(Xbox) Creatures And Minerals NOT Spawning
Join Date: 2016-09-25 Member: 222609Members

I play Subnautica on my Xbox and have found a infuriating Bug.
Example--- Lets say I am at the Spawning Location after I load into the game. I look around there are fish Salvage plants rocks that drop Copper, Titanium, Lead. I need Lithium. so I go to the small Island North, North east to go grab some. I go over there and there is nothing there. The island is there the plants are there but no rocks to smash no lithium no fish big, small or other.
If I save on that spot, leave and reload its the same. BUT if I reset my Xbox Things will be where they should when they should. However now if I go back to my base at spawn I would have the same issue. No fish no rocks no salvage just the land and the plants. No Creatures Or Minerals.
I would like to know how to fix this, and if not how to fix it if the next Patch will.
Example--- Lets say I am at the Spawning Location after I load into the game. I look around there are fish Salvage plants rocks that drop Copper, Titanium, Lead. I need Lithium. so I go to the small Island North, North east to go grab some. I go over there and there is nothing there. The island is there the plants are there but no rocks to smash no lithium no fish big, small or other.
If I save on that spot, leave and reload its the same. BUT if I reset my Xbox Things will be where they should when they should. However now if I go back to my base at spawn I would have the same issue. No fish no rocks no salvage just the land and the plants. No Creatures Or Minerals.
I would like to know how to fix this, and if not how to fix it if the next Patch will.
Now launch it again and it will be fine again.
The important part is that the Subnautica application is closed entirely and launched anew before you load your game.
I've got my fish and minerals back!
And for all I know (dexter397) is that in the biome you're in doesn't contain fragments but then again i'm not 100% certain.
I wish I help but i'm not that experienced.
I dont know, i never had the free trial, but the graphics have been pretty good in my experience
The thing I don't understand is if it's simply the lack of a respawn code why do things that I've seen but don't yet interact with i.e blueprints and minerals dissapear enmass? How can I exhaust something I haven't yet touched? I bought this game the DAY it came to XBOX and dumped countless hours into it the first few months and this never once happened to me. Are they trying something new and why would they remove a respawn code in a survival game let alone create one without it?
Okay, your tone is completely unnecessary. You need to hop off the fanboy trailer for a second, set your emotions aside and realize that my questions weren't meant in a sarcastic or insulting manner. I genuinely wanted to know if anything had changed since SN's XBOX release because as I'd stated above, I NEVER encountered this particular issue at that time. I was not , in any way shape or form , impugning the integrity of UnknownWorlds and it's staff. On the contrary if I didn't love the game and it's potential I wouldn't have gone through the TIRELESS measures that I had to try to play the game despite the bug or "lack of a respawn code" in question. The very point of these forums are to gather information and advise the community AND developers of any present and imposing issues and I am a firm believer that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Judging by ScarletBladez admission directly after your own, I'm not the only one who was very disheartened by this developement, whatever the cause might actually be. Whatever the case, thank you for your reply no matter how utterly useless it may have been.