Underwater Drones/Robots

kubazet99kubazet99 Czech Republic Join Date: 2016-08-17 Member: 221450Members
So i get idea about robots and drones:
-Robotics defenders:They will eqiped with repulsion canon(or torpedos,might a stasis rifle) and will(they try) defend you from threats like stalkers and sandsharks.But they must have some smaller radius and have limited batery,they might have some system of hullpoints and after being atacked too much they be destroyed.They are two ways how can be relased:From invertory (like MVB),or from Scaner room(This scaner room will theyr recharging and healing base) from Scaner room they are activating and crafted in local fabricator.
-Enchanced Drone:Lika scaner room drone,but with ability to pick up resources and scaning.Of course they will have very small invertory and be limited by scaner room range.
-Bait drone:This drone after relasing will atached atempt of all predators and make clear way to player,this drone will be active for short time and after this will be destroyed by predators(One time use drone),but must be enough time for player swim.
-Mobile scanner drone:This drone will be relased from player invertory and his ability will be use sonar and show this on players HUD.This drone will be fast run out of battery.

+Bonus:I think can be ad one module for vehicle.This module will call submarines(Cyclops/Seamoth) when you use you (Buton??).If you call Cyclops and you will be in Prawn/Seamoth,cyclops will pick you to his Hangar fully atoumatics.If you will outside of your submarine,called submarine will swim to you and you can go inside easily.This Can be usefull when you are along from your Cyclops/Seamoth and you are almost run out batery,or lost visual contact(Deep Grand Reef is one big Labirint)

Recipe for all drones will be very similar,just computer chip,wiring kit,titanium and others.

I think this can be ingame,becuse we are in long future when is very advenced AI,so will not be problem to make one.


  • EvilSmooEvilSmoo Join Date: 2008-02-16 Member: 63662Members
    One fundamental problem with the whole concept: random-pathing AI is idiotic. That, and pathing in general.

    Most critters just do a random-wander (looking for targets, if appropriate), and it looks pretty intentional. Which is good. Or Sea Treaders follow preset paths.

    I do not think that anything ingame is capable of any great pathing, and the game only loads the area near the player, so having auto-driving subs probably cannot work?

    And having AI bots that can navigate any given base and any given terrain would be a large issue. A lot of people might make a base that the bots just can't handle. Unless, the repair/recharge pads are external, and the bot functions more like a turret than a patrolling entity. In which case, turrets would probably just be easier.

    Except the decoy/bait drone idea. Little bugger just zooms off with a flee function, basically the opposite of the NPC "hunt" function... That could work!
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