use... i'd like more interaction with those things
    so... more crafting recipes yet...

    The coffee machine and grey bags are placeable items for decorating your seabase and/or cyclops. They don't have any use and are just for making your home look more.... Like a home :)

    As for the tons of cargo boxes.... There was a trello card that mentioned drilling things like that for extra titanium, so there could be that in the future perhaps. As an off-note, earlier when I was on the XboxOne version (Before the Prawn Update) they had things like "Cargo Crate" and "Monitor" (the ones that say 'No Signal' in wrecks) in the Blueprints section, which made me wonder if we'd get things like that to further decorate our bases......
  • omegatauromegataur Spain Join Date: 2016-01-28 Member: 212240Members
    thank you for your asnwer! but... i want to drink some coffe in my observatory at dawn before diving into nowhere... also... that vendor machine has food inside and i cant kick it... so... frustrating... and the black bag... i was hoping there was something inside like some sort of equipment of the aurora crew... well i guess we have to wait some more to do more and more and more things
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