Minor suggestion - Delay the Aurora explosion sound effects

Harry82Harry82 France Join Date: 2016-08-23 Member: 221617Members
Ever watched tennis from far away? Or someone chopping wood 30m away? Even then there's an obvious delay before you hear the sound waves. Speed of light vs sound...simple.

Not sure about anyone else but I'm usually at the starting lifepod when the Aurora explosion happens, or at least nearby, so maybe that's like 1km??

Anyway, that is still a fraction under 3 seconds of delay (about 350m a second) at that distance so it's a bit weird to hear it instantly, then see this big shockwave (which is cool btw) rip through...

Just struck me the last new game I started that although a minor adjustment, imho, adds a lot to immersion.

Buuuuut, you guys have probably got better things to do!


  • SLAY1NGgam3sSLAY1NGgam3s 27 Conifer St, Alderley Join Date: 2016-09-26 Member: 222615Members
    No I think thats a great idea! Thats actually been happening to me in my new world but I didn't want to restart cause I already had some good stuff and then the explosion happened and I was like "Da freak just happened?!,"...
  • ArtoriusArtorius Indiana USA Join Date: 2016-09-02 Member: 221998Members
    I agree. I always figure an explosion begins much much faster than sound, so the shockwave should carry the sound. When you get hit by the wave, the sound smacks you. Granted, in a certain distance the sound will outrun the quickly slowing shockwave.
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