A little off-topic, but still about mapping...

ArchoniusArchonius Join Date: 2002-03-09 Member: 291Members
<div class="IPBDescription">A little about sounds....</div>I'm making a map for Sven Co-Op, and I have reached a dilemma.  I need a voice to read a sentence.  The voice in the valve folder sounds all robotic and fake, and I need something a little more realistic.  

Here's what I am hoping for:

All who read this post, if you would, please record a wav (relatively low quality, or zipped) or Mp3 of yourself saying the following paragraphs.

Sentence 1:
"Due to the lack of weapons and ammunition available, you must only choose 3 different weapons to use for this mission.  Please choose carefully, then continue to the next room for your briefing".

Sentence 2:
"Hello, and welcome to the mission.  Following this briefing, you will continue into the area itself, and begin the mission.

This mission is one based on training, and the ability to function well when being observed.  All of the enemies in the following areas have been captured from where they normally function.  Some are human, and they agreed to do this, and others (the Xen) were captured and brought here for this purpose.  This is what must be accomplished.  You must fight your way through the areas ahead until you reach the maze area, then wander through the maze itself, until you reach the finish area.  From here, you will be able to heal yourself and reload, then return, following a different path, to the location you started from.  Now that you have been exposed to this briefing, I wish you good luck.  Your mission begins... now."

I would really appreciate anyone that does this.  I will pick the voice that seems to fit it the best, and give that person credit in the map when it is released.  I will also give credit for everyone else, becuase they were just as willing as anyone else.  Thank you for your support.  Bye.


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