stevenwojo's idea: have audible effects of water pressure on hull as you dive deeper

0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
edited October 2016 in Ideas and Suggestions
stevenwojo wrote: »
While this is all cool information, which I really do find interesting, the world of subnautica has discovered anti-gravity (aka the grav sphere) and, while not affecting pressure directly, I'm sure it could somehow be used to offset the pressure of vehicles and could help explain the larger vehicles being able to go deeper, as they can put forth more power towards offsetting the pressure.

All that being said, I'd love to have the upgrades be permanent and visual, like you mentioned above. And as to pressure, it would be cool if they added the pings, creeks and pops of the pressure interacting with the hull as one goes deeper and passes through thermal layers.

Credit: @stevenwojo
emphasis mine
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