Snap Option for object placement

MrMarblzMrMarblz Join Date: 2016-09-27 Member: 222635Members
edited September 2016 in Ideas and Suggestions
I am OCD, especially about symmetry. I take way too much time about evenly placing lockers, machines, etc in bases. For example, placing 4 lockers in a diamond shape at the center of a multipurpose room. I also like to place the maximum amount of lockers on one section of a wall and vertically stack power cell chargers. If I notice its at all off, unequally spaced from each other/doorways/the wall, anything, I start completely over.

I would greatly appreciate an object snap checkbox in the options menu! I understand it would be more complicated than most would realize, but it would allow a lot of players like me to spend less time trying to make things perfect and more time actually playing the game.


EvilSmoo gave a good recommendation to give specific snapping ideas. Some snaps I had in mind are as follows:
  • Floor placed objects to snap against walls
  • Along the floor - center of wall, halves, thirds, and possibly even quarters (to allow 3 lockers - widest object, excluding decorative objects like the bench - evenly)
  • On the wall - center, halves, thirds, and possibly quarters again (horizontally and vertically)
  • Center of the room with 45 degree object rotation increments
  • Center of the room in quadrants & 45 degree object rotation increments, with a tight radius (dependent upon the object width) to allow players to still walk around the objects. This radius could be smartly adjusted based on a previous object's width placed in the room's center quadrant.
There are fewer available options with corridors, but the above gives a good impression on what I have in mind. Like I said, a checkbox in the options to turn this on and off could allow subtle placement if you do not want snap. But object snap would generally save a lot of time.



  • TigerTankSniperTigerTankSniper Join Date: 2016-01-20 Member: 211735Members
  • EvilSmooEvilSmoo Join Date: 2008-02-16 Member: 63662Members
    MrMarblz wrote: »
    I am OCD, especially about symmetry. I take way too much time about evenly placing lockers, machines, etc in bases. For example, placing 4 lockers in a diamond shape at the center of a multipurpose room. I also like to place the maximum amount of lockers on one section of a wall and vertically stack power cell chargers. If I notice its at all off, unequally spaced from each other/doorways/the wall, anything, I start completely over.

    I would greatly appreciate an object snap checkbox in the options menu! I understand it would be more complicated than most would realize, but it would allow a lot of players like me to spend less time trying to make things perfect and more time actually playing the game.

    Define specifically how you would like everything to snap- every possible location and pattern. Do this for every possible configuration and object that you can place inside a base. And this has to be acceptable for every single person.

    ...If that seems like a lot of work, please note that it is exactly what you want the devs to do.
  • stevenwojostevenwojo Texas, USA Join Date: 2016-09-11 Member: 222252Members
    edited September 2016
    It would be much less useful, but also much less work if objects could snap together. When placing a second locker next to one already placed, it could snap to the original locker, lining up with it. It would be nice if you could then pick both up as a unit and realign them against a wall together. Given the choice, I'd opt for what was mentioned above, but the option I'm proposing would be a decent compromise, easier to code but still acceptable for those of us who like things just so.

    Failing either suggestion, maybe a way to have greater control when placing an object. Rather than just having the mouse to place an object, allow the use of arrow keys, much like when fine tuning the position of a window, within the Windows OS.
  • ArtoriusArtorius Indiana USA Join Date: 2016-09-02 Member: 221998Members
    please please please please yes.
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