How do I get to the lava zones and lost river

TyderfTyderf Join Date: 2015-12-31 Member: 210696Members
How do I get to the lost river and lava zones


  • subnauticambriansubnauticambrian U.S. Join Date: 2016-01-19 Member: 211679Members
    Check out this guide. Either of the bloodkelp zones allow access, I think. Another thing you could do is circle around the edge of the ILZ (accessible just underneath the blown up front of the Aurora) until you find the entrance to the LR- you'll come up in the tree cove if you go that way.
  • TenebrousNovaTenebrousNova England Join Date: 2015-12-23 Member: 210206Members
    The second blood kelp zone is my preferred way into the lost river. Once you're in there, you can also access the lava zones through the cove tree's chamber.
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